posted on Aug, 19 2015 @ 12:14 PM
Hello all. My name is Sara and I signed up because I came across this site while reading about dreams. I'm in my early 30's and have found that my
life is about getting closer to the God of my understanding as well as learning why we exist and what the purpose of it all is. For some reason, this
seems to make me a strange person, although I find it strange to live your life mechanically oblivious, focusing only on the survival of everyday
life. So I delve into that which can only be known to the individual who believes in their heart that things are one way or another.
I believe in other states of existence than the physical realm we knowingly exist in. I believe that the essence of what is us, our soul if you will,
lives on after this physical shell expires. Sometimes we choose to come back as a new person, sometimes we don't. Sometimes we can't because we have
"unfinished business" in our previous lives. I consider myself a Christian, but have many conflicting ideas about interpretation of the Bible....
Example: when Jesus refers to his father having many mansions, I believe he is referring to these different states of existence... Realms... Or
dimensions. That being said, I believe God is a river with many wells, therefore Buhdism or any other religion is just as valid in my eyes as
Christianity. More importantly is believing that our essence will live on and in one way or another have to answer for the way we lived in this
I'm a believer in the ancient alien theory... And yes if Aliens exist (and I find it obvious they do)they operate in this universe under the same
laws of nature therefore the have the same God as we do, whether they are compassionate beings or not. I find it unlikely that a sentient civilization
could thrive to the point of space travel without having had wars, disasters, and plagues all of which inspire compassion at least on earth... So it
makes sense to assume they don't wish to medel in our progress as a species.
Hmmmmm there's lots of other theories and questions I have about the nature of reality and I long to both share those ideas and form new theories, so
I look forward to this type of forum.
Thank you for reading and please comment so I can start threads soon! I'm so excited to be a part of this and I look forward to being an active