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Cassandra's Curse

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posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 09:01 PM
Yes, it is a literary reference. Look it up in Greek mythology.

Perhaps the tinfoil in my hat has leaked unto my brain, causing me to experience fits of alarm and paranoia, but recent developments within the current U.S. presidential campaign have sent goose bumps up my spine...And no one else seems to be taking note.

We have all heard leading candidate Donald Trump tout his plan to "build a wall" along the southern border of the U.S. to keep "illegals" from entering the country.

This weekend another Republican candidate for president, Scott Walker, has proposed building a wall along the northern border of the U.S. "to protect the Homeland".

And then we have a third candidate, Chris Christie, coincidentally, also a Republican, proposing to track people "the way FedEx tracks packages".

Walls my keep people out, but they can just as easily be used to keep people IN, as well.

And the technology developed/used to track "Them" (whoever They may be) can just as easily be used to track we/us.

These three candidates for the highest office in the U.S. happen to all be representatives of the Republican party.

But this goes much deeper than petty partisan fear-mongering, or mere campaign hyperbole.


What matters is the fact that NO ONE has heard these utterances and, in a loud, clear voice, said

"NO! We will not stand for such evil! We have learned from history the potential consequences of such stupidity. We still remember how the Jews were "tracked" in Nazi Germany, and what became of them. We will not live behind a wall, even for our own "protection" as the East Germans were forced by their own government, to live for decades in bleak isolation and totalitarian desolation! We will not be swayed by sweet words and promises of security.

And by even suggesting that we should, You have relinquished your right to apply for this Office! For in so doing, you have shown yourself unworthy, unfit, and unable to Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States!"

Doesn't anyone else detect the malignant, slithering presence of a very dangerous agenda running through these ideas?

Why hasn't anyone on the Democratic side spoken out against this head-long rush toward a very slippery slope to slavery?

Are they deaf?

Or are they, as well, quietly in support of the Ultimate Goal?

Is it too late to escape the inevitable?

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 09:03 PM
You build walls to keep people in

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 09:04 PM
Conservatives would line up in droves to have barcodes tattooed on their foreheads if they were told it was to keep them safe from the evil doing, illegal alien rapists boogeymen roaming around taking their jobs.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 09:04 PM
Do you honestly think the tyranny of the Democrat is any less a tyranny? They may not control through overt measures, they just make sure no one has the personal resources to do anything other than sit on their couches and eat government mandated slop after they return from their government allotted sweat shop drudgery.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: Bhadhidar

Then you're voting for Hillary, I gather.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 09:16 PM
I will admit that when Obama was elected, I thought he'd ruin the country with his progressive plans.

But congress thwarted some of it.

Now we're speculating a republican president. I guess the dems and progs are just going to join in with him to enact his evil plans?

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 09:22 PM

originally posted by: beezzer
I will admit that when Obama was elected, I thought he'd ruin the country with his progressive plans.

But congress thwarted some of it.

Now we're speculating a republican president. I guess the dems and progs are just going to join in with him to enact his evil plans?

Can you give an example of how Obama has ruined the country?

Did he ruin the country by allowing Homosexuals to openly serve in the military?
By advocating for their right to marry?
By reopening our embassy in Cuba?

I've said this a few times and I'll say it again...If you really think that this country is worse off than how Bush left it, then you're living in fantasy land with your head up your rear.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 09:23 PM

originally posted by: Bhadhidar
Yes, it is a literary reference. Look it up in Greek mythology.

Perhaps the tinfoil in my hat has leaked unto my brain, causing me to experience fits of alarm and paranoia, but recent developments within the current U.S. presidential campaign have sent goose bumps up my spine...And no one else seems to be taking note.

We have all heard leading candidate Donald Trump tout his plan to "build a wall" along the southern border of the U.S. to keep "illegals" from entering the country.

This weekend another Republican candidate for president, Scott Walker, has proposed building a wall along the northern border of the U.S. "to protect the Homeland".

And then we have a third candidate, Chris Christie, coincidentally, also a Republican, proposing to track people "the way FedEx tracks packages".

Walls my keep people out, but they can just as easily be used to keep people IN, as well.

And the technology developed/used to track "Them" (whoever They may be) can just as easily be used to track we/us.

These three candidates for the highest office in the U.S. happen to all be representatives of the Republican party.

But this goes much deeper than petty partisan fear-mongering, or mere campaign hyperbole.


What matters is the fact that NO ONE has heard these utterances and, in a loud, clear voice, said

"NO! We will not stand for such evil! We have learned from history the potential consequences of such stupidity. We still remember how the Jews were "tracked" in Nazi Germany, and what became of them. We will not live behind a wall, even for our own "protection" as the East Germans were forced by their own government, to live for decades in bleak isolation and totalitarian desolation! We will not be swayed by sweet words and promises of security.

And by even suggesting that we should, You have relinquished your right to apply for this Office! For in so doing, you have shown yourself unworthy, unfit, and unable to Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States!"

Doesn't anyone else detect the malignant, slithering presence of a very dangerous agenda running through these ideas?

Why hasn't anyone on the Democratic side spoken out against this head-long rush toward a very slippery slope to slavery?

Are they deaf?

Or are they, as well, quietly in support of the Ultimate Goal?

Is it too late to escape the inevitable?

I live nearby a progressively inspired "sanctuary city", and seen the fallout of a blanket invitation to illegal immigration. I'm all for following the established manner for entering this Country, but cannot comprehend why anyone would forego the vetting process. Our elected officials have tolerated and enabled the immigration issue, yet those vocal of doing something about a porous border are labeled racists. What's your solution?

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Read my post again.

It doesn't matter that these candidates are all from one party, because it seems to me that they are drawing from a poisoned well we ALL are drinking from, Republican and, through their silence, Democrat, alike.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: beezzer

You "gather" incorrectly.

As I stated, neither party is standing up to this threat; Both appear either ignorant of the implications, or worse, in tacit support of them.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: Bhadhidar

This election cycle, I'm voting against people I don't want to see into office.

There is no "hero" that will rescue America from the government we have submitted to.

Left, right. . . . they're all just captains of the Titanic, and it's already hit the iceberg.

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 09:45 PM
This only reads to me, the NWO grip is forever tightening, and your freedoms will be exchanged for the sake of national security.

Be very careful who you elect, as he will come in like a thief in the night. Keeping people out of the wall doesn't mean you are safe behind the wall.

Control of your freedoms are being intelligently taken away each moment you decided to put your votes in, in the pretext of national security.

Wicked men, should not be given the mandate to decide your future.


edit on 30-8-2015 by InnerPeace2012 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2015 by InnerPeace2012 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-8-2015 by InnerPeace2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 09:48 PM

originally posted by: muse7
Conservatives would line up in droves to have barcodes tattooed on their foreheads if they were told it was to keep them safe from the evil doing, illegal alien rapists boogeymen roaming around taking their jobs.

Says the guy on the left, when its progressives that are the first to ban things, tear down monuments, and go on witch hunts the first time the media or politicians tell them to be outraged at someone, or more recently an inanimate object....

The only people doing rash things in fear are the progressive left

Every day the news is full of another story demonstrating it

posted on Aug, 30 2015 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: Bhadhidar


This is NOT a partisan issue!!!

This is a question of whether we, as a Nation are willing to stand up and demand that the freedom this country was founded on, in the face of far more powerful opposing forces, will survive.

We are living in fear.

Many of us are living in anger.

These are NOT emotions conducive to rational thought and judgement.

I have never seen more clearly the danger to which we have exposed ourselves. Despite 12 years of parochial education, (some would say, indoctrination) I no longer practice the faith I was raised in, but some things remain.

I was expectedly terrified by the images in the Book of Revelations, until, in the arrogance of young adulthood, I concluded that such wholesale evil and persecution would Never (again) be tolerated I this Modern society.

We were by now sophisticated enough in the ways of demagogues and charlatans to see the warning signs a mile off.

Perhaps I was very very wrong

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 12:11 AM
Big changes happen at the edges of generations.

Like big families before the Great Depression and WW2, small families after.

Free love, daddy is the gov in the 60's

Big gobernmnt spending forever in the 80's

world goberment in the 2000's

TRacking chips 2020.

Agenda 2030 by 2040.

It is easiest for them to target a new generation. We will probably get grand father clauses and be dead of old age before the Borg.

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 02:40 AM

And then we have a third candidate, Chris Christie, coincidentally, also a Republican, proposing to track people "the way FedEx tracks packages".

Yep, this will work...

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 07:12 AM
LOL, you guys. So predictable its kind of cute, while at the same time off putting.

"Progressives this!!!"

"Libs that!!!!"

"Them crooked Republicans!!!"

But it isn't Obama who ruined the country. Or Bush. it was you, the voter. Congratulations

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 07:13 AM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
LOL, you guys. So predictable its kind of cute, while at the same time off putting.

"Progressives this!!!"

"Libs that!!!!"

"Them crooked Republicans!!!"

But it isn't Obama who ruined the country. Or Bush. it was you, the voter. Congratulations


It was the voters that elected Reagan for two terms after all.

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: muse7

Yeah. The People (of which you and I are part of) are dumb enough to have not caught on in 3 generations. More alarming: its getting worse.

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 07:57 AM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: muse7

Yeah. The People (of which you and I are part of) are dumb enough to have not caught on in 3 generations. More alarming: its getting worse.

"Dumb" is a very harsh, but sadly accurate, appraisal I'm afraid.

"Dumb", as in ignore-ant (that we are aware of the problem, but chose to ignore its danger).

And "Dumb" as in the less-than-politically-correct term once used to mean Mute, in this instance employed to condemn our inexplicable silence in the face of an obvious agenda designed to imprison and subjugate all of us... our own hands!

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