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"WE BEAT IT 2 Death lol! HAHAHA!" (note found on family's dead pomeranian)

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posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
Anyone seen John locke?.


But he turned into a tower of black smoke before disappearing into the jungle.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

It would be hypocrisy if hunting wild animals is done this way or killing cows and chickens for food even though the way its done is quite inhumane in my opinion but beating/kicking an animal, breaking its bones and internal organs is not comparable and something to call hypocrisy.

So it's all relative? Yes, I'd call that hypocrisy.

I really don't think you are following or understand the difference in beating something for pleasure and killing something for pleasure like a hunter might be.

It's still taking a life for pleasure. How it's done is irrelevant.

It has nothing to do with emotional attachment but how the animal is killed or in this case tortured and beaten to death.

Have you ever seen the videos of how animals are treated on ranches and packing plants? If not, watch a video and come back to me.

In those sports, hunting, how are the animals killed?

are the captured and beaten and kicked to death?

Not that I know of. Many are shot and then chased while they slowly bleed to death. Sometimes they are shot in the gut and their insides practically burn until they die or are shot properly.

It's all relative.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: Puppylove
The difference between killing for food a killing for sadism, is killing for food goes for the quickest most efficient kill and is done out of a need.

A kill for sadism tends to prolong the suffering of the creature killed and is done for the express purpose of inflicting pain upon another living thing.

Most parents would rather if their child is killed, have it be a quick and painless death or an accident. A death by say a car accident is preferable over say someone's daughter being tied up raped for days, then murdered.

In both cases the daughter is dead, but it's not just a life is a life. There's context. You can't just remove all context and pretend two thing are the same.

Glad you see the difference.

Context/method play are large role in ones reactions to such bad things happening.

(post by Chrisfishenstein removed for a manners violation)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:03 AM


posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: introvert

How it's done is irrelevant.

Sorry but it certainly is.

Have you ever seen the videos of how animals are treated on ranches and packing plants? If not, watch a video and come back to me.

Yes I have, hence why I said in my opinion I find how cows and chickens are killed is inhumane.

Its why I said yes I am a hypocrite because I still eat both.

However, the method and injuries sustained by the dog is on another level. If I found out chickens and cows are killed to death by groups of farmers wearing steal capped boots and using those boots to kill the food I eat it would be comparable like you are trying to, but its not due the methods used.

If you cant get that, then I hope you never do as I wouldn't want someone to have the understanding I do which further puts more displeasure in my heart for humanity.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:19 AM


posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:20 AM


posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:23 AM


posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:25 AM
As a Pom owner, this makes me sick....lovely dogs (if a bit yappy). Whoever is responsible for this needs caught, beaten, locked up and possibly beaten some more.

Here is my la'l fella, Tribble, waiting for his morning brew....

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

Sorry but it certainly is.

Really? So it's ok to kill for pleasure as long as one uses the right "process"? Please, inform me on the right process for killing for pleasure.

Its why I said yes I am a hypocrite because I still eat both.

We agree on that.

However, the method and injuries sustained by the dog is on another level.

No it's not. Animals is packing plants undergo the same torture and treatment as this dog did.

Ever been to a packing plant and watched a steer flop around and cry-out after having a round popped in to it's ear?

If you cant get that

I do get it. You're trying to rationalize and justify the treatment and death of one animal, and then decry and outrage about another.

It's hypocrisy.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:28 AM
This thread is so off topic it is pathetic. The issue here is WHO would kill a little dog, someone's beloved pet and leave a note saying what they did? What kind of humans are we breeding? Yes, little dogs can be annoying, they bark a lot, but then so do other dogs, mine don't. Mine are cared for and loved and if anyone ever harmed either one of them, I would be devastated.
I think by the look of that note, it was done by at least 2 teens. It also looks like they possibly could have been girls. Smiley faces and lol is a good indication that this might be the case. There are a lot of messed up kids out there who have no morals nor care for anyone or anything but their selfies. Also, that paper looks like it was ripped out of a school binder.
edit on 8/12/2015 by whatnext21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: Chrisfishenstein

I am more trying to discuss personal property

Well, I took from your post that you wanted to talk about hunting over-populated animals vs pets. You said nothing about personal property.

and you won't touch it

I did in an earlier post. I'm trying to go beyond the knee-jerk outrage and discuss the "morality" and hypocrisy involved here.

How are hunting animals and killing a family pet linked?

Besides the issue of private property rights, if it is killed for pleasure...not much difference.

That is not justification

Exactly. How people can justify their hypocritical stance without noticing the hypocrisy is beyond me.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: introvert

Besides the issue of private property rights, if it is killed for pleasure...not much difference.

Uh huh....BESIDES, that is the reason behind me arguing with you about this...

Do I have to say it again or??

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: Chrisfishenstein

Yes, this is a violation of personal property rights. I've never disputed that and addressed it earlier.

Curious that you didn't address any of my other points, but I suppose that was expected. After it became clear that you could not debate that issue effectively, you quickly deflected to the private property issue....which you never mentioned in your initial reply.

How sad.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: introvert

Really? So it's ok to kill for pleasure as long as one uses the right "process"?

I don't know what you think is OK, You hunt, like you said.

I have stated a few times I am against it,

It might be OK in societies eyes or those that allow laws for hunters to be able to hunt, but not mine.

Not sure what you are reading.

I do get it.

Sorry Bud,

You might get what you think you do,

However asking me what you have above shows you don't.

You're trying to rationalize and justify the treatment and death of one animal, and then decry and outrage about another.

I am trying to justify the treatments and death of one animal and then outrage for another?

I think you just summed yourself up quite well with what you say about me, however instead of outrage for another you have outrage for hypocrisy of people who are enraged about this story.

Since you entered the thread you have been attempting to derail by trying to call out hypocrisy.

Some know when to speak and bring up issues, others are just ignorant and feel the need to be heard.

I was going to defend you with those that said you are insane, but you make it quite difficult.

I do see what they are saying, a bit of insanity on your part,

Why and how?

Because I am a hypocrite.

Stop trying to argue or point out the hypocrisy you see, its not helping your cause but it sure might be stroking your ego and helping your need to start a debate in a thread that really doesn't need it.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: InhaleExhale

All due respect, I don't need you to defend me and I don't care if people call me insane. It appears that the average participant in this thread lacks the capability to even grasp the concept I am highlighting.

What happened to this dog is horrible. I'd hope that they find who did it.

At the same time, we have people on this board, and in our societies, that have no problem with how other animals are treated as long as it tastes good on the BBQ.

Also, you have people on this thread that said they would kill another human if they did something like this to their pet.

Kill another human over a dog......and I'm the one that's insane?
edit on 12-8-2015 by introvert because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:58 AM
Closed for staff review....and to allow members to reconsider further bickering and off topic material........You are responsible for your own posts.

Go After the Ball, Not the Player!

Community Announcement re: Decorum


After staff discussion, this thread will remain closed.
edit on Wed Aug 12 2015 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

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