Recently two posts on ATS have got me really thinking.
The first said that morality and ethics are dead
in the US, this was a pro-choice person supporting
abortion and told people in the thread that
abortion is fine because morality and ethics are dead.
Thing was, it wasn't a joke, the person really meant
it and really felt strongly pro-abortion, I could tell
from other posts by the same person.
The second was a person who said we have now
entered an era of ethics based on nature
and that nature should guide all our ethical decisions.
Very kittens, puppies, and rainbows.
I pointed out the real ethics of nature:
kill or be eaten; eat or be eaten
torture can be fun (cats)
kick people out of your group that don't belong, chase them away or kill them (racism)
All of these and many more behaviors are seen
repeatedly in nature and are ethical if we use
nature as our ethical guide.
Many on ATS have repeatedly said that religion should never, ever
in any form be used as a moral or ethical guideline
in the US, because the morals and ethics of
the religious are dangerous and outdated.
So that rules out all of the 10 Commandments
as a basis for morality and ethics:
so this necessarily means we must reject:
1Exodus 20: 3 No murder.
14 No adultery.
15 No stealing.
16 No lies about your neighbor.
17 No lusting after your neighbor’s house—
or wife or servant or maid or ox or donkey.
Don’t set your heart on anything that is your neighbor’s.
The prohibition against using religious morals or ethics
as many on ATS wish to do would also include:
Mark 12:31, straight from Jesus mouth - which makes
the saying completely heinous according to those
who wish to reject anything to do with religion.
‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ There is no other commandment that ranks with these.”
(i.e. treat others with kindness and compassion)
Morality is: Morality can be a body of standards or principles derived from a code of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion, or culture, or
it can derive from a standard that a person believes should be universal.
Ethics are: .
(used with a singular or plural verb) a system of moral principles:
the ethics of a culture.
(used with a plural verb) the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc.:
medical ethics; Christian ethics.
Since people in the US can not agree on a standard
for morality or ethics,
is the first person right?
Are ethics and morality dead in the US?
Is there no standard or moral compass or
moral base in the US anymore?
Feelings about something are feathers in the
wind and can not count as a moral base,
we see often that feelings vary widely
from person to person at ATS about any and
all matters.
Situational ethics are not ethics at all
since they change with the blowing of the wind.
If something is moral in one context and
immoral in another context, then there is
no moral basis or ethical basis for the
belief in morality.
I will now bow out and come back tomorrow to
see what you all have to say.
I am really interested
to see this as one person has said that the US
is more moral than ever now that it has abandoned
all pretense at religious morality or ethics.
But I consistently see the same person using
situational ethics with no moral compass or
grounding or even sound reasoning.
edit on 3Sat, 22 Aug 2015 15:48:41 -0500pm82208pmk226 by grandmakdw because: addition clarify