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Planned Parenthood Doc Caught Admitting She Can Hide Profit From Selling Aborted Babies

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posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: Swills

You missed the part where she indicated they make the accounting adjustment later?
edit on 31-8-2015 by NewzNose because: typing error

+8 more 
posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: NewzNose

What's the time stamp so I can watch it again, I wouldn't wanna miss this.

Are you talking about the first couple of minutes where she's talking about nasal swabs and she's says they'll go back later and adjust any corrections that need to be made?
edit on 31-8-2015 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

This doesn't surprise me at all. Considering some of the comments from pro-abortion people in other forums, nothing they do would surprise me anymore.

One person claimed that an unborn baby is human, but "not a person".

Many claim the unborn are property.

One called babies "biological invaders", and claimed that, if they were to be considered people, then they (the babies) should be held responsible for invading the mother, their own implantation, and thus it is justifiable to kill them. If they are innocent, then they aren't considered to be "persons".

Another claimed that babies in the womb are illegally using the organs of the mothers to live.

So, cooking the books to hide their crimes isn't a shock at all. The term "ghouls" isn't strong enough.

+8 more 
posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: Swills

Yep. Another boring video that reveals nothing that the CMP claims it does, and certainly nothing illegal.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: Swills

Then listen to it again. I am not doing your work for you. It is there.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:57 AM
a reply to: NewzNose

Listen to what again? What work? I asked for a time stamp so I can listen to it again, in fact I made that very clear in my first sentence!

Some people....
edit on 1-9-2015 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

So where is this so called proof? I watched the whole thing and it's just like the others.

Only 3% of pp's business deals with abortions. The other 97% goes to help women in general who need help and can't afford regular health care while pregnant or not. The government does NOT pay for the abortions the patient's do.

Everyone who wants to defund PP are Evil and you should reexamine your morals, this is coming from an atheist. If you defund it then millions of women will be without medical help, cancers will grow, mothers will get sick and risk harming the unborn child's health if not life. You will do far more damage by defunding it, then just leaving it be.

If you pick up a history book you will see that there would be little to no knowledge about the human body if scientists and doctors (some if not all believed in god) did not have specimens/cadavers to do research with back in the day. I don't see how people think they are selling fetus's when they are being payed back for the shipping costs.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 05:00 PM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: xuenchen

This doesn't surprise me at all. Considering some of the comments from pro-abortion people in other forums, nothing they do would surprise me anymore.

One person claimed that an unborn baby is human, but "not a person".

Many claim the unborn are property.

One called babies "biological invaders", and claimed that, if they were to be considered people, then they (the babies) should be held responsible for invading the mother, their own implantation, and thus it is justifiable to kill them. If they are innocent, then they aren't considered to be "persons".

Another claimed that babies in the womb are illegally using the organs of the mothers to live.

So, cooking the books to hide their crimes isn't a shock at all. The term "ghouls" isn't strong enough.

Did you even watch the vid.. let alone all the other ones? There is no cooking of the books. No one is selling anything. The funds that are exchanged are for shipping. This whole planned parenthood thing is getting out of hand because people don't sit down and watch the videos. If you did then you should be on the pro abortion side of the argument, for the fact that they say they don't sell them it's only the shipping costs that PP gets back.

The bible is ok with abortions.. lol

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: xuenchen

What kind of response is that?

Did you watch the 28 minute video?

Read my opening post very carefully.

Then respond to the article, not me personally.

I will comment later with my thoughts.

I have to say swills is right. The way you wrote the intro to the thread is misleading. You did not watch the video as your comments and summary show.

Don't read the articles when you have the video to watch. Don't be lazy, debunk it your self by watching it instead of getting us to do it for you lol

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 05:57 PM
There is absolutely nothing in this video about hiding profits from tissue donation. Nuthin'. Nada. Zilch.

I did find it interesting how the PP person said that many, many women specifically request to donate their fetus, so they feel like something positive can be done in the whole situation. That goes against what the ex-Stem Express girl said in the other video regarding forcing/coercing and just not getting any consent at all. Hmmmmm.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
'All lives matter' until it is a defenseless baby. These PP people are sick.

Imagine that baby dying before it ever achieves sentience, no different than chopping down a tree.

Now contrast that with living with parents that don't want it, possibly the foster care system, or maybe a distant relative, the lucky ones only have to deal with abortion. And of course if they need help, there's no funding to do so.

I say it's the forced birth people who are sick.

posted on Oct, 6 2015 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: snypwsd

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: xuenchen

This doesn't surprise me at all. Considering some of the comments from pro-abortion people in other forums, nothing they do would surprise me anymore.

One person claimed that an unborn baby is human, but "not a person".

Many claim the unborn are property.

One called babies "biological invaders", and claimed that, if they were to be considered people, then they (the babies) should be held responsible for invading the mother, their own implantation, and thus it is justifiable to kill them. If they are innocent, then they aren't considered to be "persons".

Another claimed that babies in the womb are illegally using the organs of the mothers to live.

So, cooking the books to hide their crimes isn't a shock at all. The term "ghouls" isn't strong enough.

Did you even watch the vid.. let alone all the other ones? There is no cooking of the books. No one is selling anything. The funds that are exchanged are for shipping. This whole planned parenthood thing is getting out of hand because people don't sit down and watch the videos. If you did then you should be on the pro abortion side of the argument, for the fact that they say they don't sell them it's only the shipping costs that PP gets back.

The bible is ok with abortions.. lol

The funds are variable based on what is sold, and ye, they are selling. They claim it's "shipping costs", but that isn't true. And, yes, I have watched. 'Sickening, to hear what passes for a human being talking as they do. Did you read the comments I posted? The things I stated were actual statements from pro-abortion people on another forum. That is how they speak of human life.

And, no, it isn't.

posted on Oct, 6 2015 @ 11:35 PM
Not this tired old pony again.

How many time are we gonna trot this old nag around the ring??? It only knows one trick anyway.

Im sorry, but the whole "Planned Parenthood Sting Video" thing has lost all sense of credibility. And Im not really particularly fond of PP or abortion.

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 05:18 AM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes

The funds are variable based on what is sold, and ye, they are selling. They claim it's "shipping costs", but that isn't true.

I find it hard to believe that you sincerely are against this alleged "book-cooking" while you're clearly trying to cook the entire narrative despite having zero credible information to support your claims.

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 06:24 AM
One in nine hospital beds in the US are within a Catholic or Catholic sponsored health care facility. In some areas of the country, you would have to travel over 150 miles to avoid using one. These hospitals can, and often do, refuse tubal
ligation for women who have c-section deliveries in their hospitals and by doing so, will force a second hospitalization, a second operation at a later time to have them done. They might avoid discussion birth control options to patients who have medical problems that would be complicated severely if pregnancy were to occur. And, well, they might also do something like this:

These rules can also make obtaining care dangerous for patients experiencing pregnancy complications. Dr. Ashlee Bergin, a practicing OB-GYN in Chicago, shared a story during an interview with RH Reality Check of seeing a patient within the last month who came to Bergin’s non-Catholic-affiliated hospital experiencing a spontaneous miscarriage at about 18 weeks. According to Bergin, the patient was bleeding quite significantly and yet had been turned away from two different Catholic hospitals, because there was still a fetal heartbeat. By the time the patient got to Bergin’s hospital, she was anemic and in an emergency situation.

“In a lot of these situations, it definitely impacts our ability to provide the complete spectrum of care, especially reproductive health care, to women,” Bergin told RH Reality Check. “Catholic doctrine interferes with our ability to provide medically timely care,” she continued. “Not only that, it’s the right thing to do for these women and we are being told we can’t do what’s right for these women because of these doctrines.”

They are free to allow their religious doctrines to compromise the health and welfare of their female patients and often do in other words!

The ten largest Catholic-sponsored health systems of hospitals and clinics would constitute the largest in the country. In some areas they are the only option for over 100 miles. And they are routinely denying the best, the safest, medical options when it comes to reproductive healthcare, placing their religious beliefs above their patients needs!

Planned parenthood gets around a half a billion dollars, most in medicaid reimbursements to provide quality reproductive healthcare and advice to their patients and are being blasted for not providing mammograms, while these catholic sponsored health systems are getting $27.1 billion in gov't funds, mostly medicaid reimbursements. But when it comes to reproductive healthcare, it is far from being comprehensive and quite frankly, their unwillingness to provide some basic medical procedures endangers the lives of women.

Judith Persichilli, who was, and maybe still is, the the CEO of Trinity Health (who is currently involved in a lawsuit concerning their refusal to provide quality reproductive care) gets to enjoy a total compensation of $3,908,063. That is far more than the ceo of planned parenthood, the president of the US, or and house representatives who is sitting and knocking the ceo of planned parenthood over her salary!

All and all, I am a supporter of catholic charities and they do some great work in many areas, I don't wish to see them be harmed in any way. But, I have to say, as more and more public hospitals have gone under the catholic groups have expanded their coverage far too wide and by doing so have made themselves the only alternative in some areas. And, I have to wonder how many of those alternatives to planned parenthood that they keep saying is around are within this group of healthcare providers? I know the one list that I have found, from the state of louisiana that was cut down from over 2000 to I believe it was under 30, well there were a few on that list of 30 that had religious names. In my opinion, these are not viable options since they are allowing their religious doctrines to dictate the care they give instead of their patients best interest.

It's simple, if we can give out billions of dollars to a group of providers that are refusing to provide these services to their patients based on their religious beliefs, then why should we not provide a half a billion to a group that are willing to do some of them? Isn't our government supposed to be representing those that have valid medical reasons for not wanting to get pregnant or carrying a child to delivery just as much as they are the religious folks?

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan
Yet the right wing faithful are allover this thread making it clear they didn't even watch the clip, just taking the headline as if it is the word of god.

I'm actually surprised the OP did not blame Obama for abortions in this thread.

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 06:58 AM

originally posted by: NewzNose
a reply to: xuenchen

Ok, this is PP story obviously going to last forever. Might I suggest the topic be put in the 2016 Elections forum because isn't that REALLY what this is all about?

Goodness, if I were proChoice, I wouldn't be after all these headlines!

No offense intended to the OP, whatsoever. Your post was spot on for the subject matter.

Basically what happens is that when everyone stops ranting and fuming about Planned Parenthood, Daleiden and his scam company Center for Medical Progress (what a joke of a name...) release another one of these deceptive videos. Unfortunately for them, they get less and less reactions for each subsequent one. They have the die hard supporters still angry and mad, but most are just tired of hearing about it.
edit on 8-10-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

I guess the congressional committee is getting (or has gotten) the rest of the full videos that they wanted, but the judge also ruled that CMP HAS TO PROVIDE that the National Abortion Federation has asked for also for the discovery in that case. The fact that they were wanting to plead the fifth in that lawsuit while pleading with the judge to let them send the stuff to the congressional committee is rather telling in and of itself. They know that there is plenty of evidence to nail them in the lawsuit, heck, since they outlined their tactics on fox news, they probably wouldn't have needed the stuff. But they have no fear of the committee coming down on them for breaking a bunch of laws....

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: dawnstar

That's what's so infuriating. David Daledein and his cronies should be hauled off to jail. Instead we have to sit through several obviously biased Congressional committees designed solely to attack Planned Parenthood instead of actually getting to the bottom of this issue honestly.

I've pretty much given up hope that even if this lawsuit comes down on CMP, that criminal charges will be dropped on them. Daledein is going to get away pretty easily only to resurface so many more years down the road with more of these idiotic videos. Then we'll go through this whole song and dance once more. Same # that happened all the other times PP came under deceptive attacks from these assholes. Doesn't the bible have some sort of Commandment about baring false witness?

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

I haven't, it happened in california and well, even the law concerning recording private conversations without the person's knowledge carries some stiff penalties. Even if they don't get jail time, the fines themselves would probably empty their bank account and put them underwater for a very long time. It might be enough of deterrent to at least be a little more careful next time. Driver's licenses are issued by the state, the state has jurisdiction when it comes to those fraudulent ones.
And, California seems to be the one of the most liberal states in the country. Their republican buddies in washington might not be able to get them out of the hot water that put themselves in this time...
at least that is what I am hoping.

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