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originally posted by: Chrisfishenstein
originally posted by: whyamIhere
originally posted by: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
originally posted by: whyamIhere
Agreed, we can't put somebody who is beholden to corporations in office.
Trump might not of been my first pick to take down the den of thieves.
But, he stepped up. I give him credit. Sure, some is Trumps ego.
Why is it so hard to believe Trump wants to make America Great Again.
Are you serious? Trump IS the Establishment. He IS the corporations. That he is leading the polls is another glaring indicator of how out of touch the right has truly become. If Trump gets the Republican ticket, you might as well just hand the election over to Clinton, Sanders, or whoever the hell the the left throws up there.
Donald Trump is a walking talking advertisement for everything wrong with this country.
Yes, I'm serious...
Trump is no worse than any of the others.
Which Candidate is just like us ?......None
The are all rich. Are you mad Donald is the richest ?
Cause they are all scumbag Politicians.
Since when is Donald a "politician"?......
Kick their A$$ and take their gas. We should do this.
We lost men fighting.
I hope he's serious.
A little bit of this thinking.
I'll bet they stop chanting "Death to America" cause, they mean you too.
originally posted by: buster2010
a reply to: whyamIhere
Kick their A$$ and take their gas. We should do this.
Right because it doesn't belong to the nations that ISIS stole it from does it?
We lost men fighting.
This isn't our battle to fight let the ME do their own fighting.
I hope he's serious.
Then let the gutless coward go over there and fight.
A little bit of this thinking.
With Donnie as usual very little thinking.
I'll bet they stop chanting "Death to America" cause, they mean you too.
What do you expect the people of nations that we illegally invade and murder the citizens to do cheer us on?
How can you be so weak my friend ?
They want to kill you. Do you realize that ?
I know you despise America.
But, because your life doesn't seem to matter. My families lives do matter. You chant death to my family. I take it serious. I want some A$$ kicked.
And, you have to take the gas until we are paid back. That's just war.
Have a great day. Also, stop breaking posts down line by line.
originally posted by: whyamIhere
a reply to: buster2010
Do to the earlier Mod warning...
I'll just say, you are entitled to your opinion.
You just refuse to allow me to have mine.
originally posted by: olaru12
originally posted by: whyamIhere
a reply to: buster2010
Do to the earlier Mod warning...
I'll just say, you are entitled to your opinion.
You just refuse to allow me to have mine.
No one is refusing to allow you to express your opinion. You have expressed yourself quite well on this and other threads.
Disagreement doesn't equal censorship.
Please don't play the victim card like some of the other crybabies that frequent this forum. You should be above that!