Having looked at the various angles of astral projection relating to the Great Pyramid in recent threads i want to conclude this study by considering
how it all worked in terms of the associated religious symbolism.
In concluding that the elevation of G-Crux was an important aspect in determining the various 26 degree angles found in the Great Pyramid and the
corresponding 26 degree angle of elevation achieved by the overall height of the pyramid one really needs to look at the symbolism of the
constellation Crux.
It can readily be seen that when due South Crux appears central within the Milky way connecting the Eastern and Western horizons, that the
configuration of Crux resembles the manner in which the crook and flail are held by Osiris, during this period though those were the attributes of
Andjety whom Osiris later assimilated.
Much of the time Anedjti was identified with Osiris, who inherited his attributes from him. Osiris also appears to have adopted his role as king
of the earth from the myth of Anedjti's origin as an earthly ruler
[Coffin Text (CT) V-385].... I immerse the waterways as Osiris,Lord of corruption,as Adjety,bull of vultures.
What is known is Andjety's relationship to waterways and immersion within them,
indeed Andjety is considered to have been a Deity of the waterways of the 9th nome of Egypt, and this immersion is reflected in Crux within the Milky
way. Andjety was also related to Busiris or Djedu, were the mysteries relating to the Djed column were celebrated in which of course the arms holding
crook and flail can be important element.
Through these associations then we can consider that Crux seen due South was an important aspect of a vertical delineation projected on the Southern
horizon incorporating astral and solar symbolism. We can take into account the basic symbolism of the cross and four directions relating to the four
pillars of stability which supported the world and are also represented in the Djed column.
Very often in Djed column symbolism we also see Isis and Nephtys either side of it or these in the form of two kites, again these relate to Adjety's
immersion within the river;
[CT IV-331] ..............O Thoth vindicate Osiris against his foes in :--- the great tribunal which is in the two banks of the kite on the night
of the drowning of the great god in Andjety.
[CT I-255]............... "Oh Horus Lord of Life,fare downstream and upstream from Andjety,make inspection of those who are in Djedu,come and go
in Rosetau,clear the vision of those who are in the underworld.Farer upstream from Rosetau to Abydos,the primeval place of the Lord of All
The solar disc is also a key element of the Djed column and to have any
relationship to the angle of elevation of Crux at 26 degrees it would have to be considered at it's lowest Mid-Winter elevation at around 36 degrees,
thus the arms of Crux could be seen to reach up to that position which the Sun would hold at the point of it's annual rebirth, though of course the
astral and solar elements could not be seen at the same time.
In terms of the Great Pyramid the Grand Gallery while projecting upward at 26 degrees due to it's relative placement within the pyramid projects to a
star of Centauri directly above Crux at 33.5 degrees, the ceiling level of the Grand Gallery would be projecting to around 36 degrees and the angle of
elevation of the Mid-winter solstice.
The overall concern then is with relating to the angles of elevation of astral and solar observation due South and North, the establishment of order
as personified in the Was sceptre which has mounted upon it the head of Set, order through the plumb line.
Busiris came to be called Djedu. Osiris of Djedu was a god of birth and
rebirth, of fertility like Anedjti whom he assimilated and he took on the ancient god's insignia, the flail and the shepherd's crook,which, early
on, was well established as a symbol of worldly rule:
[PT 614] :..............." Horus has revived you in this your name of Andjety
It is the establishment of order at the cosmological level which determines the right to rule and hold the Was scepter and it is this power of command
then that facilitates resurrection, and this of course was represented through the pyramid construction.
King Sneferu of the 4th dynasty, builder of the first true pyramid, is shown wearing the crown of Andjety. In the Pyramid texts the king's power
is associated with Andjety.
So there we are then the reason for astral alignments and the importance of accuracy..