posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to:
To answer the question- I would try and pass that knowledge onto others. I'd also come and try to get it out via the intraweb just as You've done
here. Not everyOne who has read this thread has replied, so even they would be 'touched' and then those they spoke with re: the subject would also
then be touched.
I recently went to a "Psychic Workshop" w/out getting too deep.. It was brought up that a would-be psychic wanted to provide readings for free, no
charge or "Love offering", just try and help folks sans any renumeration. The instructor said 'in most cases' unless somebody pays something or works
for it or ?? chances are that they wouldn't use the advise/offering because they had "no skin in the game" "it is worth what You paid for it" The $$
based system is what drove Me out of religion™ so thats out..
Oh, when I typed that I too would use the intraweb, remember sites like ATS™ will want "Proof" Me on the other hand would be 'more content' w/a
light flicker..
Also, the t.v. channel "Destination America" #195 on DishNetwork™ is currently airing the t.v. show "Project Afterlife" where folks who've been
pronounced "dead" have sprung back to Life. One guy who flatlined 11 times and is back. They have a panel of 4 guys who investigate the cases. A
filmmaker; an ordained Minister; a retired state Trooper and an E.M.T...
If You $ell the secret, You're a charlatan, if You give it away, You're a nut... I guess the best answer is "Show em" ?
P.S. I'm sure You'll do the best You can/could.