Dear Mr. Jackson,
Thanks for your U2U. Following is my response, which I am copying to the main forum for educational purposes. I would appreciate it if you responded
to main forum instead of U2U so that others may contribute also.
Sir, I don't know who you are, but I just would like to talk to you about what you are doing to yourself. You are not worshipping God and
doing His work in the freemasonry, what you are really doing it worshipping satan and don't even know.
There are several points you make that are unfounded. First, �worship� means to �honor.� You can�t �worship� anything unless you do it consciously,
i.e., you can�t do it by accident.
You are being deceived sir.
Actually, Sir, it is you who have been deceived, as I will show below.
You are worshipping a false god named Baphomet.
Baphomet isn�t a god, nor has anyone ever worshiped him (I�m assuming you got your erroneous information from Jack Chick�s �The Curse of Baphomet�, or
someone inspired by it). Baphomet is actually little more than a hoax.
When the Knights Templar were arrested in the early 14th century, one of the false charges against them was that they worshiped an idol named
Baphomet. This �Baphomet� is in reality nothing more than a corruption of the name of the Islamic prophet Muhammed, which in French is spelled
�Mahomet�. The charge against the Templars was meant to insinuate that they betrayed the Church by converting to Islam. The falseness of such an
accusation can readily be seen in the fact that those who initiated the charges falsely believed that Muslims worship Muhammed, which of course they
do not. Practically everything written about �Baphomet� by anti-Masons and religious zealots is pure fiction.
All the freemasonry is witchcraft.
This is the 21st century, not the 15th. Witchcraft was a superstition that once pervaded Europe, causing thousands of innocent people to murdered by
Christians, who accused them of being witches. Such nonsense, of course, is just that: nonsense. There is no such thing as witchcraft.
You worship a satanic being called baphomet, the old god of Baal worship, ( a sun god).
See my comments above concerning Baphomet. Also note that Baphomet, which was invented by the Catholic Church in the 14th century, has nothing to do
with the worship of the fertility deity Baal by the ancient Phoenicians.
Even your sisters, the eastern stars, they are being deceived too. The star, their symbol is upside down, its shape takes the form of the
satanic goat of Mendez, " the god of lust".
Once again, you are merely repeating Jack Chick�s deceptions. There is no such thing as a �satanic goat of Mendez�. The Goat of Mendez was the
Egyptian version of the Greek god Pan, who was considered the god of the forest and of animals. There�s hardly anything satanic about that;
superstitious maybe, but not satanic. Furthermore, the �god of lust� thing was invented by Chick himself.
Secondly, the Eastern Star is actually derived from a Christian symbol. It represents the Star of Bethlehem which pointed the Magi to the Christ
Child. Thus it is written of the Eastern Star: �We have seen His star in the East, and are come to worship him�.
Only Masons of the highest degrees now of baphomet.
I assume you mean �know� of Baphomet. But whatever you meant, you�re still wrong. The Baphomet hoax is well known not only by Masons, but by
practically all historians. Having been exposed as a hoax centuries ago, it boggles the mind that anyone is still gullible enough to believe it.
Albert Pike, your Grand Commander Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry said himself that only masons of the 30, 31, 32, degrees of
masonry should know the real satanic truth of the masonry. To those who are not in those high rankings are led to believe that they worship God. Look
up A.C. De La Rive, La Femme, et I' Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle (page 588). You follow blindingly the Lucieferian doctrine, where he
believed and you believe that satan is god.
To begin with, there�s no such thing as a �Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry�. Secondly, I am a 32� Mason in the Scottish Rite, and have read
and studied all of Pike�s books.
Thirdly, you have fallen victim to yet another deceptive hoax. This famous hoax which is called the Taxil Hoax, is too long for me to get into here.
You can read about it at:
Suffice it here to say that De La Rive retracted the whole story in the April 1897 issue of his anti-Masonic magazine �Freemasonry Disclosed�, and
issued a public apology to Pike�s daughter, Lilian Pike-Roone, for having slandered her late father�s good name.
If you are interested in Pike�s real religious beliefs, he was an Episcopalian.
You are bringing spritual death into your family.
You can also bring spiritual death upon yourself by doing what you�re doing now. The Holy Writings declare �Thou shalt not bear false witness.� I
sincerely request that you re-examine what you�re doing in light of what I�ve written here, and would strongly suggest you double-check your sources
before launching ad hominem attacks against dead men concerning a subject you know nothing about.
All of these holidays, Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day are all paganistic holidays of false and evil sexual and bloodys rituals.
Your research into the history of holidays seems about as accurate as your research into Masonry. I would wish you a happy new year, but at the risk
of being labeled a paganistic, bloody, evil sex fiend for doing such, I�ll just say goodnight.
[edit on 30-12-2004 by Masonic Light]