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Got White Privilege? College Students Flunked for Using “Oppressive and Hateful Language”

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posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: Teikiatsu

Boys have a penis. Girls have verginas.

Unless of course, they are intersex.

Never let the facts get in the way of a good, strong, seemingly black-and-white declaration though.


posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 10:31 PM
And we wonder WHY student debt is staggering. Valuable resources are used to "create" situational controversies over "he, she." Macroagressions, microaggressions, triggers and the elusive (yet multipurpose) "dog whistle" all waste time and *TRIGGER ALERT* neuter critical thinking skills.

The great grandchildren of immigrants, from all over the world, who faced enormous perils to come to America and raise the "greatest generation" that fought in WWII NOW have grandchildren (and great grandchildren) who need "safe rooms" because they heard a noun. And now they are offended, hurt, scarred, and there will be be hell to pay (or atlest a thousand or so per credit!) to discuss, analyze, and theorize the "wrongness" of a noun!

Just my very cranky two cents.

(post by Lipton removed for a manners violation)

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: Glinda
And we wonder WHY student debt is staggering. Valuable resources are used to "create" situational controversies over "he, she." Macroagressions, microaggressions, triggers and the elusive (yet multipurpose) "dog whistle" all waste time and *TRIGGER ALERT* neuter critical thinking skills.

The great grandchildren of immigrants, from all over the world, who faced enormous perils to come to America and raise the "greatest generation" that fought in WWII NOW have grandchildren (and great grandchildren) who need "safe rooms" because they heard a noun. And now they are offended, hurt, scarred, and there will be be hell to pay (or atlest a thousand or so per credit!) to discuss, analyze, and theorize the "wrongness" of a noun!

Just my very cranky two cents.

Student debt is staggering because most "universities" have become money-making schemes profiteering off of the Federal Government. Student debt is staggering because corporations are given better terms and interest rates than young Americans entering the work-force.

You're making a general statement that seems to me to invoke a fairly blatant straw-man argument.

Who is this person you referring to who is traumatized by a "noun"? A real person, or a creation of your imagination?

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

Who is this person you referring to who is traumatized by a "noun"? A real person, or a creation of your imagination?

Joke all you want. You're just one unintentional racist, sexist, classist, gender, pronoun comment away from being crucified by everyone BUT white males. And don't expect the opportunity to stand in the bread line, that's not for you Mr. White Privilege

Because everyone knows that all the world's problems are caused by white guys. Nope, we deserve no sympathy, only scorn.

And sadly many of them have become eunuchs and cucks

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: infolurker


So, "male" and "female" are oppressive, and one is supposed to "defer to" non-whites? Any professor that told me that would be told to, well, um, "bug off". Not so nicely, though. What a crock! Tie, past time, to not send our kids to the colleges. It isn't education; it's brainwashing.

I'd love to see a vast number of lawsuits for racial discrimination against whites, and oppression of male and female students.
edit on 1-9-2015 by LadyGreenEyes because: bleep for me

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: bastion
So people are asked not to be rascist or sexist in a course on social issues and people on here are complaining? No wonder the stereotype of Americans is fat, stupid and ignorant.

NO. People are being told that they cannot use standard terms such as "male" and "female", and that they are to DEFER TO non-whites, which is racist.

originally posted by: bastion
Deferring clearly means allowing the chance for those who've faced oppression to voice their own or others' experiences so the whole class benefits, same thing for shyness - it's how to level out white privilege. As for gender issues, only the West considers a Male/Female divide, most cultures have 4 - 7 different genders, plus it's rude to not use someone's name; especially if they're in the room.

Wrong again. To defer to someone is to give them a place ahead of you. An instructor should be able to maintain class order, so that all have a chance to speak (when it is time for students to do so) without demanding that white students take last place. That is racist. There is no "white privilege"' that claim is also racist. And, no, there are only two sexes for people - male and female. What something thinks in their head doesn't change biology. It's XX or XY. That's it, save a few rare mutations, and those are still male or female.

originally posted by: bastion
If a student lacks basic manners, social skills and respect for others then why would any Uni want to give them a degree in that field - someone harbouring those views is a danger to society and would remove all credibility from the University.

Basic manners and social skills do not include ignoring common terms for males and females, or pretending to be lesser because one is white. Anyone who thinks otherwise would likely think that homosexual black shooter was justified in his actions.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 01:43 AM
edit on 1-9-2015 by Talorc because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 02:08 AM
If you fail this course you can get a job writing for scientific american and also The Canadian Journal of Higher Education as noted here:


Boy...(or girl...or woman) this is really sumfin.

So glad I am not in school. No offense but how would we learn anything in such an abrasive climate?
edit on 1-9-2015 by Harvin because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/1/2015 by bigfatfurrytexan because: Courtesy Is Mandatory

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 05:15 AM


posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 05:17 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Ohhh... corporations huh. You know what that reminds me of? CORPORATE FASCISM!

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: Lipton

Interesting tirade. Has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.

It would be even more interesting if I had made any claims about "white males."

Sounds like you're the one with the problem with "white guys" ... "eunuchs and cucks"? LOL

You may not have been following the thread, but as you want to address me personally, I'll remind you that I, very early on, expressed my general attitude toward the level of "control freakism" in classrooms as exhibited by certain professors, BUT, again I simply noted that I would not put myself in that situation, I.e. class, because that is a choice to make.

If I'm not in the class, it's not my business. It is the professor's class, and they have the right to establish the requirements of the course (as well as the standards).

Don't like it, don't take it. Simple.

Perhaps your problem with "PC" is that you're as politically correct as anyone, just in terms of your own political agenda?

I don't pretend to know, but that's something for you to consider.


posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:32 AM

originally posted by: Harvin
If you fail this course you can get a job writing for scientific american and also The Canadian Journal of Higher Education as noted here:


Boy...(or girl...or woman) this is really sumfin.

So glad I am not in school, especially with students like "Gryphon". No offense but how would we learn anything in such an abrasive climate?

Except that, your article has little if anything to do with the topic at hand. Care to quote something specific that you were referring to?

If you were in school, and you let students around you control your experience, I'm not sure you'd have much success anyway.

It looks like you're a "new" member Harvin. Welcome.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

The quote from Dr. Streamas' syllabus that you're referring to actually says "Reflect your grasp of history and social relations by respecting shy and quiet classmates, and by deferring to the experiences of people of color."

Introduction to Multicultural Literature

I certainly wouldn't have stated it that way, but it seems the point would not be to challenge the presentation of injustice by people of color merely on the basis that such things "don't happen."

Also, notice a few statements above in the "community rules" the professor says: "Feel free to disagree, respectfully."

Now again, I wouldn't take this class (or most any other, as I find most all modern academia to be fascist personally), this is their class, they design it, and students sign up for it, and they have a choice in the matter.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

TRIGGER ALERT-> StrawMAN!!! Why must you be so gender specific?

Ya see how it happens? And it is NOT a false argument (I can bring myself to the stress of typing "StrawMAN" more than necessary--oh the Humanities Department!!!)

How many examples have there been here on ATS alone (and this is a conspiracy site, not a news aggregate). Ze and Xe to replace he and she; Frat rats paint signs on a couple bedsheets and offense is taken coast to coast; grades are being LOWERED not on academic merit but on some progressive theory of "word" offense. Apparently, NOTHING can be "illegal" in some lecture halls except the actual word illegal. And all this is happening, in most cases, on borrowed funds at several THOUSAND per credit. With some of these classes being conveniently timed to assure that lecture hall will be full (around labs and other courses and students are pretty much paying to be taught how awful THEY are.)

I agree it's a racket of academics keeping their own tenured and pertinent to "write" more to be printed as textbooks to be used in further worthless class time.

Is it strawZE or strawXE?

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: Glinda

I can tell you're troubled by certain aspects of modern academia. Don't feel rained on.

However, deflections and blatant hyperbole to the side, you were (and are) presenting imaginary examples that are only tangentially connected to any real or specific situation. (Nice work on strawMAN however, LOL, credit where due.)

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 07:28 AM
Well it's out in the media now. Sides have been taken. Something to be aware of. The good news again is this seems to happen in classes and degrees that have no real value beyong college. Maintain the crazy there. People can choose to partake in it or not.

Or take classes and pursue degrees that actually have value beyond college ( at least good paying ones) and avoid the madness.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: Harvin
If you fail this course you can get a job writing for scientific american and also The Canadian Journal of Higher Education as noted here:


Boy...(or girl...or woman) this is really sumfin.

So glad I am not in school, especially with students like "Gryphon". No offense but how would we learn anything in such an abrasive climate?

Except that, your article has little if anything to do with the topic at hand. Care to quote something specific that you were referring to?

If you were in school, and you let students around you control your experience, I'm not sure you'd have much success anyway.

It looks like you're a "new" member Harvin. Welcome.

Trying to get a little rise out of you there griff.
The article uses the terms "male and female" as well as various other academic sources as well so I just dont understand that and the op states: "Multiple professors at Washington State University have explicitly told students their grades will suffer if they use terms such as “illegal alien,” "male," and “female,” or if they fail to “defer” to non-white students."

Afa, school: I think it is best to not elaborate further lest I unleash a scathing diatribe of which no compensation will be forthcoming.

And no, I am not new. . . probably just very boring. Thank You, all the same.

edit on 1-9-2015 by Harvin because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: angeldoll
a reply to: DelMarvel

I have a relative who was told he would have trouble passing the courses needed to get a Social Work degree because he was a white male.

Have you considered the possibility that your male relative was not completely honest with you with what he was told? There are plenty of white male social workers in the world...........

Over eighty percent of social workers in the U.S. are women.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: Harvin

You should really trace the source down and see for yourself.

Sometimes, between an OP restating what the source article summarized about the original sources, things get lost.

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