posted on Aug, 31 2015 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to:
So one week later he called me up and told me the first one looks like it´s 3series, probably M.
All the other photos are from the same car, the 5series as far as he can tell or 4 series gran coupe. He said judging by the size of your pickup truck
its 5series but not so sure. No details on the motor :-/. He concludes it´s a 6cyl probably the N63BB44 judging the exaust and brake pads. Consider
it as not-so-sure, that´s why they make all the fuss. They were foiled in Germany and normally come by ship after they were fitted with
fireextinguishers in Cologne.
So all in all, we have nothing confirmable :-/
edit on 31-8-2015 by verschickter because: (no reason given)