posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 09:59 PM
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Dave's Insanity sauce. One pin drop will set your mouth on fire.!hot-sauces/c1kcb
I have a bottle that I bought in Chicago 15 years ago and I still have not used 1/1000 of it.
The first time I tried it was at a specialty restaurant while at my cousin's wedding. I took some back to Dallas to share with a friend of mine that
was always trying to prove to me how brave they were by eating jalapeños whole by the bunches.
I made him a special batch of chili one day and couldn't wait to see his face turn bright red and have smoke coming out of his ears. Mission
accomplished. Not only could he not finish the bowl the way it was, he couldn't drink enough water to put the fire out. I had to take some brown
sugar and add it to the chili so we could eat any of it.
I love spicy, but omg, that stuff is freaking INSANE and let me tell you, I will only use a very tiny amount in my sauces, I mean the tip of a
toothpick and that is it.
It is made from pure habanero extract.
Make sure you never touch your eyes after touching this stuff or you will go blind.