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Proving the moon landing was a hoax - John Young is caught 'bare handed'.

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posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: hellobruce

More garbage from you, so you think NASA never tested them, you think the manufacturer never tested them.... you really are getting desperate with your silly claims now!

No, I said NASA would have had to test the gloves, since they were (supposedly) going to use them in the Apollo missions. That is obvious, is it not?

So I'm asking you to show me the tests NASA did on these gloves, specifically showing the gloves before and after being pressurized to 3.75 psi. NASA would have filmed this, right?

I've never seen a film of the Apollo spacesuit before it's been pressurized, through to being pressurized to 3.75 psi, as a single, continually filmed process.

They have documents that describe the gloves, and how they function, of course. They should certainly have put it on film, as this would actually show how the gloves function, their range of motion, their flexibility. Same for the entire spacesuit, in fact.

NASA would have no reason to hide it from us, right?

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 10:58 PM

originally posted by: turbonium1

I've never seen a film of the Apollo spacesuit before it's been pressurized, through to being pressurized to 3.75 psi, as a single, continually filmed process.

so because you have never seen it, it MUST mean it never happened??

have you ever seen them do stress tests on any of the spacecrafts materials??

if you havent it must mean that they never done it right?

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 11:22 PM

originally posted by: choos
so because you have never seen it, it MUST mean it never happened??

Funny how even when he has seen video footage from NASA he totally ignores it, as he knows it totally destroys his silly conspiracy theory!

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 02:18 AM

originally posted by: choos

originally posted by: turbonium1

I've never seen a film of the Apollo spacesuit before it's been pressurized, through to being pressurized to 3.75 psi, as a single, continually filmed process.

so because you have never seen it, it MUST mean it never happened??

I'm saying I have not seen it. I don't know if they filmed it, so that's why I'm asking you to show it exists.

If you haven't seen it, how do you know it exists? Because you need to prove it exists, and if you can't prove it, you can't claim it exists in the first place.

So let's see the proof, if you want to claim it actually does exist...

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 02:48 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1
So let's see the proof, if you want to claim it actually does exist...

What are you babbling about now? You are the one claiming a video of the test must exist, it is not up to others to back your claims up, it is up to you!

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: hellobruce

originally posted by: turbonium1
So let's see the proof, if you want to claim it actually does exist...

What are you babbling about now? You are the one claiming a video of the test must exist, it is not up to others to back your claims up, it is up to you!

I've just been accused of claiming it doesn't exist. Now you're accusing me of claiming it must exist.

I have not claimed either that it 'doesn't' exist, or that it 'must' exist. I just finished explaining that point, in the post before yours!

The claim is that the Apollo 16 gloves in the clip are pressurized to 3.75 psi. That is YOUR side which makes that claim. Not me.

So I'm asking your side to prove the gloves are pressurized, as your side has claimed. This is why I'm asking you to show the Apollo gloves before and after pressurization, as a complete, continual process.

It is your claim that needs to be proven, and that's where we still stand, as of now...

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 03:33 AM
Look at this video, from 2:55 to 3:25...

A pressurized spacesuit glove is simulated.

When it is properly pressurized, she is barely able to move her fingers. She cannot come close to clenching her fingers into a closed fist. And the glove's fingers are significantly larger, or 'puffed out', than John Young's fingers are in his almost skin-tight gloves. Young can move his fingers just as freely, and as flexible, as having NO gloves on, at all.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1
So I'm asking your side to prove the gloves are pressurized, as your side has claimed..

Just watch the video in the first post, you can clearly see the pressurised gloves on the moon!

This is why I'm asking you to show the Apollo gloves before and after pressurization, as a complete, continual process.

Please tell us how you know there is a video of that....

Young can move his fingers just as freely, and as flexible, as having NO gloves on, at all.

Garbage, gloves on Apollo were always a problem,

Virtually all respondents reported that the gloves they had worn on Apollo imposed serious limitations on movements of the fingers, hands, and forearms. These imitations ranged from lack of adequate tactility and feedback, to reduced performance and muscle fatigue, to sores and bruises.
edit on 22-8-2015 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

and WHOOSH once again - the goal post moves

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 03:47 AM

originally posted by: hellobruce

Just watch the video in the first post, you can clearly see the pressurised gloves on the moon!

Just watch the simulated pressurized glove in the video I cited, and you'll clearly see the Apollo gloves are NOT pressurized, whatsoever!

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 04:01 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1
Just watch the simulated pressurized glove in the video I cited, and you'll clearly see the Apollo gloves are NOT pressurized, whatsoever!

Wrong, also that glove was nowhere her size, and if you actually watched all the video you would have heard that the fit was critical!

Problems they had with the gloves.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1

originally posted by: choos

originally posted by: turbonium1

I've never seen a film of the Apollo spacesuit before it's been pressurized, through to being pressurized to 3.75 psi, as a single, continually filmed process.

so because you have never seen it, it MUST mean it never happened??

I'm saying I have not seen it. I don't know if they filmed it, so that's why I'm asking you to show it exists.

If you haven't seen it, how do you know it exists? Because you need to prove it exists, and if you can't prove it, you can't claim it exists in the first place.

So let's see the proof, if you want to claim it actually does exist...

yes thats exactly what you are saying..

you havent seen the test footage therefore the spacesuit must certainly not exist.. or not work as intended..

have you ever seen the steel used in the brooklyn bridge being stress tested?? how do you know that the bridge is going to do what its designed to do if YOU PERSONALLY have not seen it being tested?

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 09:14 AM
I think the OP is simply practicing his high school debating skills.
Me thinks he needs more practice before venturing into debunking of the moon landings.

There are plenty of threads here that state that not only did we go to the moon, but were ran off the moon by the alien residents of outer space. He could practice with those folks and be on much more common ground.

That common ground being the total lack of common sense.
And the other common factor, that propensity to state 'if I cannot understand it, it must be fantasy".
One side (the 'we made up the moon landings' group) - 'I can't prove it so it didn't happen'.
The other side (the 'alien landlords ran us off the moon' group) - 'But, you can't prove it didn't happen so its true'.

That could consolidate many threads, confine the scientifically-challenged people into one area, and leave scientific debate to those that understand it.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:59 PM
If turbonium would like to do some actual research, he can browse through the in-house newspaper of the Johnson Space Center:

I have summarised all the ones with Apollo related material here:

You can find many articles relating to the testing of Apollo suits and other equipment, including the story of the person who nearly died as a result of an accident during said testing.

e2a: And some films to watch:
edit on 22-8-2015 by onebigmonkey because: extra

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 10:40 PM

originally posted by: choos

you havent seen the test footage therefore the spacesuit must certainly not exist.. or not work as intended..

You haven't seen the test footage, either. Therefore, why would you believe the spacesuit certainly must work as intended? How does that make any sense?

originally posted by: choos
have you ever seen the steel used in the brooklyn bridge being stress tested?? how do you know that the bridge is going to do what its designed to do if YOU PERSONALLY have not seen it being tested?

Because I can actually go to the Brooklyn Bridge, and see for myself that it will work exactly as it was intended to work.

I cannot do this with the Apollo gloves, because NASA does not let anyone to have them, or to test them, to see if they DO work exactly as shown in the Apollo footage.

So if NASA does not allow us to test them, for ourselves, and NASA does not have film of the tests, or they do, but don't show them to us, then you cannot claim the gloves DO work, as shown in the Apollo footage.

The questions you should ask yourself are - WHY they do not let anyone test the gloves for themselves? and WHY they do not show us any films of the gloves being tested?

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: turbonium1

I cannot do this with the Apollo gloves, because NASA does not let anyone to have them, or to test them, to see if they DO work exactly as shown in the Apollo footage.

Have you asked to test them?

The questions you should ask yourself are - WHY they do not let anyone test the gloves for themselves?
A thinking person might consider that they are historical artifacts. Why do they not let anyone carbon date the Star Spangled Banner? Is it fake?

WHY they do not show us any films of the gloves being tested?
Maybe there aren't any. I guess they didn't figure that you would want to see them.
edit on 8/22/2015 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 11:12 PM

originally posted by: hellobruce

Wrong, also that glove was nowhere her size, and if you actually watched all the video you would have heard that the fit was critical!

The problem is the glove (simulator) she wears doesn't allow her hand/fingers to freely move and flex, This is EXACTLY what should happen, after the glove is correctly pressurized. That is what I've been arguing here.

The other problem is that her glove becomes much larger (puffier) with pressurization. Compare the size of her pressurized fingers (in the glove) to her actual fingers. Then, look at John Young's supposedly pressurized fingers...

If Young's gloves were really pressurized, then he must have pencil-thin fingers!

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 12:13 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1

You haven't seen the test footage, either. Therefore, why would you believe the spacesuit certainly must work as intended? How does that make any sense?

because i dont need to i wasnt involved in the making of the suits, i have seen the suits in action thats enough for me.

Because I can actually go to the Brooklyn Bridge, and see for myself that it will work exactly as it was intended to work.

I cannot do this with the Apollo gloves, because NASA does not let anyone to have them, or to test them, to see if they DO work exactly as shown in the Apollo footage.

but have you been on the brooklyn bridge?? have you tested it to its limits?? if you personally have not been on it and tested it yourself how do you know that it works?

you dont understand engineering at all, you think that when people make something they just make it without any calculations whatsoever.. i bet you think the maximum load on any object is just an arbitrary number.

So if NASA does not allow us to test them, for ourselves, and NASA does not have film of the tests, or they do, but don't show them to us, then you cannot claim the gloves DO work, as shown in the Apollo footage.

The questions you should ask yourself are - WHY they do not let anyone test the gloves for themselves? and WHY they do not show us any films of the gloves being tested?

so whats the difference between the gloves used in Apollo and the shuttle?

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 12:56 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1
I cannot do this with the Apollo gloves, because NASA does not let anyone to have them, or to test them,

Once again, when did yo ask NASA?
What was your exact test procedure you wanted to carry out on the gloves?
Exactly what did NASA reply to you after you sent them the testing procedure you wanted to do?

Or is it that you actually have done nothing but complain about NASA not letting you do what you never even asked them!

WHY they do not show us any films of the gloves being tested?

What did they reply to you after you asked for the films of the testing? Or are you just having a whine about NASA not showing the film you never even bothered to ask them for!
edit on 23-8-2015 by hellobruce because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2015 @ 01:02 AM
So, have we moved on now from "he isn't wearing gloves" to "OK, so he is wearing gloves, just the wrong sort of gloves"? If that's true, then the OP has been answered. Young is wearing gloves, he wore them in each EVA, the claim in the OP video is a complete pack of lies, just like very other video that this guy produces.

Some more glove and suit related research for turbonium to look through

Are we also going to deny that the Apollo 9 EVA was impossible - the one filmed in LEO?

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