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Agenda 21 Will Be Transformed Into The 2030 Agenda

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posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 09:12 AM
To be fair theres enough Rabbits and wild game to supplement my Vegan forced diet,

I'm a survivalist too.


posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: foxhound2459

You're a lot further ahead of the curve than most then. Am gonna have to get around to finally doing the survival courses I've put off for years.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

I think one of the main goals of the UN is to eradicate poverty-stricken nations and this is a good thing. Of course, certain people won't like the idea of helping out the poor, because they see it as an attack on their own wealth.

My personal opinion is to find ways to bring poverty-stricken areas out of poverty using positive methods that don't make other nations poorer.

originally posted by: Semicollegiate
a reply to: pl3bscheese

Only economic growth can reduce poverty.

I agree with that statement. So if the UN can help poor countries out a bit and get their economies growing, it would be a good thing.
edit on 16pmSun, 16 Aug 2015 12:32:11 -0500kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: darkbake

The problem I have is that we will be governed with a top-down, technocratic approach which means they will look at a bunch of numbers and make decisions based on a bell curve. They'll assume that since most people will fit inside their decision that they will be maximizing happiness across the board.

In that kind of one-size-fits-all situation, if you happen to be an outlier, it sucks to be you. You will find yourself left out.

What if you go to the doctor and the standard, approved treatment for you condition doesn't work for you? Odds are that no other options will be explored unless you fall into a category that makes you elite and highly valuable in some way. Otherwise, sucks to be you.

How about if you are lactose intolerant or gluten intolerant, but you fit outside the approved bell curve, so those choices are not available to you like they are now? Unless you are somehow elite, you'll just have to go through life sick until you wind up being useless to the greater good of the social collective and then they will let you curl up in a corner and die.

This is why it's so sinister to a lot of us. It is governance like we are all so many cogs to be ground down and discarded with new ones bred as needed and only as needed.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 12:47 PM

originally posted by: Cuervo

It's not for the sake of change. It's for the sake of being human and treating others like we give a # about them. Because most of us actually do. Our little cities we live in are not the world.

Most people are good, I have that faith in humanity as well.
What I don't have faith in is the same leaders that have made the mess were in are the same ones planning this utopian future!
Guess who gets Utopia and who gets to sacrifice?
Unwanted NannyState

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

And yet poverty and crime and war keep getting worse with every generation.

You can thank growth for that, but you do know this has happened all throughout human history.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: xuenchen

And yet poverty and crime and war keep getting worse with every generation.

You can thank growth for that, but you do know this has happened all throughout human history.

Yes I know that.

All governments have failed throughout human history.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: darkbake

All well and good.

But the U.N. has a long history of failure and corruption.

Why would anybody want to trust them now?

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: Cuervo

Maybe, just maybe, if more people minded their own business a little more the world might be just a tad bit better off. Y'know, staying in our little cities/farms, whatever.

Course, that's an impossibility in this era of virtually instant communications, travelling around the world in 88 hours, or less.

This sort of "agenda" seems a tad bit over ambitious. It doesn't take into account other cultures, other mores, other environments, both natural and man made... Like all UN initiatives, it'll fail. Not because of lack of want to, or ability, but because of sheer human pig headedness. We don't want cookie cutter culture, or many of us don't...and you can safely number me in that group.

We want to worship as we choose. Eat/Grow what we want. Sing/Dance like there's nobody in the room with us. Y'know, freedom.

A global agenda like this smacks way too much of Orwell, and not 1984, more like Animal Farm.

So forgive me if I glance askance at this idea.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 02:17 PM
the thread title tells it all: "Agenda 21 Will Be Transformed Into The 2030 Agenda"...

to me that means all the pumping of Agenda 21 and the forced subservience to the dictates of Agenda-21 were just the preparatory steps necessary to bring in the more draconian shift in living in a 2030 ration/controlled & extremely regulated world... all societies will conform or die in their resistance with the complete absence of technology or resources to share.... regime change everywhere & all the time

what piques my mind is that Pope Fran-sis, way left of the Church body of Cardinals, intent on making the Church Fundamentally Changed (as is Obama's USA) is introducing the Agendas/Programs/Sustainable Paradigms amid the chaos of baptizing off-worlders, calling Islamic & Christian Gods the 'same'....& a lot of other un-digestible stuff

I am looking for Pope Fran-Sis to eventually reside in Jerusalem along with Islam & the City to become world City
just about the same time Iran joins the BRIICS banking system... as an attempt to thwart the 'IS' forces and delay the Gog-Magog war for an expected 7 years

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: St Udio

I think you're close, and I think a lot of people are seeing the writing on the wall. This was seen a long, long time ago in several different ways, and the story never takes it to a good place.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: Cuervo

Because the progressivism which is pushed is arbitrarily defined by a generally liberal self-organizing consensus that is always moving the goalpost.

Liberals are forever useful tools to any totalitarian, it's in their DNA.

Ted Kaczynski was right about technology, you'd have us being preyed upon by AI or other negative forces. Also, don't you know Earth is a farm? Didn't they teach you that at Hogwarts?

Maybe I teach you the destruction forms, perhaps then you would understand.

Know that you are dealing with Dharmapalas of the three times, lest you forget.

Nice avatar by the way, very witchy.

I wouldn't use a mass murdering terrorist as a resource to back up your argument.

As far as Dharmapalas, I'm not sure you understand the benefit of them. Just like Kali, Pazuzu, Ganesh, etc., the Dharmapalas are a positive spiritual force for those who see the forest for the trees.

And I'm not getting the "Hogworts" jab. Were you trying to making fun of me because of my religious beliefs?

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Something new and fresh is brewing at the United Nations.

Something they are calling Agenda2030.

Big meetings coming in September.

Big changes worldwide on the grill.

There's many goals and objectives, mostly probably UNattainable.

How will they achieve this massive undertaking?

What kind of massive force and authority will be necessary?

In September 2015, Agenda 21 Will Be Transformed Into The 2030 Agenda

Just a few days ago, the core document for the 2030 Agenda was finalized. When what is in this document starts getting out, it is going to create a huge stir among Americans that are concerned about the ambitions of the globalists. The following comes from the preamble of this document…

This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognise that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.

Eh, it's not called Agenda 2030. It's called the "post-2015 Development Agenda." I know, because I work on it, or did until March. Currently applying to work on it again.

And, they will achieve it partly due to the fact that every country has signed on to it after 2-3 years of negotiations. Moreover, it also had input from virtually all major NGOs, corporations, civil society orgs, etc. It literally is the epitome of democracy at a global level.

It is a bit ambitious. But the reasoning behind the goals is that to solve one area or challenge, all other intersecting challenges must be addressed.

For example, to solve extreme poverty, which still remains the primary goal of all of this, we have to address economics, inequality, education, nutrition, etc.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 04:36 PM
Obviously, there is a lot to consider. What is stated in Agenda 2030 is a list of global targets that if and when implemented will affect everyone and their lifestyle. Right now, this day, in global terms our species is in ecological debt. That is to say, that by August of this year, we have already used up a full years supply of earth's resources, trying to maintain the levels of our lifestyles, and here I only include Western lifestyles, and the lifestyles of the rich and wealthy of non-Western countries.

If all countries were brought to the same quality and level of lifestyle that any of the Western countries currently enjoys, we would require the resources of multiple earth's to fulfil and maintain them. Fact is, it is not possible to bring currently poverty-stricken countries up to the same level as Western countries. However, it is possible to force an equilibrium between countries by lowering the level of lifestyle in Western countries, whilst at the same time, allowing poverty-stricken countries to develop. Eventually, an equilibrium between all countries is reached, and the hit on the world's resources remains consistent for a while.

if you live in a Western country now, as I do, you will have noticed how 'austerity measures' are still being used and implemented. Austerity is one of the tools being used to bring about the equilibrium. It will be achieved in phases over the decades...austerity then relief, austerity then relief. It is social engineering, wholly undemocratic and non-consultative.

Obviously, because of the earth's finite resources, population expansion has to come under strict control, and you can do this in Western countries through austerity measures and through the devolution of the welfare state. People with little to no money in Western countries will not have planned children, as they will reason that they cannot afford them. Non-Western countries require more insidious methods to control their population growth, or more pertinently, to reduce their populations.

In a strictly utilitarian sense, eugenics is a powerful argument for our future. Reduce the global population by a massive amount, and you will bring the extraction of the earth's resources under more manageable control. The less people there are, the more resources for those who remain.

Be under no illusion about Agenda 2030, it isn't for your benefit, or for that of your living children, nor even theirs. The 'elite' (for want of a better word) are building their own world off the backs and the labour and the suffering of their own people, and that of others. They have a vision and they are implementing it, and they will tell you that it is for the benefit of all. it isn't, and could never be so, because there isn't enough resources on this planet for everyone. We're not running out of resources, we are reaching the limits at which we can technologically extract them, and whether you like it not, or whether you agree or not, these limits of extraction of resources is going to affect you.

You are not going to give up the quality and level of lifestyle you currently have for the sake of improving someone not as fortunate as you. You'll be happy to see them improve their lives, just as long as it doesn't impinge upon yours in any reductive way. Well, your government is currently reducing it for you, or is going to. They know many will not comply with the agenda, so you will see (and already have seen) greater draconianism filter into policies. Social rights have been trampled and disappeared, though many remain, they are just not as effective any more.

The future is not for me. I am a child of the sixties, a completely different era. Today's world is alien to me, and seemingly much less than what I perceived it as back then. Technologically, it is superior, higher quality, but certainly less equitable. Agenda 2030 will treat most people as mere cogs in the machine, ignoring the all important ghost that is you...the person. You will be just a means to an end, and somewhere in that, you will have to adapt and make a life. You will only be valued as high as what you can contribute.

The question we ask is...who decides who is able to join the club of the elite, because they certainly are not going to reduce their level and quality of lifestyle and privileged? They will euthanase you before they do that.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
Something new and fresh is brewing at the United Nations.

Something they are calling Agenda2030.

Big meetings coming in September.

Big changes worldwide on the grill.

There's many goals and objectives, mostly probably UNattainable.

How will they achieve this massive undertaking?

What kind of massive force and authority will be necessary?

In September 2015, Agenda 21 Will Be Transformed Into The 2030 Agenda

Just a few days ago, the core document for the 2030 Agenda was finalized. When what is in this document starts getting out, it is going to create a huge stir among Americans that are concerned about the ambitions of the globalists. The following comes from the preamble of this document…

This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognise that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.

This is the most important and far-reaching global agreement reached since the UN Charter, and widely recognized as such.

Here is the proper website for all documents and calendars related to it's negotiation.

Here is the almost finalized outcome document with the Sustainable Development Goals, which are the actual mandates and focus of these negotiations.

If anybody has any questions, I can answer them as I am deeply embedded in this world.

I'm holding a panel on it in fact in NYC most likely end of September or early October.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: darkbake

The problem I have is that we will be governed with a top-down, technocratic approach which means they will look at a bunch of numbers and make decisions based on a bell curve. They'll assume that since most people will fit inside their decision that they will be maximizing happiness across the board.

In that kind of one-size-fits-all situation, if you happen to be an outlier, it sucks to be you. You will find yourself left out.

What if you go to the doctor and the standard, approved treatment for you condition doesn't work for you? Odds are that no other options will be explored unless you fall into a category that makes you elite and highly valuable in some way. Otherwise, sucks to be you.

How about if you are lactose intolerant or gluten intolerant, but you fit outside the approved bell curve, so those choices are not available to you like they are now? Unless you are somehow elite, you'll just have to go through life sick until you wind up being useless to the greater good of the social collective and then they will let you curl up in a corner and die.

This is why it's so sinister to a lot of us. It is governance like we are all so many cogs to be ground down and discarded with new ones bred as needed and only as needed.

The problem is, this is inaccurate. First, this agenda was crafted with input from all countries, NGOs, corporations, civil society, etc. They also did extensive outreach and focus groups with virtually every country in situ.

They also received vast input from experts on every single topic within the agenda.

What else do people want?

Moreover, the agenda explicitly states that local and national realities must be respected, and local priorities given precedence...

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: elysiumfire

The question we ask is...who decides who is able to join the club of the elite, because they certainly are not going to reduce their level and quality of lifestyle and privileged? They will euthanase you before they do that.


Remember, some animals are more equal than others. Not sure euthanasia will be done, but ignoring the huddled masses will be. So what exactly will have changed? That's happening already.

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

oh that sounds reeeeel cooool.


posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: elysiumfire

However, it is possible to force an equilibrium between countries by lowering the level of lifestyle in Western countries, whilst at the same time, allowing poverty-stricken countries to develop.

And there it is.

I see words like "force" and I see where we are going. No one will have any say in this. It will be done likely violently for our own good.

That's what they said in Russia, China and Cambodia. How deep were the mass graves there?

I wonder how deep they will be before they manage to "magically" get us down to the number on the Georgia Guidestones, and for those of you all for this idea. Do you seriously think you are on the lists of those slated to survive?

edit on 16-8-2015 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2015 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

oh that sounds reeeeel cooool.


No problem. I actually made an ATS post on these probably this past fall.

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