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The real reason there is a war against western heritage

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+41 more 
posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 03:33 AM

Yes, there is a war against ideas, histories and symbols of western heritage. The whole Confederate battle flag controversy is symbolic of this, and people must remember that the flag is not the issue - identity is.
But before dealing with the flag let’s talk about Vikings. People may find this hard to believe but if you travel to Sweden you will not see hardly any recognition of the Viking past. In fact, schoolkids rarely have Vikings mentioned in the state-mandated curriculum. And many people see those people who wear Viking-era rings or necklaces as being closet racists. You see, Sweden is like a laboratory of social change experimentation. The socialists (and even the “right wing” alliance parties there make Bernie Sanders look like Ted Cruz) have basically erased the people’s connections to their past. And why? Because a people without a past can be fashioned into anything you want; and in the case of Sweden the government wants people who are unquestioning taxpayers and trendy consumers, nothing more. In contrast Russia is strongly encouraging people get back to their ancient roots, and that has given them, as a people, a sense of pride and purpose – and a headache for the NWO.
The left in the USA (in government, media and academia) has far more in common with the elite of Sweden than with the regular people in America and the average patriotic, independent American has more in common with the typical Russian than they do with the elite of the USA. The elite here want to create a plastic culture just like Sweden’s, one that is more into celebrity worship than spiritual worship and into the policies of Marx more than of Locke and Jefferson. That is the true reason our educational system is veering away from studies of the pioneers or reasons behind the Revolutionary War. That is why symbols like the Confederate flag are positioned by the media as racist and a symbol of hatred rather than rebellion against central power. And that is why the importance of family and family values are being challenged 24/7 in almost all entertainment. Break people from the strength of their past traditions and you can make them conform to anything. Break them from their traditions and you can break their individuality and will.

edit on 29-8-2015 by edward777 because: (no reason given)

+22 more 
posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: edward777

Im a Swede, and we know we are a social experiment before they try it on the rest of the world. We accept the sociological experiments, cause it leaves us alone. We dont have to play with your weird ideals of most about anything, we dont have choose any of the religious dogmas, yet we are one of the most religious people in the world, its just not your religion. A culture makes a border nothing else, definition of linguistics and cultural ideals, if you dont have one are bilingual, your borders are open. Your nation is only 400 years old, our deep rooted pagan culture is many thousands of years old. We dont believe in democracy, we never had. We vote cause of obligation. If you cant adjust to reality, then im sorry, we see your bubble or cube. Dont think we dont know how you act or think. We just think you are, how to put this in a nice way, very, very, very non intelligent. You know over half the population already knows the agenda, why do you think we vote no to everything? And open the borders, this game isnt ours. We dont care, its your fantasy, we live in the real world. Im sorry but you dont.

+11 more 
posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:00 AM

originally posted by: edward777
That is why symbols like the Confederate flag are positioned by the media as racist and a symbol of hatred rather than rebellion against central power. And that is why the importance of family and family values are being challenged 24/7 in almost all entertainment. Break people from the strength of their past traditions and you can make them conform to anything. Break them from their traditions and you can break their individuality and will.

Tell that to the hippies of the 60's who rejected traditional values and were responsible for enacting the biggest revolution in modern day history, against TPTB.

You've got your wires crossed mate. Traditionalism is how the central power keeps the masses under control, TPTB fears progressive values, because it takes the power away from the elites to control the masses and gives it to the people.

edit on 29-8-2015 by Subaeruginosa because: (no reason given)

+13 more 
posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:05 AM
Yes, this is the way of things in Sweden. It is total saturation by cultural Marxist ideology. But remember, the more the pendulum swings one way the more it will swing back. This is why the Swedish Democrats went from 2,93% of the votes in 2006 to almost 20 in the latest polls.

That's when you get when the per capita immigration is so vast compared to most Western nations, especially for such a small nation. In a nation of 9 million with about 50-60 thousand (non European) immigrants per year, that makes more than half a percent increase per year. A full sized Swedish town each year.

Do the math and follow this trajectory for 20-30 years, or even 10 years and you will see a completely divided nation. The so called racist party will go from 20 to 40 or 50, and god knows how it'll be in 20 or 30 years.

What happens to nations where muslims become a large majority, say 30%? Go look that up, look up all such situations around the World and you'll find a group that is in a low intensity conflict with the state. And a major population that is engaged in a cultural war. What do Western people and leaders do? Bend their ass backwards to cater to these people. The West is at war with itself, a house that is divided cannot stand.

They want that many muslims in Europe though, because they'll be able to set up whatever control grid they want to just to be able to deal with the inevitable problems they know will come down the line.

Same situation with Mexicans in the US, though it's also a completely different situation since white Americans are immigrants too. The issue is oikophobia and a postmodern cultural vacuum that has been completely filled by vacuous popular culture, replacing traditions and national identity. Look that word up because it is the deciding factor in Western immigration policy. So, we're gonna go one more round on the merry go round.. the dialectical response to this saturation of Marxist ideals will be the return of nationalism in Europe. Look at Eastern Europe, that is the underbelly of Europe and where the raw emotions and feelings that are bubbling in the subconscious of the white race can be seen. This nationalism will probably spread from Russia and Eastern Europe to Western Europe. The only question is how and by whom this movement will be shaped.

Conflict is preprogrammed.

+6 more 
posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:09 AM
The current rulers learned from Westward expansion and the resulting collision with native cultures in how to destroy those same cultures and peoples. They do it as you say; by destroying their history, symbols, families, borders and laws. Every one of those has been under sustained assault for the last 30 years or more but the heat has been turned up dramatically in the last 6.

Having the pope address both houses of Congress in September is a first. Given his socialist doctrine and globalist outlook I could forsee a sea-change coming to America - probably tied in to UN small arms treaty and MMGW. It's getting to the point where they have to make a major declaration and place themselves and their goals in the limelight as THE ONLY WAY FORWARD. This will be much easier to implement if a major economic crash is underway. People will be looking for answers and hope and guess who will have the solutions ready at hand?

You bet the Vatican has lots of money and we have no clue how much. Funny how they collect it and demand of others to give. I found the talk on the Pope very interesting and quite likely true. Thanks for posting it.
edit on 29-8-2015 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

+4 more 
posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:11 AM
So we in Sweden should arm ourselves and go around hoarding pillaging and killing to die in battle to be invited into Valhalla to be proud of our past legacy.

I do not like it when insane Muslim do it with the religious insane words from Muhammad so why should I try to emulate the barbarians of the past?

Sweden evolved past insane barbaric behavior. Just because that the Muslim Quran have not evolved past the insane ideas from 600AD-1000AD do not mean I need to spiritually downgrade myself.

Have you looked at Migration to Sweden in Europe during history. Slavic people between 1000-1300. Germans from Mecklenburg around 1300-1450 that changed the culture. Göteborg the "dutch city" in Sweden during the 1600 (Valloner).

You might wanna learn more history before you think Sweden should become vikings and that vikings is our heritage. They where advanced shipbuilders and traders but raiding is kind of barbaric.

The culture we had before 20 century was a miss match of changed German and Dutch culture evolved in Sweden creating it's unique flavor. Vikings was something from the middle ages that where interesting from a history point of view but not a cultural point of view.
edit on 29-8-2015 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: Subaeruginosa

The hippies ended up in the machine and were co-opted by big interests, any big interests really. And Occupy Wall Street hasn't succeeded in more than the Tea Party. Alex Jones by himself has probably awakened more people than both these movements.

Progressives seems mostly concerned with what they see as poor infringed minority groups, doesn't matter which. As long as it's heterodox they will embrace it. If it's familiar or traditional it is to be discarded without thought. Everything they stand for is progress and anyone that doesn't agree is a caveman. This whole poor those people thing is something I view kind of like if the gossip wife to the priest in the Simpsons were concerned with the poor. It's a fake facade of always seeming to be the most concerned and caring, never do these white suburban liberals realize their own subconscious condescension. This is at the root of modern liberalism.

Did you know that Sweden's prime minister called our nation a "humanitarian Superpower". He really did.. see that narcissism? See that Swedish narcissism above? If Swedes were diagnosed their narcissistic self-hate would make Jung shudder. It's incredibly two faced.. these people pretend to be interested in other cultures but they're living isolated somewhere in the suburbs talking about those poor people.. that are traditional as hell by the way. They are always to be preserved, they are pure, they are noble savages. But our own traditions? They're evil..

edit on 29-8-2015 by TheLaughingGod because: Typical liberals right...

+6 more 
posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:19 AM
In it's simplest terms the war on Western values boils down to this: Individuality and freedom - the 2 values most prized in Western thought from the time of Martin Luther onward. European history for the last 500 years was based on getting rid of monarchy and acting in accordance with one's own values.
Socialism and Marxism rely heavily on man's commitment to society and his fellow man to bring their revolution about even though it's still an oligarchy that controls it in the end.

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:21 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

the muslim population wont rise over 10% its about 5,5% now, 20 mosques minus the 2 which burned down. We have 3071 Churches. The SD is just a populist part, wont change the agenda. We always take in 50-60k immigrants every year. Understand why as a fellow Swede we do as we do, Its your obligation as a Swedish citizen to know.

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: LittleByLittle

These populations were very minor. Certainly the immigration was not even close to as massive as it is today. A few hundred people here, a few hundred people there. Perhaps sometimes a few thousand at most.

Ok, let's see here then. Valloner..

"Antalet valloner som kom att stanna i Sverige var litet, det är dock osäkert exakt hur många det rörde sig om. Nationalencyklopedin anger att 900 individer stannade i Sverige permanent."

"The number of Walloons that came to stay in Sweden was very small. Though it is unsure exactly how many they were.
The National Encyclopaedia noted that 900 inviduals stayed in Sweden permanently."

This does not constitute a major population migration. Fifty million muslims in Europe, yes, that is major.
edit on 29-8-2015 by TheLaughingGod because: correction

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:29 AM
So who wants to do a "revolution" ill go and smell some flowers, give me a call when its over.

Ages of man... I can even tell you guys when the next conflict is, does it make a difference? It wont, if you truly love someone and care about them, never let them know anything outside the bubble, never let them know the truth. The truth hurts, it hurts in so many ways and you still have to look yourself in the mirror every morning and say, i wish i never took the leap.

My curse is this; If you make them cry, you must also make them smile.

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:32 AM
a reply to: edward777

by Odins beard ! does that mean the Aliens are coming?


posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:38 AM
Burnt book creation of consumerist nations. Several centuries worth and worldwide.

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod


edit on 29-8-2015 by yulka because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

Under 1500-talet blir invandringen till Sverige mer varierad. I Stockholm vid den tiden utgör invandrarna hela 15 % av befolkningen som representerar fler nationaliteter. Främst tyskar, skotta och nederländare. Både Gustav Vasa och Erik XIV driver en aktiv invandringspolitik för att påskynda Sveriges omvandling till en modern enhetsstat. Tyskarna utvecklar under denna tiden bergsbruk, byggande, hantverk och handel. Från Nederländerna kommer skeppsbyggare, segelsömmare och timmermän. Även från Frankrike, England, Baltikum, Polen och Ryssland kommer olika specialiteter.

15% of Stockholm in the 1500 where immigrants from other countries.
edit on 29-8-2015 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:49 AM
Soo fellow Swedes, im not sure the rest of the ATS community wants to hear us bickering when it comes to Sweden, remember we should always play dumb, cause you forget these people have ideals.

Lets just take a fika, and eat a cinnamon bun
edit on 29-8-2015 by yulka because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

the more the pendulum swings one way the more it will swing back.

I worry about that. I think a lot of this erosion of Western values is due to German guilt at what the Nazis did. Germany is in reversed polarity now...though it could reverse again.

I hope the UK electorate has the good sense to leave the German empire when given the opportunity...if we get that opportunity. I'm sure the EU oligarchs will do their best to deprive us of that.

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: edward777

Western heritage is under attack? Really? Seems to me like a bunch of people playing to victim card, the jews would be proud

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: LittleByLittle

Yes, mostly Germanic peoples of the same stock as the Swedes.

Now we are importing criminal ethnic enclaves that are as discordant as they possibly could be. There couldn't have been a people in all of history that has been as unthankful as the muslims have been in Europe. I imagine the Mongols would have been more gracious guests.

Liberals love to talk about rednecks and how they're inbred yet they don't see a problem with a culture that has practiced inbreeding for over a thousand years. And Swedish feminists don't seem to see any problems with a culture that is known to be the most patriarchal culture in the World, a culture which in many cases is completely fine with rape. Neither do they have a problem with the fact that the muslim slave trade only ended in the 70's. Yet they'll talk all day about 18th century Americans.

Voi voi.. Swedes really are the dumbest people in the World. This is why Finns think Swedes are fashion obsessed sissies. The only thing that makes me proud to be a Swede is how environmentally friendly we are. And the ascendancy of ecological(you guys call it organic?) food. Yes, landet ekomjölk, haha.
edit on 29-8-2015 by TheLaughingGod because: I should probably call it a day with all these edits..............

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 04:58 AM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

You dont understand

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