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The Empire of the 'Winged Globe'

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posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 01:22 AM
Well kiddos,
The following will be the weirdest post I have ever made on ATS... forgive me, for I usually don't stray into NWO/earth changes type threads...

Basically, while thinking about the horrible earthquake in SE Asia today, I noticed that no one on ATS had brought up the Sitchin-inspired urban legend of Nibiru... the famed missing planet of Sumerian mythology. Why was I surprised? Because the legend of Nibiru holds that, as it approaches earth again, a variety of super earthquakes will be drummed up. Now, am I a believer in this particular take on ancient myth? No, not really... but, as someone who majored in religious studies in college, I know that a variety of ancient texts refer to what are *arguably* ET type beings.

So... in the hopes of checking up on the nibiru story... I just did a basic search on the net for anything that related to it. What i found (or, rather, was reminded of), quite on accident, was what *could* be the symbol of the NWO...

And I say 'could' because I am not into prophecy and the like... however, I know that many of you are... and believe that the NWO is on the verge of taking over.

So, what is this symbol? It is what is often called the 'Seal of the Winged Globe' or the 'Banner of the Winged Globe'. This thing was all over my old textbooks... but I never put it together with NWO/ET conspiracy stuff until I saw it listed on this (somewhat dubious) webpage with (vague) info about Nibiru:
(scroll down a bit)

Take a good look at it: A globe with eagle's wings swinging from the side. Some versions put a cross in the middle... others do not. It hints at both UN symbols and American symbols... as well as those used by the nazis and romans. Now, to be clear, I am NOT saying that I believe in a NWO takeover. What I AM saying is that people who do should really look for a symbol like this because it fits in with what is said about the cultic/ET linked NWO leadership. And, most importantly, it was the symbol of Earth's first government... so why not its ultimate government?

And, before I leave, I have to say this: If the 'NWO' is a legitimate descendant of the ancient civilized order supposedly set up by human-et intercation, is it necessarily evil? Could it be that the religion, art, and philosophy that this contact initiated IS what is best for humanity?


posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 01:29 AM
although the recent tragedy was horrific, it wasn't the most deadly earthquake humankind has survived... a quake in the Shensi province of China killed upwards of 800,000 people in 1556.

Thusly, I don't really see these events as prophetic... things like this happened well before mankind showed up, and they'll continue long after we're gone.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 01:29 AM
Here is the basic logo design, as found on another website:

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Odd
although the recent tragedy was horrific, it wasn't the most deadly earthquake humankind has survived... a quake in the Shensi province of China killed upwards of 800,000 people in 1556.

Thusly, I don't really see these events as prophetic... things like this happened well before mankind showed up, and they'll continue long after we're gone.

I'm NOT saying that those events were prophetic. What I was doing was describing the train of thought that led me to noticing the 'Winged Globe' symbol... and connecting it to the NWO/world gov.

If I just jumped out and said, "Here's this weird symbol that looks like something the NWO would use"... without describing the train of thought that led me to that conclusion... my thread would be totally random.

As things are, I do not believe that the quake was part of prophesy, and I really don't believe in a unified, worldwide NWO conspiracy. What I am doing is pointing out an interesting symbol that the NWO, based on urban legend, might use if it existed.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 05:37 AM
A planet like Nibiru would get so little sunlight as to be a dead rock that far out and no - it's not directly opposite us on the other side of the Sun - would futz with all the orbital calcs and they are just fine. Some theories that a large object may come into the Kuiper Belt and or Oort cloud and cause some disruptions to cause many comets/objects to be flung into the inner solar system wreaking havoc does have some merit however. Heck - we just bagged Sedna....

A brown dwarf would have an IR signature that would have been seen so no cold sun thingy out there either.

Earth is a dynamic planet and we've only been here for a very short time. Lot's more fun/bad stuff to come and it's not some hypothesized planet or wacky alien or godlike phenomenon - just Earth getting on with it's business.... Sorry to rain on anyone's parade but us humans are no better or worse than any other creature here and just because we have a large brain does not mean we are the be all and end all. This planet could care less about us and we are just along for the ride on this rock so I suggest living it up and stop worrying about it. You are more likely to die in or from some man made made contraption than from some natural disaster....

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by UofCinLA
A planet like Nibiru would get so little sunlight as to be a dead rock that far out...

First off, let me say I believe the Indian Ocean quake was a natural phenomenon. Nibiru had nothing to do with it. That said, I find the great escape of the animals fascinating- what they can do, we can build machinery to do once we understand how they do it. As for what fuels tectonic movements, see this link.

Back to Nibiru, I used to laugh at this idea too. Until I analyzed the meaning of the word 'planet'. It simply means 'wanderer'. Then I listened to Buzz one day as he talked about something called a 'cycler'. All of a sudden, the Sumerian's contact tale becomes scientifically possible.

The Empire of the Winged Globe... take a look at the list of nearby sunlike stars here.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 05:46 PM
To clarify, I'm not saying that I believe in a literal version of the Nibiru story. What I am saying is that if the majority of legends about the NWO are correct... that they will use a symbol very similar to the one of the winged globe/sun.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 06:24 PM
The united states airforce spaceforces badge is a winged globe.

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