posted on Aug, 15 2015 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to:
Got back from Tenerife last week. Now, THEY know how to be persistent! The North African guys with handbags, shades and cheap weed. They station
themselves every 40 yards or so and every single one of them will get your attention and try and sell one to you. That's a lot of 'No thank yous' and
they'd come over to tables outside bars and restaurants too; every day and every night.
It's a cultural thing. They see the hustle as part of the game whereas we see it as intrusive. One thing stood out too, not one of them was unhealthy
- all well-fed and their wives were big ladies too.
By the end of the holiday, it was frustrating, annoying and took a shine off the overall place.
With our UK panhandlers and sales people, I tell the RAC that I'm a member. I tell Sky I'm already a customer. Basically, telling all of them that I'm
a happy customer of whatever they're selling leaves them nowhere to go. They want commissions, not existing customers.
It's a shame because I sympathise with all of them trying to make a living from Tenerife to the shopping centres of the UK. We can't give every seller
a commitment, contract or money can we?