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2016 Election: Tied, controversial, with a woman but probably not in the 1st place of the ticket.

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posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 08:18 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

My perception on the 2016 Presidential Election is that is going to be a tied contest until the end, we are going to see a very similar scenario of the one experienced in 2000, but this time I am not sure that a supreme court verdict may settle down the controversy around the result.

I have foreseeing glances of what is going to be the situation by the end of 2016, the country will be extremely polarized in between extreme factions, in one side of the spectrum will be the ones that think that the changes initiated by the present administration must be continued to assure a better future for all Americans, in the other I see an entire different proposal that look essentially for a return to the neoconservativism, the tax reduction and the relaxation of the markets regulations.

2016 will begin still shaken by so difficult and important events in the economy of the country in the last quarter of this 2015, In particular concerning the stability of the Dollar that will be seriously compromised by adjustments demanded by the International monetary fund and the world bank as a consequence of the external public debt.

I see clearly that a woman might be elected first time in the ticket for the white house, but probably not in the first place. However, even if this occur this in the long run could put anyway a feminine figure in the oval office under the effect of future circumstances and not of the popular vote.

It is likely than Two extremely veteran figures will fight the Presidency, and I perceive that both will try to claim the victory in the week after the election. There will be great agitation and two leaders both trying to be recognized as the President elect, one with his headquarters in the East coast and the other in the west coast.

The election will be close to a natural disaster of great magnitude that will affect especially at least one coast of the country, and this event will possibly be used as an argument of why the people in that region attended or not the voting places on time, and the impact of this situation in the final outcome.

I am sorry but I don't see a rapid and clear resolution of the electoral crisis and so we will be facing possibly the confrontation in between two parallel governments by the beginning of the next term.

Before the election some important situations will change dramatically the pace of the campaign, Mrs Clinton will affront a so difficult internal situation in her party when new revelations of her emails emerge and be used to try to mount a trial against her. Mr Bush will have a really difficult battle in his party against Mr Trumph for the nomination, it will be like a horse race, with a photo finish.

Hillary Clinton campaign has underestimated a lot the effect that a new round in the emailsgate could have against their possibilities, and in few weeks we are going to see a lot of important figures in the democrat side moving gradually toward other possible precandidates that shall enter to run for that nomination.

I see a really senior figure taking the leadership in the democratic arena after the scandals damage the current momentum of Mrs Clinton. This figure will convoke a new deal in an attempt to save the Union of the divisions that shall challenge it, He will call the masses to defy the false expectation of progress under the globalism and to build a new capitalism with social face.

His alter ego will be a Republican with an extreme right discourse, almost libertarian, somebody compromised with the great capital interests, with good connections with the industrial military establishment and also extremely compromised with the financial markets.

One last characteristic of the election we have ahead is that when the two tickets will be defined in both parties we are going to see political dynasties competing for the oval office. At that moment the words pronounced few weeks ago of President Jimmy Carter denouncing the gradual transformation of the American Democracy in to a kind of modern Oligarchy will find a lot of echo among the political analysts of the media.

This is my forecast of the ending of the present administration and the transition to the next Presidential term.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 8/21/2015 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

If you check out the bookies here in Australia, they have Jeb at $2.35, Skrillary at $4 and the rest outside $10+, so it seems they favour a Bush fire,again

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

You get to pick your poison, Bush or Clinton. Though if the issue between Clinton/Obama don't stop, and Biden enters, I could see Obama putting his full support their. Could be interesting . I still say thing 1 or thing 2.

As a conspiracy note added I have seen a couple postings now on some theory sites that Obama keeps releasing info on Clinton from behind the scenes , they know this and he is under estimating just how ugly Clintons can be.

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 10:24 PM
I can't imagine a scenario where Jeb is elected dog-catcher, honestly.

Frankly -- there aren't enough middle-aged white males left to outvote women, minorities, gays, and millennials -- who are more numerous than boomers all by themselves.

My prediction: Hillary is out of the race shortly before nomination due to scandal and free-falling approval numbers. I have no idea beyond that but I do know the candidate of choice will appeal to the largest voting bloc extant, and that isn't Jeb by any stretch of the imagination. It should be an interesting political season for sure.

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: 0zzymand0s

Frankly -- there aren't enough middle-aged white males left to outvote women, minorities, gays, and millennials -- who are more numerous than boomers all by themselves.

There isn't any law that all of the people you mentioned are stupid enough to vote for Democrats or Bush. My daughter and her friends are all voting for the first time this election and that is at least 10-15 votes from millennials that won't be going to Hilary.

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: 0zzymand0s

Dear readers,

One additional condiment to the already so spicy recipe of the 2016 Presidential election:

We may have among the strongest contenders for the Presidency by the day of the voting first time in History two Roman Catholics, what practically gives a maximum likelihood to see the next President belonging to that Christian denomination.

Now, this will give a unique role to the Vatican to try to mediate in the resolution of the governability crisis that a so tied election would bring to the nation.

I know this particular part of my forecast possibly will not be pleasant to be read by many Evangelicals that will backup Donald Trump, or the supporters of Mrs Clinton who is Methodist , but I honestly see the new President Elect or the acting President as a Catholic, in spite if the two figures disputing the power be of the same denomination or not.

Finally one of the strongest forerunners in this campaign , although not necessarily among the two to fight the oval office, is going to be a person that has changed of political party once along life, it was in one party before to marry and in another after it. This should be a case similar although not exactly equal to the one of President Ronald Regan.


The Angel of Lightness

edit on 8/21/2015 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

Donald Trump is the only thing that could get Hillary Clinton Elected. He was never a contender IMO, he is the saboteur.

I don't know the American election system that well but these primaries they have are probably easier to rig than the general election.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 01:02 PM
Considering both coasts are more than sympatico on most issues ideologically, the idea of East v. West is ludicrous. It is more likely to South/Heartland v. the Coasts when it comes to a divide on ideology. Additionally, there is no extreme "veteran" per se on the Republican side of the ticket, only veteran if you consider political name.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

God, I hope they aren't dumb enough to vote for Hillary. But I don't see them voting for Jeb at all either.

Honestly -- the only thing I ask of my kids is that they educate themselves as to the relative merits of their candidates, and um, actually vote.
edit on 22-8-2015 by 0zzymand0s because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 04:38 PM
And I am having trouble seeing Hillary at the moment although it's not impossible she'll be there, but I do think it ever more likely that Fiorina will find her way onto the ticket.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
And I am having trouble seeing Hillary at the moment although it's not impossible she'll be there, but I do think it ever more likely that Fiorina will find her way onto the ticket.

Actually I have the same thought. When Hillary gets the nod whoever gets the nod from republicans (Bush) will add her as vp to cut into the women vote. Not sure that it matters as much as political views to the true believers but I could see it.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Excuse me Ketsuko but lets check how ludricious is my prediction:

In 1952 General Dwight Eisenhower was elected President by landslide, he was waiting for the election results in the Hotel Commodore of New York city.

In I956 and 1984 two incumbent Republican Presidents, Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan respectively celebrated their reelection in Washington DC. The same happened in 1988 when Ronald Reagan celebrated the election of George Bush as it was his second reelection one.

In 1960 the Republican Nominee Richard Nixon waited for the results of what was until that time the most tied election of the century in Los Angeles, California, the city where he grew up in his natal state. It was there where he knew that JFK won for only 116000 votes of difference, victory that he celebrated in Boston, Massachusetts.

Eight years after that, Richard was in New York city when the final compute gave him the 1968 election for even a narrower margin of less than 30000 over Humphrey, in what seemed the most fantastic comeback in politics ever.

In 1980 Ronald Reagan celebrated his election in the century Plaza Hotel of Los Angeles, California, for landslide over President Jimmy Carter, in the State he was governor.

Therefore, it is perfectly possible in the election night of 2016 to have two Acting President elect each one located in one of the two coasts of the country, or at least one in the east and another in the west.

You are quite right, however, in your feelings about Carly Fiorina, she have a lot of possibilities to be in the Republican ticket to the white house next term as a runner mate. This night it seems Senator Elizabeth Warren is receiving also offerings of Joe Biden to join his eventual campaign according with the news.

I don't want to scare no body, also I want to have the most responsible non partisan prediction possible, but one possibility to have two Candidates fighting the Presidence in the election night one in the far west and one in the east is to have for instance Governor Jeb Bush, who will possibly wait for results in Florida, and Ex VicePresident Al Gore, who lives in Rancho Mirage, California.

Now, Clinton logically will close campaign and wait for results possibly in Arkansas, the state her husband was governor, or in New York state, that she represented as Senator. Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden will probably wait for the results either in Vermont and Delaware, the states the made their political careers.


The Angel of Lightness

edit on 8/22/2015 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

This refers to my post of August 21st 2005 in this thread:

Before the election some important situations will change dramatically the pace of the campaign, Mrs Clinton will affront a so difficult internal situation in her party when new revelations of her emails emerge and be used to try to mount a trial against her. ...
Hillary Clinton campaign has underestimated a lot the effect that a new round in the emailsgate could have against their possibilities, and in few weeks we are going to see a lot of important figures in the democrat side moving gradually toward other possible precandidates that shall enter to run for that nomination. .

I am feeling that we are approaching a so much critical moment in the current race for the white house, a terrible series of events that will determine if Hillary Clinton will continue or not running for the Presidency.

As I pointed about five months ago New revelations are coming soon, with enough weight to even cut the advance of Clinton and force her to consider a dropping of her campaign.

This will be a terrible dilemma for the Democratic party that is not prepared to overcome such a situation at this point of the electoral year.

Pls read: c93e3b9a_story.html

There is substantial evidence that can show that there was a grave omission from her side to handle extremely sensitive information following the minimum acceptable protocols of secrecy to preserve the national security interest.


The Angel of Lightness

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

I KNEW there was a reason I left the methodist church!
I didn't like the Clothing show my mother apparently had.
Is there a denomination for soldiers that God is Ok with?

posted on Jan, 20 2016 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

Dear cavttrooper,

Let me clarify that the religious affiliation of a politician is not necessarily determinant to explain his or her behavior, preferences, decisions, even errors. I don't think the religion of Mrs Clinton is in the core of the problems she is facing right now, possibly there are other factors around her life that have more weight on to have mislead her to commit certain mistakes or wrong actions.

A classical example of this situations is for instance to realize than in all the History of America there were only two Quaker Presidents, a denomination that many consider highly spiritual and pacifist. Nevertheless they were diametrically opposed in many aspects in Politics, one was several times nominated for the Nobel Peace award, for his constant work in philanthropic causes, the other one became accused of terrible charges of corruption and forced to resign. I am talking about Herbert Hoover and Richard Nixon of course.

I am not perhaps the best person to ask for what denomination to enter into, since my foes have accused me a lot of times to be doing Roman Catholic, or Eastern Orthodox or Marian proselytism, but I appreciate that you ask this.

Nevertheless, I think there are elements that are extremely important to consider when a person is deciding to take part in a religious affiliation:

- Religion must be based in systematic study of the scriptures, that means seeing them as a body of knowledge, not taking fragments of them and trying to interpret fanatically them without any context.

- Fanaticism or Fundamentalism are not good signals, true religion can't teach to hate or discriminate, judge, harrass or make war to others.

- True Religion must be based in a clear, continuous and uninterrupted tradition that can be traced back to the original sources of it. This is what distinguish serious churches from mere sects.

- True Religion is not based in Mind control or in the use of Guilt to manipulate others, it is based in mutual respect and consideration among its members, it never invades or menaces privacy or family life, it complements them.

- True Religion is not a sort of financial activity, it can not be focused in to collect funding and maintain accounting records of all the members.

- Religion without Mercy, Compassion or Charity is not genuine, it is lacking of Love and of any social sense.

- Religion that teaches that salvation is reserved just only for very few people that must isolate themselves of the rest of humanity is sectarian and so it lacks of the universal vocation of a true faith.

- True religion must determine a discipline of life, it must condition what to do and what to don't do, but also must have space to correct errors and repent from them.

- True religion is aware that in the big picture all the great spiritual traditions of humanity are linked each one to other, they share principles that are universal.

- True religion knows that two essential laws of life are that life boosts diversity, it is not just working in only one way to express itself but in many different, so it is not obsessed to create artificially a uniform world. But at the same time life opposes chaos, it creates order, harmony, balance, its own hygiene, its own arrangement.


The Angel of Lightness
edit on 1/20/2016 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 11:46 AM

Post Angel of Lightness August 15th 2015

It is likely than Two extremely veteran figures will fight the Presidency, and I perceive that both will try to claim the victory in the week after the election. There will be great agitation and two leaders both trying to be recognized as the President elect, one with his headquarters in the East coast and the other in the west coast.

The election will be close to a natural disaster of great magnitude that will affect especially at least one coast of the country, and this event will possibly be used as an argument of why the people in that region attended or not the voting places on time, and the impact of this situation in the final outcome.

I am sorry but I don't see a rapid and clear resolution of the electoral crisis and so we will be facing possibly the confrontation in between two parallel governments by the beginning of the next term.

The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
Dear Readers,

I am going to refer to my own prediction posted here during the previous summer, which is entering in a new stage of accomplishment these last two weeks of February 2016, precisely from two major political issues that are menacing the normal resolution of the current political campaign for the white house.

Unfortunately the death of Supreme Judge Antonin Scalia is the very first element that will trigger this stage of accomplishment of the event predicted to occur in this thread.

The replacement of Justice Scala will be a key factor in the decision that we are going to see about the mess that will come from the election of the next President of the USA.

The uncertainty caused by this loss is starting to show what is going to be the climate of division and confrontation among Americans over the final outcome of the Presidential Election.

Please check:

Conservatives are right now mourning Justice Scalia, and there are many rumors circulating about the causes of his death, I am not going to extend myself in to explore the circumstances in which this has occurred, the forum of Political conspiracies is giving a lot of attention to that aspect, but I warn all my readers that this is a factor that is going to have decisive weight in the crisis that I have predicted the election will carry out to the country.

The Possibility that this conservative member of the Supreme Court will be replaced by a liberal one, shifting the balance of power in the Supreme court, attending the privilege of President Barack Obama to nominate his successor will trigger a severe and grave confrontation in between political sectors even before the Presidential race enters in the its final stage.

The second factor that is also pushing the country into the scenario I have predicted to occur is the new findings that will emerge from the Department of Justice and the Federal bureau of Intelligence investigations on the top secret information contained in the emails of Hillary Clinton.

Mrs Clinton is going to see transformed what she believed was a Presidential campaign in a fierce battle not only to survive politically but to avoid prison.

Please check:

Post Angel of Lightness August 21st 2015
Before the election some important situations will change dramatically the pace of the campaign, Mrs Clinton will affront a so difficult internal situation in her party when new revelations of her emails emerge and be used to try to mount a trial against her. ...
Hillary Clinton campaign has underestimated a lot the effect that a new round in the emailsgate could have against their possibilities, and in few weeks we are going to see a lot of important figures in the democrat side moving gradually toward other possible precandidates that shall enter to run for that nomination.

Please be aware that we are approaching an extremely difficult phase of the campaign, we are going to see situations never seen before for any alive generation in this country, including huge demonstrations of civil disobedience and confrontation in between political institutions.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 2/16/2016 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 11:56 AM
YOU are not scaring me, Angel of Light.....what scares me is the field of candidates. I don't like ANY of them...and have absolutely no idea who I should vote for!

But I'm with you that this is going to be a real mess of an election.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: Jansy
Dear Jansy,

I am not intending to scare, just to warn on time that we must be prepared for whatever comes, to base our confidence in solid rock.

We are going to see a dramatic collision of ambitions and confronted interests in the political class, the amount of candidates is just a manifestation of the lack of consensus of what the people believe is the correct path to follow at future.

This is the time to turn ourselves to God, is the only way to overcome such confusion, to strength our relationships at any level, to pay more attention to our friends and relatives, since times will come that those social links will prove to be the only reliable source of confidence and stability in our lives.

Our job will also prove to be a good way to maintain vital good relationships around us, so please focus in all what you can do for your customers, for your superiors, for your employees, for what ever is part of your place in the macroeconomy.

The media is going to make all the time just echo of the division and confrontation politicians are willing to move forward to levels never seen before since the civil war, so it will no be a good source of guidance, it will only bring more negative noise to our lives.

The division that Politics will bring to America can only be survived by the ones that can develop a sixth sense to see above all that web of intrigues, for the ones that put their trust in what is essential, fundamental and perennial in life, the people that we are attached through bonds of love and to surrender our lives to God.

At the end of this crisis we will confirm that the most precious thing we have in life is love, that an old friend is certainly a light shining in the middle of the darkness, and all the good that we can do on our job the most precious possession, the most valuable capital.

In conclusion try to remain in the Light, can you see it? it still shines around us in the middle the darkness and there is more far distant ahead of us, making a path toward a new time to come, look forward to the end of the Tunnel.


The Angel of Lightness

edit on 2/16/2016 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 16 2016 @ 11:42 AM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
Dear Readers,

The Primary election in Missouri for both parties this Super Tuesday became a really strange phenomena, entering in a kind of twilight zone due to the so extremely unlikely synchronicity in between the two results running in parallel.

For incredible that it appears it is so tied in the two parties, but that is not all the coincidence, also the winners have taken the State for exactly the same difference of votes, just only 0.2% of margin!

The probability of occurrence of this situation is extremely low, given that we are talking about two different political organizations and also extremely diverse political profiles about the candidates.

It is really strange that the distance in between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz is equivalent to the distance in between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in the same Primary on the same State.

Please Check:

What is this telling to us? Well, that my prediction that we are approaching to a so tied Presidential Election in this 2016 is more likely to occur than what the current polls predict.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

posted on Nov, 11 2016 @ 09:53 AM
The peace of God to all that belong to the Light,
Dear readers,

We are experiencing the most tied election ever probably in modern History, one that showed one candidate wining the popular vote, Hillary Clinton for 340000 votes, and another candidate winning the electoral vote with about 290 over the 270 required to be elected.

This is even more tied than the 2000 one in between G. Bush and A. Gore, where the difference in popular votes was over 600000 with less people voting and in favor of A. Gore.

The great problem of H. Clinton and in my opinion the real specific reason she lost the election in the very last moment was her defeat in Pennsylvania plus her humiliation in Arkansas, two states that must be in her side since they are her birth place and the one of her husband, who was in addition governor of that State.


The Angel of Lightness

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