posted on Aug, 15 2015 @ 11:44 AM
I don't often share my dreams here, but for strange reason I had one last night that I hope wasn't a prophecy. I am not making a prediction
2 things happened and I hope neither are true, but I can not shake the feeling, there is a place just to the west of BC, Canada that has been very
quiet and soon will be the epicenter of a Major Earthquake.
In my dream, I see this specific area on fire everywhere with explosions going off and many people running for their lives. Sadly, if this does
happen it will effect more than just that area, it will affect many of the region and would probably cause a tsunami and cause havoc across the
Pacific, as well. I could not put a number on the Richter scale, but the circles I saw were somewhere in the 7.5 range, possibly larger.
In my dream I was looking down at a 3 dimensional map and the circle was clear and the fires were raging and it was like a video you see from a
different perspective other than TV or Internet.
The other part of this dream was strange, too. I am not a huge boxing fan, but I know enough of the impact Mohamed Ali had on the sport and the world
with his stance on Vietnam and his philanthropic endeavors to be a fan of his. I admire him for much of what he has done, in this dream video, there
was a story scrolling at the bottom that said he had died.
I do not know why and maybe it is nothing, but it could be directly related to that earthquake. It seems to be they both happen the same day.
As I said, I hope neither happen for the sake of those directly in the path or that would be affected by either event.