posted on Aug, 24 2015 @ 12:33 AM
They will probably just sell your contact info to a marketing place.
I would at least inconvenience them by entering their email into mega sweepstakes, coupon and marketing mailers. They probably just did the same to
you. At least get their email jammed up.
I hate those baysterds, I deal with them constantly on Craigslist with fake boat, car, motorcycle and house listings.
At least get them flagged, get as much as their info you can and get them into scambuster sites. You may save some other person some headaches.
I just dealt with one the other day on a boat listing. They were stupid enough to list their phone. They sent me a sob story and fake name, trying to
get me to send them 5k through paypal. I located their info, and responded
"I don't want to use ebay, how about I just send it to your place in xxxx street xxxx Omaha, Nebraska Carol?"
...ended the convo pretty quickly