a reply to:
I've changed my mind/beliefs a few times over the years on different topics but I'll just mention the first one that popped into my mind when I first
read your post.
I became politically aware (for lack of a better term) when I was about 19 years old and moved out of my parents house and found work wherever I
could. At the time I completely bought into the line, "Democrats are for the poor; Republicans are for the rich." I also believed that the liberal
ideology (allegedly embodied by the Democrats) was truly about freedom, about not being categorized and given opportunities.
Then, as I began to place roots in a career path, and started to see how much of my puny paycheck was taxed, and how many people out there (either
intentionally or by a series of unfortunate incidents) were completely living off of everyone else, and how excessive regulations (key word being
excessive) really hurt businesses large and small (and prevent many potential entrepreneurs from taking the chance and starting a business.... and
what I saw the liberal-leaning academia doing to kids in the public school system (my 10 years younger sister and her friends at the time)... I
shifted towards being a so-called conservative/Republican.
Fast forward to a few years ago and I had the latest, I suspect final, shift in my political ideology. I have come to realize that in the end, there
really is no difference between the two political parties in the U.S. For a number of years it, when I was unable to ignore it, it caused me to have
a fair amount of depression. It was very difficult for me to realize that, when it comes to those who make decisions and create policy
on my
behalf, there were no good guys; only bad guys. It took quite some time for the realization to settle in that nobody, anywhere, ever, was going
to be looking out for me. I (and the rest of us that work hard, don't game the system, etc) will always be exploited, taken for granted and severely
abused. When I finally came to terms with it, I didn't necessarily become happy about it, but I realized what I had to do.
I'm stuck in this horrible system and rather than try in vein to fight it, my family and I are best served if I basically work within it. I am
terrified for my almost-4-year-old son and what the US and the world will look like in 20+/- years, so I just have to do my best to put myself in the
best position possible financially so that, in the event he needs help, I can be there for him.