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It's a shared humanity that binds us together.

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posted on Aug, 19 2015 @ 03:32 PM
World Humanitarian Day 2015

All of Humanity is the same species
We are all brothers and sisters
And together we CAN change the world

edit on 19-8-2015 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

I know that many feel cynical about such events as this
Yet cynicism never addresses the important issues that require our consideration

The title of thread " It's a shared humanity that binds us together." I feel says so much
Far too often we focus on our differences and fall pry to pettiness

Yet for those peoples who are affected by War and Poverty it is not petty it is all too real
Most of us have relatively comfortable life's
And those in distress and suffering are but images on our entertainment machines

This is the age of Global of communications
We can make a difference
We have the equal playing field of world leaders
We the little people can make a difference by recognising our shared Humanity and speaking out for our fellow beings

We are fortunate while many are not

Take off your blinkers and your suspicions
War and Poverty are real
People without a voice require us to speak up and challenge our leaders who involve themselves in crimes against our Brothers and Sisters

Let us rise up above apathy and forget petty differences

What do you say fellow members
edit on 19-8-2015 by artistpoet because: expand

posted on Aug, 19 2015 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: artistpoet

Is this like the "Earth Day" or any of these days.......list?
edit on 19-8-2015 by highfromphoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2015 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: artistpoet
World Humanitarian Day 2015

All of Humanity is the same species
We are all brothers and sisters
And together we CAN change the world

After reading this I feel we all should sit down hold hands and sing Cum by ja

edit on 19-8-2015 by imod02 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2015 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: highfromphoenix

Yes I guess so ... It is done in partnership with several organisations and individuals
[ " target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">

posted on Aug, 19 2015 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: imod02

Cynicism has it's place but this is not it
Some people are trying to make a difference in any way they can

posted on Aug, 19 2015 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: artistpoet

Thank you AP. Would that we all might strive to the compassion you display and encourage in this thread. though many, I am sure might not be equal to this task.

posted on Aug, 19 2015 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: imod02

originally posted by: artistpoet
World Humanitarian Day 2015

All of Humanity is the same species
We are all brothers and sisters
And together we CAN change the world

After reading this I feel we all should sit down hold hands and sing Cum by ja

Most likely before you were born this song was sung by people who could find no other way to fight the system other than to sit down in the streets of battle, hold hands and sing while the police battered them with clubs and water hoses. It is a simple song, with simple words and simple intent, one that people of different faiths and for that matter even those who do not hold to those faiths might sing together. The intent is to join with others and ask for God to come and aid the poor and helpless.

It is Kumbaya.

If your reply was intended as an addition to this thread, then I say bravo. But lately it has become a way to slander those who sing it as if they are mindless dolts. Your reply and gross misspelling suggests the later and I for one have no appreciation or time for this kind of insult other than this one reply.

posted on Aug, 19 2015 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Great post TerryMcGuire and explanation of the true uplifting meaning of Kumbaya
as opposed to the more cynical view of it.
Thank you

Edit to add

"We shall overcome" was mocked also yet the civil right s movement and Martin Luther King did overcome
I take heart in knowing that - When people are united in the cause of common humanity there is nothing can stop them/us

edit on 19-8-2015 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

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