posted on Aug, 27 2015 @ 06:11 AM
**Please move if needed... Literally had no idea where to put this**
Hey ATS,
After a "Hiatus" if you will, I have logged back in and come back to be an active member on ATS. Not that anyone would have noticed, but I feel as a
member of this community, I should let the community consciousness know I am still here and a part of it, and when I choose to take a break.
I have a weird relationship with ATS. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love it here, but after a few months of posting and reading every single day,
it can get a bit too much for me. I see some awesome stuff on here, but I also see some horrible stuff aimed at OP's who are doing nothing but
contributing... And after a while the rollercoaster just gets a bit too much. Think of it like that bar we all love, and we refuse to drink anywhere
else, but every now and then we need to sober up for a few weeks and distance ourselves before we get to deep.
However after a few months of keeping my distance. I am happy to be back and able to ride the ATS coaster once again. I hope you are all well!
What did I miss?