posted on Jun, 12 2003 @ 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
I can see your point, Skadi. But I have longer term concerns.
First, we say that abortion is legal. Bad idea. Then, we allow late-term and partial birth abortions. Truly horrendous. We've cheapened life to
an extent hardly comprehendable to mere humans.
Next, we legalize "mercy killing" for those who are terminally ill and no longer wish to fight. Next, the elderly is allowed the opportunity to die
before they feel their dignity is taken. Next, the elderly and the "less than perfect" unborn is suggested euthanized for everyone's good. Later,
those who can't make it to the bathroom without assistance and the unborn that don't meet minimum standards are killed IAW statute.
How long would it take to get to this point? I dunno, but I do know that just a few years ago most would not have imagined that murdering the unborn
on demand would be "constitutionally protected" in America.
Color me paranoid, but if I weren't, would I be here?
actually, it has already gotten to that point. When I was born, I was alive and well, but the doctors begged my parents to have me killed because they
insisted that i would be so disabled that I would be like a vegetable. This means that doctors have the right to kill someone if they suspect anything
is wrong. It sounds crazy, but, basically, what they gave my parents the oppurtinity to do was to just kill me if they did not want to put me up for
adoption/care for me, because in reality nothing was wrong with me.
I do, however, have no problem with pulling the plug on someone who is old and is *supposed* to be dead. Know what I mean? I knew this man that was
dead, that they kept plugged into this life system. It breathed for him, made his heart pump, etc, and he really no longer was there. This should not
be going on in the first place, so if someone is in that position, then fine. keeping them alive is simply cruel.
But, I can see how granting simple liberties to doctors to kill people can go out of hand. Sure, you can recquire the patient that wants to be
euthanized go to counseling, etc, to see if they really want to go through with it. *but*, the problem really does not lie within who wants to die and
them dying, but in the fact that if this is legal, it does indeed open the door for many other things. Imagine if a doctor of euthanasia simply wanted
someone to die. How do you prove that they really wanted to be killed? This could open up doors for mass murdering, legally. There are all sorts of
other bad things that could come from that as well, but I will not get into it.