posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 05:02 PM
Many years ago I came across a few topics that I found hard to discuss amongst my friends. I did however know that the internet was a brilliant tool
for looking up and researching topics that were considered fringe.
I then came across ATS. I was immediately hooked on the intellectual nature of its members and the quality of interaction between the various topics
and their respective "experts."
I was very active here at ATS for many years, and of course life happens. Things change, people move, families grow and develop lives of their own
that in no way could be anticipated. ATS eventually became a bickering tin-foil hat conspiracy shouting match more and more until I receded from the
shadows into the opaque life that blended with the rest of society.
I have over time however, become more vocal and assertive in my interests as well as intrigued once again in the same discussions that I once posed to
the world for question. Maybe offering up a new perspective or point of view that my young adult self was too blind to see?
And so I return to ATS after more years than I can remember. I am interested to see if the latter changes to the social status of ATS have returned to
the former that I engaged in from the start. I am also anxious to dig into my own topics and really examine and maybe re-visit some of them. In an
introspective discussion, I have access to an off-handed "time machine" if you will; a portrait of my personality and points of view from years
past. Now I don't expect to Jump on and start Necro Posting, that's just a D-bag move, but I do think that the best way for me to get up to speed on
ATS's many new members and topics is to examine the top pinned posts and revisit my own for discussion.
I can only hope that some of the friends that I made during my time on ATS so long ago will still be posting or lurking here somewhere. If not, it's
understandable as a lot of time has passed. I will however encourage any new members or old members to spark up a conversation and get me up to speed
with some of their favorite topics, as ATS was always one of my favorite forums for engaging conversations and debates.
So for now,
Hello ATS, I have returned.