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recurring dream places and a longing for the feeling of being at home

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posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 11:18 AM
I'm hoping some might share this experience and help me to understand things clearly.
There are places in my dream world that I have returned to more than three times or so each. They are not waking life places or they are places that are in the area of a waking life place but different. When I go to these places they are very familiar and I feel at ease and at home.
Now in waking life I'll be in the place I live, yet find myself thinking I want to go home.
Sometimes I feel so out of place anywhere I am. Thinking about it, I've always messed up a being at home like feeling so that I become more alone. There has been one person in my life that at times I felt so at ease with but I messed that up too.
There was a time I could hardly use the phone to call a business because I was overcome with an unnatural fear and nervousness to speak to another person.
I have read about beliefs that say that feeling is because you are a starperson from a planet other than earth or that I am missing heaven, which is everyones home. I've also read about soul families that are like a group of soulmates.
I find myself wondering what, where, who is that home feeling. Can anyone here relate?

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 11:22 AM
Spiritual folks, please do shred some light for this guy.

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: peppycat

I can't really relate exactly. However....

I'll leave my wife out of this for the moment because that is a different relationship altogether. But over the years I have come across a few individuals that, for reasons beyond my understanding, I have just "clicked" with and almost immediately we became close friends, able to discuss pretty much anything. Like you, I am a bit of an overall anxious person, and it takes a lot for me to leave my "comfort zones" (for lack of a better phrase). But, that's my advise to you. It sucks at first but you have to get out of your comfort zone at least some of the time. People that would/could become your dear friends... they are out there.

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: peppycat

I've had dreams like that. And also reoccuring dreams of being away on a trip and longing to go home.

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 11:48 AM
I have had this experience as well, and am also a highly anxious individual (social anxiety disorder secondary to being on the autistic spectrum in my case.)

Recurrent dream "realms" holding a sense of belonging, and then a feeling of longing for said places (and the people in them) has been a lifelong thing for me. I've never developed any definitive insight into it. I don't know if it's a psychological thing or what. It's just something that's always happened for me. (Though less so the older I get.)

Wish I could be of greater help. But I can see some of myself reflected in your words.

edit on 8/31/2015 by AceWombat04 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: peppycat

There was a time I could hardly use the phone to call a business because I was overcome with an unnatural fear and nervousness to speak to another person.
I have read about beliefs that say that feeling is because you are a starperson from a planet other than earth or that I am missing heaven, which is everyones home. I've also read about soul families that are like a group of soulmates.
I find myself wondering what, where, who is that home feeling. Can anyone here relate?

I know it's romantic to view ones self as starperson and special but there might be a more mundane reason for your unnatural fear and nervousness.

I'm not making a diagnoses but perhaps it should be explored with a professional....

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: olaru12 the severe fear and nervousness I had was when I was a lot younger. I can hold a conversation some what fine now with a friendly familiar person from around town but I never have that home feeling and have a few friends that I am comfortable with but the serene comfortable not having to talk thing isn't there.
I don't feed to much into new age beliefs like star people. Star people is just one explanation as to why waking life isn't always the sense of feeling at home. Thank you for replying and putting a link up.

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 12:42 PM
Sounds very similar to experiences I have that several psychics, a couple of shrinks, and a shaman all told me were probably past-life memories, particularly of the unresolved kind.

Then there's this too...from the Welsh...

edit on 8/31/2015 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 02:14 PM
I have had dreams where I return to a place that is very familiar to me, I know exactly where I am and who I am.

Only I don't think it's exactly 'me', or has anything to with places I have been.

Not sure what to make of it. Maybe there is more to our existence then what is apparent.

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: nOraKat I wonder the nature of our existence too. I remember in an Anthropology of religion course I took, a fellow student said something that has always resonated with me. I don't remember the exact wording, but it was something like, "all that ever was and all that ever will be, has always been." something I like to try and wrap my mind around. Strangely when he said it the idea was very familiar to me.

edit on 31-8-2015 by peppycat because: grammar

edit on 31-8-2015 by peppycat because: grammar

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: ~Lucidity

That sounds more like parallel universes.

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: peppycat

Now in waking life I'll be in the place I live, yet find myself thinking I want to go home.
Sometimes I feel so out of place anywhere I am.

When I was a child, I used to go outside at night - lay on the ground - stare at Orion's belt and feel a profound sense of loss/being left behind to the point of actually sobbing. WTF that came from - I couldn't tell you.

Now, when I go out at night - the first thing I want to do is look up at Orion and then the thought 'Miss you" pops into my head. But it is comforting to me to locate it and make visual contact.

edit on 31-8-2015 by LeslieD because: content

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 09:42 PM
Whenever I look at pictures from space I always get the feeling that I don't belong on earth. I'm not an anxious person but I am shy sometimes. I tend to make friends with people who could be considered weird in a cool way.

I remember once I had a dream that I was on a planet with a purple sky and the beings on the planet were different shades of purple. It felt like home. Earth doesn't really feel like home to me.

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 09:57 PM
Gravity acts according to Newton's third law which states that all actions have an equal and opposite reaction. The force that is in opposition to gravity is the light... which is constantly trying to ascend our spiritual (light) being into interstellar consciousness:

All anxiety you may be feeling is the spirit's way of urging you that something is amiss... These are only growing pains. Do not stop seeking, the answers are out there.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 01:09 AM
I have places I return to in dreams, in which I remember the last adventures I had there, can remember how to navigate my way around, pulling on memories of past dreams, and recognize characters from past dreams. It is like they are other worlds I frequent.

Not to long ago, I even had an experience in which I was beginning to wake up, and as I felt this life flooding back in to my consciousness, I began fighting it, feeling like the other "dream" one was my "real" one... and I knew I was going to lose touch with it if I woke. But in that moment, I felt that it wasn't waking up I was doing, but rather, falling asleep!

I had a recurring dream when I was little, about a big yellow house. There was nothing happening there, only my mother and I waiting for something out side it, in front of it. I always wondered if I would see this house in real life.

Several weeks ago, I was dispatched to a temporary mission of replacing a secretary at a nursing home I had never been to.
The first day, as I arrived, I stopped my car in the middle of the street in front of it, with my jaw dropping- it was the house! It is an old chateau, that had been added on to the sides to make a very modern establishment, but the main building remained visible in all its glory, exactly the same as in my dream!

I had no idea what this meant. But in the weeks that followed, I found I integrated the place as if I belonged there- with all the staff and residents, the relationships were naturally harmonious. It was weird- as I knew them all already, and we all had so much in common. The bonds were instant. I fell in love with the people and the place.

When my mission came to an end, the heads of the staff had already requested to keep me permanently, but had been denied, because the group which directs this (and other) establishments are trying to cut costs by keeping less personelle wherever they can.

But the rest of the staff, went into an uproar, and the association of the families of the residents made a petition and are entering a conflict with higher management, to keep me. It seems everyone else fell in love with me as much as I did with them!

I have always had a problem with recreating situations of being an outcast- from the time I was little, this pattern has surrounded me. I am sure I recreate it without being conscious of how. From my family on outward.

This si the first time in my life I feel truly loved and part of a larger group. The symbolism of my dream seems poignant now, for that place marks a profound change in my experience here on earth, as far as my relationship with my environment and others..... which, psychologically, the mother is the first representative of- all that is "not I" or "other".

My mom in real life never wanted or loved me,
But at this place, "other" and I came together. Like that is what we were waiting for outside the front steps.

Just weird.

In my more fantastical moments of thought, I consider that I might have come into contact with my soul family or something- these people feel like "home" to me. I have never felt that to this extent before.
edit on 1-9-2015 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)


posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 01:52 AM
I feel the same way. I'd bet we chose to be here, though we didn't know how people would behave only that they have the capacity for greatness. We were wrong, only the ones who fit in get to enjoy it and are not kept down (real or imagined oppression).

I too have problems talking to people, I know when it started. It began when others would single me out, treat me badly and say "life's not fair". The term "two wrongs don't make a right" cemented the feeling as I found out that evil was the order of the day.

I think the feeling of not belonging comes from seeing others as too different/messed up to the point of not even wanting to bother with them anymore.

I also have dreams that feel like home, but instead of meeting others, I fly instead. I think one of the dreams is some sort of afterlife waiting room/world that we wait for other who have not died yet. Other dreams feel like an alternate earth, while other feel magical but not like a true home.

It could be all the fault of higher than normal IQ and or high functioning aspergers. Maybe its a case of I don't know thus ...aliens. I just know the feeling of this is not home.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 03:17 AM
The night before last, I had an interesting dream concerning flying.

I often have lucid dreams in which I experiment with flying. Sometimes I can fly very very high, up above the earth. This time, I wasn't able to fly too high, I was only staying fairly low. I was experimenting with flying through the walls of buildings (which I have learned are fairly easy to go through). But as I questioned myself on why this time, I was staying so low and close to the ground, the answer came in response (I don't know where from, that just seems automatic in these states).

It is a bit fuzzy to me now, but it was something about the how anchored my souls is currently to my physical incarnation/body. That I integrate more of my consciousness to my body dependent upon the state of comfort and pleasure it is in. The more I am investing my soul into my body, the more anchored it is to the earth realm, and that is how my soul experiences it's movement- closer to earth.

I found this an interesting idea. To imagine- it gives more meaning to our physical drives towards pleasure. Imagine our biological forms having that drive built in exactly to attract and entice our soul consciousness to integrate more into it!
The more comfortable and happy your life is, the more conscious you become!
That would suggest the less happy you are, the more your soul distances itself from the body, and wanders....

The feeling of being "cut off" from the environment and others in this could be self perpetuating. The more you feel unhappy and isolated, the further your soul flies away, and spends time in other realities instead. It is not "grounded" here.

I go further on thinking of the implications- imagine, that could suggest that when you make someone else feel happy, it might bring their soul or consciousness closer to their body too? The more "aware" or conscious those around us are, the more the harmony between us all increases...

I don't know, it was just a dream, but I keep thinking about it, as an interesting hypothesis with a lot of implications. All just from some dream flying.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 03:41 AM
I really appreciate the responses here. It is nice to connect with folks who have some similar experiences or just understand what I've asked about.

I've been reflecting a bit about the sense of feeling at home and remembered a time when I didn't quite feel at home in my own body. I had to do some mental image work with a woman who helps with soul retrieval. She listed off all the ages I had lost pieces of my soul. The ages she told me were almost all around the times in my life where it was hard to cope. Some of the ages were to young for me to remember, but she said that what seems like a small thing to some, can affect others more strongly.

As far as feeling at ease with new people, I feel like it takes me a long time before I call someone my friend. The few friends I have, I've known for years and years. The one friend that I loved most dearly, is not someone I talk too anymore. She was the kind of friend, I could be emotional with and not have to speak too much. She also brought out in me a comfortable feeling with my creative side. These days, I can't seem to relax into letting creative energy flow.

Well thank you again, ATS for reading about my experiences and I truly appreciate your responses

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: Bluesma The process of grounding resonates with my need for wellbeing. I have been in states of being where I can hardly solidify a complete thought.
I also have dreams of flying and lots of times I'm going to far away and feel a sense of danger. When I can't seem to go above the telephone wires, I feel a sense of frustration. I have other flying situations in the dream state and your post is making me think that a dream journal would be very helpful.
Thank you for helping me to think more clearly about dream states and the relation to waking life.
Peace to you, Bluesma!

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: Bluesma

I have places I return to in dreams, in which I remember the last adventures I had there, can remember how to navigate my way around, pulling on memories of past dreams, and recognize characters from past dreams. It is like they are other worlds I frequent.

I have this, too. Every night. All the time.

Ongoing stories in various locations, with the same people but also with strangers coming and going. Very vivid. Always seemingly real. I think it's parallel dimensions. I could draw maps of the various places, just as I could draw of a map of any neighborhood or place I am familiar with.

Just reading this thread brings the places to mind.
I love sleeping. The most interesting part is how the places remain the same, but the story moves along - just like day to day waking life.

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