posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to:
I agree somewhat with what your saying. If it was a proven fact that aliens existed and there was no way to deny it I think alot of people would loose
their faith. That part I agee with.
OK, maybe this is a good analogy. An artist paints a painting. He has created it, but he's not a part of it, he didn't paint himself, he painted the
canvas. So if the universe is God's canvas, he has created us and everything in the universe... Planets stars aliens, black holes etc. "He" created
the universe, therefore he can't be a part of it, like aliens are a part of what was created. Depending on what you believe, he presumably sent his
only son so he could experience this existence.
I think we are all part of God (even the aliens) and our souls are extensions of him. We are a way he can experience what he has created.
Also, when I say "he" when talking about God, I don't mean to say that God is a man. I use that he term loosely, because I don't believe God has the
sex organs of human beings male or female.
Does that help explain my beliefs a lil better? I'm not very good at articulating my ideas, but I try!!!!! Lol. Thank you for the question and
feedback! Very much appreciated.
edit on 21-8-2015 by NaughtyLibrarian because: I wanted to clarify that I don't think God is a man or