posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 08:44 PM
Hello! Greetings! Bonjour! Buenas dias! Gutentag! Salutations! Hi! I come in peace!
My name is Bean, as you might have surmised........And I'm new. (cue AA sound effects)
I'm mostly here because I am simply Fascinated (cue Mr. Spock) by conspiricy theory, UFO, goverment coverups, paranormal, etc. I have also seen a
UFO, which is one of the most interesting moments in my life!
maybe this is cliched or stupid, but I got onto this stuff by watching the X-files, and seeing that UFO (Mulder is Awesome with a Capital A. not to
mention Spooky). However, after deciding that that such things were interesting, I have since been reading alot. I love it.
I may not be posting a lot, but I hate to be a "lurker" I definitly will enjoy reading posts tho!
oh, and I love pen/email pals. (shameless plug for pen/email pals.
yours truly,