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Bigfoot Wars

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posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 04:42 PM
Hmmm this is very intersting. How we did never heard of this? So you probably heard about the show " Monsters and mysteries of America." It's content is pretty damn awesome i can say, But i was watching episode S02E05 and i heard about a mythical Big foot war, and i was like what? so here's the thing:

The a "Human-Bigfoot War" which took place in Oklahoma thousands of years ago was a war between the Homo Sapiens and an uknown species of super-strong humanoids whose believed to be canibals and extremely territorial, it was believed that these creatures would kidnap people and eat babies. According to the Archeologist Kathy Strain, thi story was told to her by the Elders. Accordin to the tale, thousands of years ago, one bigfoot invaded one of their tribes at night and stole one of the women babies. In response the tribe allied with other tribes and started a full-scale war agaisn't the bigfoots and were determined to fully wipe em' out. The result was bigoots burning down villages and tribe warriors hunting for them around.

Altought much more powerful and durable than humans, bigfoots were at disvantage at this war, because they lacked human capacity. While the tribes had spear and bows, bigfoots had to content themselfs with rocks and sticks. After sometime the tribes decided to start a truce with the bigfoots and a thousand-year deal was made. Bigfoots would live in certain areas and never bother the humans again and the tribes would never enter their territory.

Today, this bigfoot nation lives hidden inside the mountains and forests. Whomever, if any human who tries to invade bigfoot territory in Oklahoma will be killed if haven the chance, and even eaten.

i tried to search more info online about this, but nope, there's almost nothing about that,

But, just, wow. That's an amazing story, but this seems something out of a movie. There's also a report of bigfoot hunters who alleged found one of these hidden locations in the episode, and even knowing they cold be dismemebered to death, they travelled to the location.

You can watch that episode on youtube if you want. I suggest to give a look out, there's even gnomes in the same episode

edit on 21-8-2015 by Frocharocha because: grammar.

For those interested: Direct link
edit on 21-8-2015 by Frocharocha because: Video

edit on 21-8-2015 by Frocharocha because: grammar

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 05:32 PM
Very nice thread, S&F for you. This is the first I've heard about this. Looks like I'll be doing some research into the topic.

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 05:40 PM
so bigfoot can make fire then?.......surely if they can,they would have been found from the smoke of their fires?

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: hiddenNZ
so bigfoot can make fire then?.......surely if they can,they would have been found from the smoke of their fires?

They do seem to be smart, but no more than caveman. They can probably fight witha club or something.

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: hiddenNZ

The bigfoot paint flat rocks black and in the Oklahoman sun the rock gets hot enough to cook the albatross eggs they steal when the dodo eggs are in short supply.

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 11:04 PM

How did they come to a truce, bigfoots converse in English?
Sign language?
Grunts discernible to anyone who hears the bigfoot grunt.

I read some of these threads and I cant help but think, I wish others would also do that.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: Frocharocha

If there were that many "bigfoots" you would think we would have some bones or teeth huh? Don't you find the distinct lack of these things telling? I mean if primitive people could hunt them and kill them, you would think we would have some evidence by now. When i was young i was told of a mythical being that came at night and took my teeth from underneath my pillow. It paid for the teeth with coins. Why can't we find evidence of this creature too?


posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:08 PM
Thanks for sharing this. I watched quite a few episodes last night and there's a couple of things I noticed (besides the hammy acting). The first is that the majority of the 'monsters' are half man/half..whatever, and the second is the glowing red eyes.

The show speculates that the 'monsters' are either remanence from the Jurassic age (or sometime in the past), or simply a species yet to be discovered by science.

Personally I believe that a lot of these half man/half beast are genetic experiments. I've heard heard about ungodly combinations of 2 or more creatures, but I wouldn't consider them a species, just one off experiments, that perhaps
have escaped (such as the reported Reptoid & the military connection) or have been released.

Back to BF.. or Ape-man, or Skunk-ape etc... What I believe is that BF is not an ape, not even half, but is actually a cross between Man and a Bear. The Ape assumption is understandable given its appearance but if you imagine for a second a cross between Man & Bear then it would be reasonable to consider it Ape like, despite not containing Ape DNA.

WRT to the Bigfoot war, perhaps this was when the BF was introduced to this planet, and WRT to the truce, perhaps this was the BF adjusting to co-habitation. We must not underestimate them. When we consider them Apes, we will consider them to share Ape like behaviour and intelligence, so we would assume that finding evidence of BF is as simple as finding evidence of Apes. The lack of tangible evidence has long been the reason of dismissal for most,
but I believe that we are looking at it the wrong way.

I have heard reports of BF having the glowing red eyes but it's not a constant in people's accounts, however, when it is reported, it is a sign of evil intent. I've concluded that glowing red eyes are a sure indicator of an evil creation, by whom I will not speculate on this occasion. There are good guys and bad guys in every species (or experimental creatures) but I'm now convinced that those bearing the glowing red eyes are inherently evil.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman

How did they come to a truce, bigfoots converse in English?
Sign language?
Grunts discernible to anyone who hears the bigfoot grunt.

I read some of these threads and I cant help but think, I wish others would also do that.

Well, there's another threa where there are reports that bigfoot are capble of speaking. Maybe they speak old-american native lenguages. Who knows?

If there were that many "bigfoots" you would think we would have some bones or teeth huh? Don't you find the distinct lack of these things telling? I mean if primitive people could hunt them and kill them, you would think we would have some evidence by now. When i was young i was told of a mythical being that came at night and took my teeth from underneath my pillow. It paid for the teeth with coins. Why can't we find evidence of this creature too?

I don't think the natives would bother to dig graves for them. Humans dd the same to other extinct species like Thylacine, the Moa, Wooly mammoth etc. We hunted them all and killed them all. Betwew, unless very well preserved, it would be extremely unlikely to find bigfoot teeth and bones. Remember, bigfoot live in caves and are nocturnal and smart creatures, unlike other animals, they avoid humans as best as they can, rare animals are very very hard to come by. So if you wanted fo find fossil evidence for bigfoots, you should try going around caves.

And bigfoot is unlikely the tooh-farie. The fairie is actually a lie told by parents to children , whereas the bigfoot is a legend based on reports and myths.

posted on Aug, 26 2015 @ 10:22 AM
very interesting, thanks for posting because i never heard about this before and i love bigfoot!


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