Hey guys,
as I am completely new to this site, I might not answer right away if there are any questions from your side.
Since I don't want to make you read a whole roman I will sum up the most important points and go into details if asked.
1. Apparently my grandfather (who studied theology- God bless him) was visited by the D (you know, the guy from the very south...) who told him he
could maybe not reach out for him anymore, since he was too close already to God, but it wouldn't take long, until there was one (referring to a
female person) who would not be like him and he will reach out to her...
2. My mother couldn't get pregnant, one day she went to her parents house and stayed at home with her sisters and mother (in total 7 women) for three
days- a month later the pregnancy-test turned positive... (My parents emigrated)
3. I was born with a "defect"- my intestins were grown falsly grown together, so I couldn't eat anything ... my mother was desperate and prayed (super
religious family...) at night her bible fell down, she picked it up as it fell down, reading the words "on the 8th day the holy Pavel/Maria/... will
come and reach out to you (two pages full with the same sentence, but different saints)... Guess who got a life-saving surgery on her 8th day on
4. After being so disappointed of all that's been happening, my mother decided to move back to the Balkans- her parents home was in the middle of a
Roma- quarter. One day my Grandmother (God bless her!) was walking with me through the streets, when she met one of her neighbors (a nice gipsy-lady)
who- as soon as she touched me, backed away and told my Granny "I don't know what you have done, but this child should not exist! Whatever you've
done, raise her right, the darkness has already attached itself to her"...
5. My mother was disappointed again, so we emigrated again (I was a baby, I can't remember
)... we moved quite often and sometimes my mother would
pray for hours on my bed and teach me how to pray...
As a child I often found it tempting to see how far I could go and often had violent thoughts or dreams, but my actions mainly stayed harmless, plus:
I always thought that it was normal, since I was just a child^^
According to my mother, there were several friends of the family and neighbors who someimes were impressed by my behaviour (referring to me being
quite "grown up") or the language I used (words normal 4 year olds don't use or advices...)- while they were impressed, my mother was sometimes a bit
I remember that I once saw myself floating like 20cm's over the ground in the middle of a park- as I grew older I found that thought so disturbing,
that I started to read tones of psychology books in order to explain everything, so I became quite rational- unless science can't explain it, then I'm
open-minded (again- from the Balkans, we're quite used to strange stories....)
6. THE MISTAKE... I was eleven, about to turn twelve, when my cousin and her two of her best friends started "playing" the Ouija-Board (sparing some
details, unless wanted...)--> afterwards me and my cousins best friend started seeing things, hearing them and experiencing strange stuff (visions,
stuff disappearing, attacks, oppression)- at one point it had seemed to have left her alone, but it got worse with me, I thought I went nuts until
stuff happened that other people (atheists, rational sceptics, grown-up's) saw as well...
7. I was advised to ignore all of it, stop reading books about herbals, middle ages, witch-trials, watching horror-movies, reading comics, auras,
dreams, hands, etc....- so I did and for some time it got better. First it got worse, yes, but then the voices disappeared and I only had to deal with
noises from time to time, dreams, insomnia or sometimes seeing shades.... I moved out and thought it was better, then I woke up one morning, because I
couldn't breathe anymore- sth was stranggeling me and I couldn't see what it was...
8. My family started suffering from really bad luck (REALLY BAD!!) Car accidents, break-in's, cancer, heart-attacks, divorces, loss of money, almost
rape, strange accidents (one of my uncles was working on a construction place thingy, when suddenly the sharp blade of a saw (not a chain-saw, but the
round ones you use for percisly cutting wood with the sharp teeth) got off and "jumped" into his neck (he survived, but the shock was big)).... more
and more female members of my family claimed to have been stranggled in their sleep by sth or have been visited by sth evil...
9. I met one of my nower best friends after moving again - then it started all over again ( I saw stuff, I had more nightmares again, I heard noises
or saw shapes or had some kind of "foreshadowing dreams" (As you can see I'm not a native-speaker, so please excuse spelling mistakes or lack of
vocabulary^^)... I had no idea what it was, until my friend Flo (not the whole name, girl) told me she was experiencing the same... turns out:
apparently her family experienced same stuff and her mother had terrible nightmares during her pregnancy. When Flo was still a toddler, her mother
would sometimes wake up to find sth bending over Flo's crib- neither her mother, nor her Grandmother want to tell her what the family-secret is (there
were way more parallels)
10. I went away for 5 months to study abroad- had a pretty good, paranormal-free life... then I came back to where I live now, back to Flo...and it
started again... I thought maybe our energies are somehow coresponding and that's why I have those intensified sensations when I'm with her... Okay
now it's getting twisty...
Flo dreamed of the D two months ago (she ALWAYS dreams lucid...)- he came to her to bring her news- he told her what would happen in several days and
other stuff... everything he's told her came true (which is a very disturbing thought:/)
The longer I've been back, the more intense all those things reached out for me again... last week, we had to stay in the same room for 7 days
(nothing paranormal^^)- we stopped remebering our dreams, which is odd for both of us, we ALWAYS remember our dreams very detailed.
She was very upset and sad because of everything, so we were looking for some psychics or mediums- nothing that seemed to be real, so we got ourselves
some tarot cards (which I told her not to do, but oh well...)
Whenever she was laying the deck 3 cards repeatedly appeard: Death, Devil, The Hanged-Man.
Mine just seemed pretty boring (which is awesome, compared to hers^^)...
The next day she was crying and told me "Do you know what he said to me in my dream?" (I knew she was talking about the D- he seems to like her in a
weird way..as an "like her"...)- he told her- and I am quoting- "Now that you laid your hands on the tarot cards, there's no going back! You're mine!
Both of you- and you're in deep, dark trouble."
She flew back home on Wednesday (we're from the same country)- the first dream after almost two weeks that she could remember included a young, blonde
guy who suddenly grew horns, the the D appeared, telling her it was his son... as she tried to run away she saw she she had been given two statues of
the Indian God "Ganesha" (Elephant-head)- one seemed young, the other one old and with a crown. The night she had that dream, I saw a shadow-figure in
my room and sth touching my hair, also my cat hissed and my cat really NEVER hisses- it barely meaows
edit on 8/8/2015 by Cicilicious because: (no reason given)