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Jammal Longmire....."kill them white a$$ policemen"

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+7 more 
posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:31 AM

So that is Jammal and apparently this is going viral right now. There is definitely something up in the activist community right now. I really hope they get this guy before he does something. Looks like he is actually AT the gun store in this pic....WTF?

It is actually trending on twitter right now....scary stuff and seems like it is just getting worse....a lot of action happening today that might set off some heinous crimes.

+21 more 
posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

There have always been and will always be, stupid people.

It makes no difference that it is 2015 instead of 2515 BCE.

Idiots come in all stripes, colors, heights, religions, sizes.

I only wish we could bitch-slap them legally.

+17 more 
posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Buckle up folks, it's gonna get bumpy.

These idiots calling for this BS have no idea how bad it will turn out for them.

+19 more 
posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe
I wouldn't worry too much.
He will have to figure out how to get those gun locks off first.

+9 more 
posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:35 AM
All I want to know is has he been arrested yet?

He should be, soon. And sentenced to a good long time in the slammer.

No excuses.

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

So that is Jammal and apparently this is going viral right now. There is definitely something up in the activist community right now. I really hope they get this guy before he does something. Looks like he is actually AT the gun store in this pic....WTF?

It is actually trending on twitter right now....scary stuff and seems like it is just getting worse....a lot of action happening today that might set off some heinous crimes.

This story is a few months old. Wonder wby its trending now?

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:36 AM

originally posted by: KawRider9
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Buckle up folks, it's gonna get bumpy.

These idiots calling for this BS have no idea how bad it will turn out for them.

How bad it will turn for all of us, because of a few idiots.

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

That guy is really, really...dumb.

Either way I guess if they do listen to this douche they should start with these guys:


Too soon?

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:36 AM
Oh look, it's an attention starved man.

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: kamatty

Apparently he re-posted it again.....yesterday or today at some point.

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: Vasa Croe
I wouldn't worry too much.
He will have to figure out how to get those gun locks off first.

Ha! I was thinking the same thing....trying to look all cool yet forgot about the trigger locks....

+3 more 
posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:40 AM
Not to worry.
Blacks are much better at killing each other than they are at killing cops.
Stats prove it....

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Lysergic

That is no man!

Attention starved punk is what he is.

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:42 AM
I think the people that spread these messages are just as bad. Almost half the people here didnt know that this was so called "viral". No real content, no info about it, just something to upset people. Videos, radio and media did the same things 50-70- years ago with the klan spreading their "open season" message. Thing is, they did do it.

As soon as people realize that a few people that look alike do not all think alike, we might be ok. We cannot ignore the severe police brutality and murders, but I dont see all officers this way, I think that the good cops, should be speaking out as well, to quell fears, the SAME as black people do it in protests. There will always be extremists, people should remind themselves that ALL races do, not just black people.

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Thanks, if thats the case he is really as stupid as he sounds and asking to be locked up for inciting murder.

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 11:27 AM
It surprises me that the PD/FBI/DHS are not already beating this guy's door down with a fully armed swat team...

naw... That would make the news and they would look like the bad guys provoking it.

The problem is, not only is this guy a complete nutter, but people seeing this, spreading this and agreeing with him will jump on board. The loony will recruit other mindless loonies and this will get out of hand. I expect more cop killings to take place in the next few days because of this.

Where is the outrage? Where is the store burnings? Ohhhh yeah! Normal decent folk don't do that sorta thing. What eats me up is, we're doing nothing at all!?!?

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
a reply to: Vasa Croe
I wouldn't worry too much.
He will have to figure out how to get those gun locks off first.

Plus I see no side sights. Chances may increase on the spray n pray.

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

There was a time, I suspect before Obama, that such talk got the person arrested.

I wonder where the seeds for this sort of public talk started. Oh, I know, from black rap music as much as anything.

...I wonder if Obama likes rap?

Oh, yeah. I remember now, he has hosted several rap "stars" at the White House.

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 12:01 PM
It would probably take me less than 30 seconds to find an image of some white trash guy with a KKK outfit and some guns, advocating killing black people.

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
It would probably take me less than 30 seconds to find an image of some white trash guy with a KKK outfit and some guns, advocating killing black people.

[/quot what's a white scumbag advocating killing black people have to do with this scumbag advocating the killing of police? Is that really the base of your arguments? On almost every thread like this your post is well I can find white people too. Everyone knows this, but at the moment no white person posing with guns calling to shoot cops is posted in ats
edit on 2-9-2015 by Reallyfolks because: (no reason given)

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