posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 02:47 PM
Let me explain this to you: THE MILITARY DOES NOT CARE WHO GETS HURT. Hurting people is their primary deal, and holding back is a liability.
Friend of mine got gangraped by her husband's squadmates. His officers told him that their investigation showed it was consensual and that he should
leave his wife and keep his mouth shut.
Female troops in Iraq were being raped by male soldiers in the bathrooms in Iraq. Base commander told women not to go to the bathroom at night
The military is about violent dominance of other people. So is rape. They go together like peas and carrots, and if you start trying to separate them,
you're going to have soldiers with different ideas of where the line is turning on eachother- better to tell them all there are no lines and let them
turn their full force on anyone who doesn't bow to America- that's how the brass sees it.
If you're WTFing why a green beret stops at "shoving" somebody who is a clear and present danger to friendly non-combatants, it's because he knew
ahead of time that killing that cop would have got him a murder rap. He could have killed the kid no problem of course, as long as it was an accident,
but never stand against somebody who is hurting people to scare them away from opposing America.