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Southern Cross

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posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 10:53 PM

Is it just me or is the Southern Cross not above us like it used to be. It seems to me that the Southern Cross is sitting farther south in the sky and that the pointers are not pointing where they used to.

Has the planet in fact tilted? Is this why its so cold with weird winds.....and I keep standing up and neqrly falling over, like its all out of whack

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 11:00 PM
I must admit I'm no astronomer, and I've never heard this one before.
What makes you think it's actually farther South? Not saying that it
isn't, when did you come about this conclusion?

Has the planet in fact tilted? Is this why its so cold with weird winds.....and I keep standing up and neqrly falling over, like its all out of whack

I have to agree with you partially on this one, although today is okay,
the last couple have been right off for summer, we actually had a minor
hailstorm 2 days ago I think it was, and yes they were cold winds.

As far as nearly falling over, I don't seem to be having any problems
Though New Years Eve maybe a different story.

Just to add, even my Mother who hasn't a conspiratorial bone in her
body is starting to mention weird weather, so there you go.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 12:27 AM
We were outside last night and I looked up to notice that the Cross was pretty far south in the sky and then I thought more about it and realisedI hadn't seen it above my head for quite a while. Then I went inside and got a compass out to be sure and the pointers were not pointing south like they used to. The planets seemed also to be on a further south belt than i am used to. I was in an astronomy club when I was younger and the stars have always held my attention and while I do not know heaps I do know a bit about the skies and it just looked odd. Ra and I sat out there for quite a while getting our bearings until the biting wind chased us inside.
This is Queensland drought weather and the middle of summer. i have never ever seen it get to 5 celcius in december.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 12:32 AM
Okay, well I'll have a look myself tonight. Got to admit it is interesting.
I'm in Melbourne again now, and I have to tell you the weather has
been pretty strange for summer, I lived in Brisbane for 5 years, I
actually miss the weather up there.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 01:25 AM
Well I am in peanutsville here ........and the weather is worse than Melbourne weather in Autumn. Let me know what you think after tonight, I am going to spend some time ot there..all rugged up too...usually it is midnight skinny dipping weather........

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 02:44 AM
Oh! Our Dear Emily would be trilled by now
(somehow I miss her posts).
Seriously -there is something going on -the weather is good exampe. please keep us informed about your findings...

spelling again

[edit on 30-12-2004 by jazzgul]

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 03:30 AM
I havent been paying much attention to the stars lately, but there is some noticeable weather changes that dont fit the seasons. I live in Michigan USA and it is supposed to be winter here, and though we have had some snow, it got above 60f here a couple weeks ago, and its supposed to hit 50f by this weekend, normally it dont get above 40-45f from Halloween until May. However, constellations dont always sit in the same place in the sky, as you know, they are seen in different places throughout the year-but aside from the obvious- the polar constellations will change location (relatively to our view of them) because the Earth isnt perfectly round, it is slightly eggshaped. I also dont think our planet can change its tilt from something that happens within it (dont quote me on that), but I do believe the percussion from that earthquake could cause internal changes that effect the weather. I think we would have to be hit by something outside of our atmosphere, like an asteroid or something in order to change our axial tilt or rotation. I think something serious would have to happen on or to the sun in order to effect our rotation- but then again I dont know for sure.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 06:24 AM
Thats the problem, I know the planet belt and the movement it takes from rise to fall. I just went outside to see and I can't see the southern cross at all. It used to turn on itself sort of and not really move much through the sky.

Orion is also just about overhead instead of being to the north.....

To Quote other Australians today that I asked to have a look to see whether I was more whacko than I thought

Hashmad = I was thinking a few months ago about it's position. Aren't the two smaller stars meant to point North/South?
Cos from where I'm looking they haven't done that for some time.

Invader = and looking at the stars, i cant even really see it... faintly tho

Taken From

[edit on 30-12-2004 by Mayet]

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 07:34 AM
I am not sure what the cross is, but I know the dippers. I am no astronamer, but I grew up watching the stars every night. I was just telling my husband about a month maybe two ago that the dippers were in the wrong place. Everything seemed in the wrong place. He said I was crazy so I dropped it. It is nice to know that there are other people thinking the same thing. Also I am near Kansas City, MO and this summer was the 3rd coolest and wettest on record. We usualy get in the hundreds and this year there were only a few days where it was in the 90's. They said the air quality was the best it had ever been because of all the rain we had. The creeks usualy dry up around the begining of July and stay that way for a few months at least. This year the creeks were always full like it was spring. Today it is going to get to 68. The warmest on record. Also this is the second year on record that we have not had a single snowflake in December. The last time was in 1885. I heard on the news yesterday that Southern Texas had snow on Christmas Eve. It was the second snow on record the last being in 1895. Now with the odd flooding in California and Desert regions. My Dad is in the Deserts in New Mexico and they had snow on Christmas and have had strange cool weather. He said all the locals are curious. Something has to be going on.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Eye Of Ra
Is it just me or is the Southern Cross not above us like it used to be. It seems to me that the Southern Cross is sitting farther south in the sky and that the pointers are not pointing where they used to.

I suspect that this would've been noticed. Perhaps the best thing to do is take some photographs and compare them to older ones.

and I keep standing up and neqrly falling over, like its all out of whack

Stop drinking then. The planet is tilted normally, but that has no effect on falling over or anything like that.


posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by mrsdudara
I am not sure what the cross is, but I know the dippers. I am no astronamer, but I grew up watching the stars every night. I was just telling my husband about a month maybe two ago that the dippers were in the wrong place. Everything seemed in the wrong place...
Like I said to Emily then, Earth must be breaking apart because here in Finland sky is in right position.

Weather is just little too warm now for this time of year, only -5 C and last half of November was 5 C colder than normally but what else you can expect when global warming is unstabilizing climate.
And there wasn't really summer... or maybe that was first week of May which almost had all hottest days of year.

[edit on 30-12-2004 by E_T]

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:03 AM
No I think I figured this one out
. Its no anomaliy. As for the person who said "I know where teh dippers are" you made me chuckle. The dippers are a northern consteltaion and the southern cross is one of the southorn most constelations. And that is important

The stars make a trek across the sky every night. And if your case they all seem to move in a circular path around the celestial south pole. The southern cross is like the norths Cassiopeia. Its in just the right place to be visible all year round. The stars shcange as earth rotates and as we change our direction in space due to earths orbit. What you are seeing is an effect of this. The southorn crossm Crux, in the winter, at night fall is at its lowest possiton of all year. If you go outside look at it at night fall rember its position then come back in say 3 hours you will notice it will be much higher in the sky. ITs just the way the earth rotates. nothing picular.

Star trails, the shutter of a 35 mm camera is left open for all night. The light of the stars moves around the sky and it imprints an immage on the film thus creating this.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 02:45 PM
After years of looking upward and craning my neck I am used to where the stars rise and fall and they are not travelling the same path. The cross is not overhead anymore. Orion which was to the north is now more overhead.
I am used to the elliptic trail that the belts make through the sky and where each constellation should be.

I am no expert only an amateur and I have no proof, this is why I asked if anyone else had seen this. It is not in the last week, it is something that has happened over months.

And to the tilting, I just feel off balance and I do not drink or take strange psycho tropic drugs.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 02:52 PM
Hi Mayet well I went out last night, but was too cloudy, so I'll
have another look tonight and see if I can see anything

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by E_T

Originally posted by mrsdudara
I am not sure what the cross is, but I know the dippers. I am no astronamer, but I grew up watching the stars every night. I was just telling my husband about a month maybe two ago that the dippers were in the wrong place. Everything seemed in the wrong place...
Like I said to Emily then, Earth must be breaking apart because here in Finland sky is in right position.

Weather is just little too warm now for this time of year, only -5 C and last half of November was 5 C colder than normally but what else you can expect when global warming is unstabilizing climate.
And there wasn't really summer... or maybe that was first week of May which almost had all hottest days of year.

[edit on 30-12-2004 by E_T]

doesn't this make you think? over the past FEW years things have started to change global warming, major quakes, sky changing, ect but only over the past few year has it started getting really bad building up to one final explosion and shift of the weight to balance the world back out.

only since humans have started killing this planet really bad...

[edit on 30-12-2004 by Eye Of Ra]


posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Eye Of Ra
doesn't this make you think? over the past FEW years things have started to change global warming, major quakes, sky changing, ect but only over the past few year has it started getting really bad building up to one final explosion and shift of the weight to balance the world back out.
What quakes? There hasn't been any BIG quakes in decades before this.
And remember that difference in energy release between mag 7 and mag 9 is about 1000 so even hundred mag 7 quakes aren't comparable to one mag 9 quake.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:09 PM
I am still sticking by my conclusion. All my stars are exactly where they should be and if mine are so are yours.... unless


sorry I had to have some fun. But I still fell my reason is ligit.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 04:19 PM
That's ok, I still stand by what I say though. The sky is different here. I went out again last night and the planets were actually a touch to the south of me.

And i couldnt see the cross at all.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 04:25 PM
Well here you might want to check this out. Imput your longituted and latitutde or your city and it will give you a personalized sky chart for your sky at any time.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 07:54 PM
I have a library full of hard cover charts and astronomy books and none of them look anything like the online charts.

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