posted on Aug, 25 2015 @ 06:44 PM
originally posted by: schuyler
It would be a waste of space. It's mostly uninformed opinion. I agree with the poster above, though it seems a bit much. I'd settle for Britannica to
start. But ATS? That's VERY low on the list.
The OP's are generally the most worthwhile and informative.
When it comes to the responses and pages and pages
of posts, well.....
there are way too many crazies on ATS who think
every post is a personal jab that them and who then
lash out with the most inane responses.
And there are some people who repeat the same old
same old all the time, over and over and their
responses are so predictable they are boring.
I wouldn't want my mind filled with that garbage for sure.
However, that said, ATS is a fount of current news
and current thought patterns that are well worth
looking at and observing and pondering.
As for learning?
Well interesting yes,
discussion on important current events, yes,
a place to see news not found in the mainstream, absolutely!
A reliable place to learn, well, not really.
But I certainly won't give it up!