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Businessman claims he has a farm of sacis (sorta of gnomes)

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posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 03:00 PM
LMAO to this, this is just weirds on many levels. Anyway, here's a quick info on the Saci for those who don't know:

Saci (pronounced: [saˈsi] or [sɐˈsi]) is a character commonly considered the best known character in Brazilian folklore. He is a one-legged black or mulatto youngster with holes in the palms of his hands, who smokes a pipe and wears a magical red cap that enables him to disappear and reappear wherever he wishes (usually in the middle of a dust devil). Considered an annoying prankster in most parts of Brazil, and a potentially dangerous and malicious creature in others, he nevertheless grants wishes to anyone who manages to trap him or steal his magic cap. However, his cap is often depicted as having a bad smell. Most people who claimed to have stolen this cap say they can never wash the smell away.

If a popcorn kernel fails to pop, it is because the Saci cursed it. Given half a chance, he dulls the seamstress's needles, hides her thimbles, and tangles her sewing threads. If he sees a nail lying on the ground, he turns the point up. In short, people blame anything that goes wrong—in or outside the house—on the Saci.

But how the hell this guys enters in the realm of cryptozology? Well, the Saci to most brazilians is as real as dragons or the tooth farie, but actually many people in the most remote regions claim this guy is actually real and would often steal their cakes (yeah for real, this guy steal people cakes, beers and cigarrates for whatever reason).

But anyway here's the stuff:

Myth for some, true for others. The existence of SACI is a mystery, but Porangaba (SP) the business of the agricultural branch Edson Wagner, 52, claims he creates 17 couples of the most famous folk character of Brazil in the site itself. He gets to claim that they have about one meter and 20 centimeters in height. "They also live in the woods and protect the fauna and flora," he believes. But in the case of the illustrious "locals", he points out that they "get ready a lot".

Owner of a farm in the neighborhood of Lopes, Wagner is the representative in the city of the National Association of Saci Breeders (NACA), which exists in Botucatu (SP). The organization has been active since 1980. Also according to Wagner, formerly there was much more sacis in Porangaba region. He believes the growth of cities scared away most legends, such as Saci, and can no longer be located in urban areas.

The businessman explains why he believes it is not so easy to find them. "They do not like light, they only live in the dark. So they are only found in the field, "he explains. And sacis Wagner says that there are two species of this creatures, and the most common ones are different from ordinary, which are known in legend as pererê, who walk with his right leg. He is sure that in the region of Porangaba, they are "kind" siriri, which only have the left leg.

For Wagner, until the capture of sacis is "too cumbersome" and when found, they must be stored in containers in order not to escape. "The staff asks me to pick up and display these guys so the ycan belive. I put the sacis in bottles, but they are invisible and only appear within seven days, seven weeks or seven months. However, people do not have patience to wait and open the bottle ahead of time. Thus, sacis flee, "describes him about the inability to find to" ease "the characters

I once heard a report of a guy grandfather who also said he had a farm of these guys. He said they can shapefit into the size of a human children and the size of a insect so they can avoid being seen, they are sapient but cannot talk like whe do (for whatever reason) and also look like elfs; booth girls and men are kinda ugly with pointed ears and black/red hair. They are basically harmless and avoid humans at all costs, they can also hide in swirls and control them in their favor.

What do you think about this?

So urce
edit on 28-8-2015 by Frocharocha because: grammar

edit on 28-8-2015 by Frocharocha because: grammar

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 03:17 PM
i just joined ats after googling for info on 'sep 23' which many folks around seem to be chatting about. anyway, this is the first ats thread i clicked on and my thoughts are.. south american leprachaun? and if they are interdimensional or what?
as for the claim.. FARM?! pft

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

Never expected this. This resembles something from my childhood. When I was at my grandmother's house, as a child- my father would always say "don't go in the basement, Emo will get you". Probably in a misguided attempt to keep me away from laundry soaps or tools, though my grandmother's basement was always cleaned, organized,nothing dangerous lying around, tiled floors, air conditioned.

I have memories of something that looked like this both in the basement and on the second floor if I went there alone, as a child. I remember the cap. A small, dark sort of person/creature. Odd plaid jacket. Into my early 20s I would experience fear when in that basement alone or on the second floor of that house alone. I would go to do whatever it was I was supposed to be doing there and then run up or down the stairs, depending.

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: Sovan
i just joined ats after googling for info on 'sep 23' which many folks around seem to be chatting about. anyway, this is the first ats thread i clicked on and my thoughts are.. south american leprachaun? and if they are interdimensional or what?
as for the claim.. FARM?! pft

Yeah, they are basically leprechauns from South America xD except that i never heard of something they gave you if you are able to catch one.

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: Frocharocha

Never expected this. This resembles something from my childhood. When I was at my grandmother's house, as a child- my father would always say "don't go in the basement, Emo will get you". Probably in a misguided attempt to keep me away from laundry soaps or tools, though my grandmother's basement was always cleaned, organized,nothing dangerous lying around, tiled floors, air conditioned.

I have memories of something that looked like this both in the basement and on the second floor if I went there alone, as a child. I remember the cap. A small, dark sort of person/creature. Odd plaid jacket. Into my early 20s I would experience fear when in that basement alone or on the second floor of that house alone. I would go to do whatever it was I was supposed to be doing there and then run up or down the stairs, depending.

Your dad just didn't want you to turn out like this from spending too much time alone in the basement:

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

Why the holes in palms of their hands?

This is very familliar to me. I have goosebumps!

As a youngster, I used to trek up a small hill at dusk to lock up our chickens for the night. My final chore for the day.
There was always that creeped out feeling while coming back to our house, especially that last 25 feet to the door. Something was there, following me, watching me, breathing down my neck. A few times I turned to catch a glimpse of this type of being, which scared the shyte outta me. I recall a foul smell also, but hey, I just walked all over chicken poo.

I HATED locking up the chickens. I would pretend to be ill, have an injured leg, etc...just to NOT have to be so creeped out. I never said a word to anyone. This is my first acknowledgement.

Wow. I always thought I was a highly imaginative fraidy cat. This is seriously descriptive of what I saw.
Explains a lot!
edit on 28-8-2015 by NewzNose because: typing error

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: Answer

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: Frocharocha

Never expected this. This resembles something from my childhood. When I was at my grandmother's house, as a child- my father would always say "don't go in the basement, Emo will get you". Probably in a misguided attempt to keep me away from laundry soaps or tools, though my grandmother's basement was always cleaned, organized,nothing dangerous lying around, tiled floors, air conditioned.

I have memories of something that looked like this both in the basement and on the second floor if I went there alone, as a child. I remember the cap. A small, dark sort of person/creature. Odd plaid jacket. Into my early 20s I would experience fear when in that basement alone or on the second floor of that house alone. I would go to do whatever it was I was supposed to be doing there and then run up or down the stairs, depending.

Your dad just didn't want you to turn out like this from spending too much time alone in the basement:

That type of 'emo' did not exist then. It was a name he made up.

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 05:08 PM
I think... pictures or it didn't happen

I do recall hearing small dwarfs that lived in rural parts of Mexico. They would be accused of kidnapping children while they slept. Needless to say, when I went to visit my grandparents, I barely got any sleep.

On a serious note, someone needs to capture some pictures and see if they really do exist.

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: reldra

emo reminds me of gef

"If you knew what I know, you'd know a hell of a lot!" boasted Gef the Talking Mongoose, the miraculous mammal claimed to haunt the Isle of Man during the early 1930s.

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 05:37 PM
You know what,

its really eerie how much it resembles the danish folklore - nisse

Nissen has a red cap on, steals things if you dont give it food.
If you give it food it will help you on your farm.

And they smoke pipes..
edit on 8/28/2015 by ypperst because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/28/2015 by ypperst because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha
Jesus Christopher, that story is hard to follow with all of the grammatical errors. I know it's probably translated from Spanish with google translate or something. But, it's hard to even make sense of the basic story. From what I got, this "farmer" is raising these saci (goblin like creatures.) The thing that doesn't make sense to me is, this guy is trying to differentiate the saci by saying that some are right legged and some are left legged only. However, that doesn't seem to make any sense. If the thing only has one leg... Then it wouldn't be right legged or left legged. It would just be mono-legged. You couldn't use it's one leg to classify it.

This definitely sounds like similar folklore/legends of little nymph types creatures from all over the globe.
It reminded me of the monsters and mysteries episode about the evil gnome that terrorized a mother and her young children.

Here's a link to the show. I think it's the first part.

I can't embed the YouTube video because I'm on my phone.

edit on 28-8-2015 by SheepDipped because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-8-2015 by SheepDipped because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 07:31 PM
A friend swears up and down she grew up with a small red-capped bearded man-thing that walked across her bedroom every night for years... came in the door and entered her closet... and vanished.

I don't think she's a liar or crazy... and it is supported by various other accounts through the ages and around the world.

Little people accounts are old and common... new world and old... and then there were those alleged little bodies found... South America and Russia ... so?

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: SheepDipped
a reply to: Frocharocha
Jesus Christopher, that story is hard to follow with all of the grammatical errors. I know it's probably translated from Spanish with google translate or something. But, it's hard to even make sense of the basic story. From what I got, this "farmer" is raising these saci (goblin like creatures.) The thing that doesn't make sense to me is, this guy is trying to differentiate the saci by saying that some are right legged and some are left legged only. However, that doesn't seem to make any sense. If the thing only has one leg... Then it wouldn't be right legged or left legged. It would just be mono-legged. You couldn't use it's one leg to classify it.

This definitely sounds like similar folklore/legends of little nymph types creatures from all over the globe.
It reminded me of the monsters and mysteries episode about the evil gnome that terrorized a mother and her young children.

Here's a link to the show. I think it's the first part.

I can't embed the YouTube video because I'm on my phone.

Sorry about that D; i will try to avoid future grammar errors in the future. Either way, that's a pretty intersting episode, but i haven't watch all of it.

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

Whats not to love about a black emphysemic beer swilling leprechaun . Especially one with a propensity for eating cake and playing with sharp objects .

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 08:35 PM
The whole red cap thing, it giving him the ability to vanish- makes me think of Mighty Max and his red hat that would open portals.

That was a good cartoon, I miss it.

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: reldra

It was a joke.

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: Frocharocha

Again, why the holes in palms of its hands? ANYONE,,,.?

posted on Aug, 29 2015 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: ypperst

ok.. im going to fess up here - I have seen one of these (nisse) guys with my own eyes. I know ya'll will think I'm nuts delusional crazed etc. No I wasn't on anything, not even an aspirin! I was actually at work and this little dude ran across the floor.
I would say it was definitely an 'inter dimensional' being. It was mostly transparent, but I definitely saw it and the red cap too. It looked nearly identical to the pics you posted. It was only about 5- 6" tall I'd guess. There were 2 other people there, they did NOT see it but they saw me see it and jumped out of the way because they didn't know what I was reacting too. Lol!
so, yeah.. I believe these types of beings exist. I don't think I want to see a saci though!

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: NewzNose
a reply to: Frocharocha

Again, why the holes in palms of its hands? ANYONE,,,.?

Good question. There's also another legend cryptid called "The Curupira.", it's feet are turned backwards, which is very weird as well. There are also sightings of this so called Curupira around the Amazon Basin. In the legend the Curupira is also said to have special powers and strange traits, but the reports say it got no special powers whatsoever, unlike the saci.
edit on 31-8-2015 by Frocharocha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: Frocharocha

I can get the concept of WHY feet are backward, for stability or counter-weight...but why have palms if they have holes?

Thinking...thinking...still thinking...


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