a reply to:
For sure you had an OBE. You described my first experience to the T. Trippy.
So to start you were laying on your back. This helps to OBE because both sides of your brain have same amount of blood flow. When your on your side,
one of the hemispheres of your brain has more blood in it. So both hemispheres were synched equally on your back.
Pretty much all of my OBE's are on my back.
It's crazy how you describe stretching out of your body. The same thing happened to me first time. I was on my back, trying to astral project, and I
sat up in my body and felt myself stretching off the end of the bed. I saw my body and my room exactly how it was in real life as well.
It also only lasted about 15 seconds because, well, its kinda scary the first time you do it.
Now that you have the feeling and experience of stretching out of your body, returning, and being completely physically ok, you know that its real,
and that your not dying. haha
It just gets easier from here my friend. If your already experienced lucid dreamer that makes things much easier to have longer projections. It
makes it much less scary when you do make it out, and you already know how to navigate those realms. You will find that OBE's, Lucid dreams, and
regular dreams all take place in very similar realms. Sometimes things are exactly as they are in real life, sometimes you project into another
reality completely. After 12 years, I'm still figuring things out myself.
Here's a tip, when you make it out again, if your find yourself loosing consciousness, stand on the ground, and imagine breathing in energy. Take a
couple really deep breaths and allow yourself to center your consciousness again. You will be able to spend much more time out of body.
Another tip, when you find yourself back in your body, don't move your body at all. imagine floating out of it again. You will have another OBE.
You can pretty much have have OBE's back to back to back to back until you feel like waking up.
Good luck, congratulations and don't worry about people telling you something bad will happen, It won't. You are the immortal infinite God of your
own consciousness, enjoy!