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Ferguson teen had a gun (Video)

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posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: SlapMonkey

Lol... the evidence of shots being fired is extremely compelling.

Large groups of people generally don't run to hide indoors or behind cars that are peeling out of a parking lot as fast as they can to avoid a strict talking to. People in this scenario would be doing that if shots had been fired, a weapon had been drawn, or there was an alien invasion. Now, people who aren't even looking in the direction of the predicament that led these people to flee, which is very strong evidence that it was a LOUD NOISE that caused them to flee.

If people were fleeing before the kid brandished his weapon in this video, then the statement from the police is inconsistent with the video footage, and so is the story of the other parties involved.

We don't have proper information to be saying anything conclusive either way. I'm not saying that there's proof of anything... that's actually my entire argument; there is no proof, and this video is no strong evidence in favour of the police statement as it appears to be inconsistent with their claims. Likewise, the opposition claimed that the kid didn't have a gun, which is also inconsistent with the video.

The only real conclusion we can come to with this evidence is that people are not telling the truth. Other conclusions would seem to be developed from a bias toward these particular topics.
edit on 14-8-2015 by DeadFoot because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: DeadFoot

No, the conclusion we can come to is that apparently a "something" occurred that made people react, and that the guy did pull out a gun, pointing it out in a certain direction and ran toward the same direction.

Those are facts that are shown in this video, so we do have some conclusions, just no answers to the "whys" from this video alone.

Sorry for the days between responses--I take a break from ATS on the weekends.

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