posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to:
Hope you're feeling a little better now - can I ask, are you on a zero hours contract? I work in a smiliar setting - rehabilitation following acquired
brain injury - but work nine to five, contracted. I just checked the paperwork and I have waaaay more rights than that. I would have full sick pay at
least. However, when I worked in acute care, it was shift work and if I got hurt, they just didn't schedule me until I was better.
I agree with everything you say about how the best laid (care) plans of mice and men can go awry, and it does sound as though you need to find a
solution to having fire extinguishers in reach (but still accessible, it's a toughie). In the meantime, have you considered moving sideways, so you
can still do the work you love. I got my teaching qual, left acute care (rewarding, but a little too war-zoney for the long term) and and now teach in
a service that works with people much further along in their journey - still that exciting edge of unpredicatability and knowing you're helping people
recover from terrible experiences, but much less, well, hurty.