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animals knew the water was coming!

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posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 01:29 PM
the recent tradgedy in asia, shows me something about the flood of noahs day....the animals knew before it happened!!!! and moved to high ground...i would think that a flood covering the planet, would certainly send the herds moving uphill to higher ground, just an interesting fact, as of today 77,000 dead and no animal fatalitys to speak of.......hummmm

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 03:03 PM
I've heard stories of animals sensing impending earthquakes too. Dogs and cats running around and on edge. Not only that, but my old dog could sense thunderstorms quite a while before they happened.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 04:20 PM
its possible that we sence these things as well, but that our lives are too loud to let us hear, just a thought.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 05:55 PM
What? It says that Noah put all animals in an ark. Not only that, but the purpose of the flood was to rid the world of evil, the whole world was supposedly covered with water, enough for an ark with every animal in it to float...why would mountains be dry? I dont believe in the story, just pointing that out.

And other animals have much better hearing/seeing/touch/smell than us, extraordinary in fact, and they can sense changes in their environment because it came in very useful as they evovled. So no, it has nothing to do with our loud lifes, its just that we arent capable of the things that animals can.

I was watching a show not too long ago, and this man had really bad heart problems, he had survived a number of heart attacks, and his dog had witnessed them all, his dog knew the signs so well that it was aware when he was about to have another heart attack. The dog could smell the changes going on in his body, and knew that that smell always came before a heart attack, so it would alert his owner and the man would take his medicine stopping the attacks. Extraordinary senses, yes, anything supernatural, no. We just arent capable of certain animals senses.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 07:00 PM
Well of course they knew! This isn't surprising at all. Anyone that works with or knows animals know they are much more sensitive to such things than we are....they can feel change in the electromagnetic fields that we don't...or most of us don't anyway....

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 09:54 PM
I've seen the same things on TV about animal sensitivity to changes in the electromagnetic field, and dogs smelling chemical changes in their owner's bodies which is a precursor to a seizure. But do you really think this sensitivity helped forewarn them of the tsunami? I mean the earthquake happened so far away, and in the cases in which animals were reported to react to an approaching earthquake it was pretty darn close to them. No doubt many animals were killed, their deaths just happen to be unimportant next to the deaths of 100,000 humans. Wow, it feels so weird to even write that large a number. Can't really grasp how that many people were killed.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by ninki
77,000 dead and no animal fatalitys to speak of.......hummmm

what source did you get this information from? that no animals parished?
I always do my own research and i found that animals where killed.

killing animals and humans on a large scale.


and yeah my biollogy teach the other earlier this year said that animals have such good smell it could be upto 1000 times better than humans, and that yes, dogs can smell fear (im guessing they can smell the chemicals that are released from the body when fear is present).

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 08:45 AM
The washington post reporting on dec 29th, said the wildlife refugees could find no evedence of large scale animal fatalitys...also if animals were more aware by way of sences, than humans, wouldent that be a problem for those who believe stronger traits rule out the weaker? i would think we would find hightened sences very usefull ,and thus would have retained these as we evolved, i mean afterall we came from animals right? so we would have had the ability to begin with right?

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 08:52 AM
Alec- Genesis 6:20 "two of every kind of bird,of every kind of animal that move along the ground WILL COME TO YOU TO BE KEPT ALIVE."NIV

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by ninki
Alec- Genesis 6:20 "two of every kind of bird,of every kind of animal that move along the ground WILL COME TO YOU TO BE KEPT ALIVE."NIV

What's that supossed to mean?

EDITED...and stop yelling!

[edit on 12/30/2004 by LadyV]

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by ninki
Alec- Genesis 6:20 "two of every kind of bird,of every kind of animal that move along the ground WILL COME TO YOU TO BE KEPT ALIVE."NIV

what does that quote from the Bible prove??
i really dont see what this earthquake has to do with Noah, the flood in Noah's time was on a much larger scale.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 10:29 AM
very many people argue that noah could not have collected all those animals, as alec starts out his post "noah put all the animals in the ark", i am just proposing that they collected themselves and came.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by ninki
the recent tradgedy in asia, shows me something about the flood of noahs day....the animals knew before it happened!!!! and moved to high ground...i would think that a flood covering the planet, would certainly send the herds moving uphill to higher ground, just an interesting fact, as of today 77,000 dead and no animal fatalitys to speak of.......hummmm

There are dead animals everywhere......Odly, the news find it more important to talk about the dead humans though. I wonder why...thats so weird.

As far as the great flood covering the planet.....

If a flood covered the planet...which never, ever, ever happened, nor could have ever happened, there would be no high ground.

Anyhow, I will be the news reporter that you are looking for:


(News Anchor) Bob......"And now to Seapeople, live in Sri Lanka with the latest on this terrible disaster."

Seapeople: "Thank you Bob, as you can see behind me, this is an absolute catastrophy of biblical proportions"

(News Anchor) Bob: "Yes, it looks like a war zone over there." (News ancor looks distressed from the visible destruction)

Seapeople: "Yes, well aparently, according to Pat Robertson and others on the CBN, God got real pissed off at the feminists, homosexuals, athiests, secular government, ect. so he made it a warzone"

(News Anchor) Bob: "Indeed, God does seem to be pissed off" (Said almost in a stutter with a taken back, puzzled, and suprised look on his face)

Seapeople: "Yes, He most definitely is. We all know that these Asians practice satanism..... And God really hates Satan..... Anyhow, I am here to report what is a most uncomprehensible tragedy. (motions for camera man to follow him) As survivors walk amongst the thousands upon thousands of dead infant, and adult infidel bodies, they are noticing something very terrible has happened. (Seapeople waves hand in front of his face to ease the scent of dead and decaying wet bodies, gives up and covers his mouth and nose with a hankerchief). Millions of dead animals lay everywhere in the destruction. (Picks up a dead infant by the foot and throws it to the side exposing a small rodent) (picks up rodent by the tail). As you can see (starts to break up, while a single tear apears in his eye), millions of these tiny little fellows have perished in this disaster.

(News Anchor) Bob: (as screen cuts to him, you breifly see him looking towards his offscreen producer and hear him ask, "did he just throw a baby?") "Oh, (clears throat) Yes, it seams that millions of them have perished in the disaster. Umm..(Still with a puzzled and shocked look) I don't even know what to say.

(Camera cuts back to Seapeople, to find him burying several small animals, and covering them with rocks)

Seapeople: "This is a catastrophy like the world has never seen, (loses it, starts to cry out) WHY GOD!! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO THEM LITTLE ANIMALS!!!!?? (Regains control) I am sorry Bob, this is a difficult thing to be standing smack dab in the middle of. (Grabs body of six foot tall male under the arms and starts dragging it to the covered grave of the animals) I have talked to some of the surviving infidels around here, and asked them their thoughts as to why they made God so mad. (drops body on grave, straightens it out as he still speaks). They tell me it was a tsunami, and not God's wrath... (grabs ankels of dead 4 foot tall boy, starts dragging it to the grave)

(Camera cuts back to News Anchor)

(News Anchor) Bob: (Looks bewildered and confused, says nothing)

(Camera quickly cuts back to Seapeople)

Seapeople: "Are you Ok Bob? I suppose not, this is terrible. (Starts to cry again, as he drops the body of the boy on top of the other body he had placed forming a cross) Lets just hope these people straighten up so this doesn't happen again."

(Camera on News Anchor)

(News Anchor) Bob: (Still says nothing, stares straight into camera)

Station breaks..."and now a message from our sponsors"

See Ninki, that is exactly the backward and distorted thinking you proposed with this thread. And you wonder why people question your beliefs.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 02:34 PM
seapeople- whatever in the heck is the matter with your sick mind? i cannot get your joke, i not only think it is retarted, i question your mental status as well. i am sure animals died in the disaster but the lack of animal corpses and the amount of animals that found a way to higher ground is staggering. Yes there was higher ground before the flood! and i believe the animals headed for it, right about the location a man named noah was building an ark, because his creator told him to do so. i bet people laughed at the funny guy who built a boat in the middle of dry land, kinda like it will be when jesus comes back, i guess i see myself as building a spiritual ship of faith to take me through the waters of judgement, and i do not care who laughs...that is the truth.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 02:47 PM
Check out these sources- abc news-associated press, do a yahoo search on dead animals in the tsunami, it is reported that no large scale animal death occured, and many articles question the animals having a hightened sence of awareness.I am not more concerned about the animals, than i am the humans as you imply, i am simply showing coralation to animal movement,migration before a major catastrophy.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 02:56 PM
Are you pentecostal?

For you to bring God into this disaster. For you to reference Noah's ark. For you to do these things shows your insensitivity for this catastrophy. It is almost like you actually think God did this for some reason. I simply showed you what you wanted to see.

YOU WERE COMMENTING ON WHY NO REPORTS OF DEAD ANIMALS WERE PREVELANT. I SHOWED YOU. It wasn't a joke, but a stab at your illogical and off based train of thought. Your insensitivity was what I was showing. Your mental health.

Assemblies of God maybe?

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 04:13 PM
Seapeople- actually you brought up god as being responsable for this catastrophy! maybee you were joking, i was talking about animal migration and their ability to look for higher ground during a global event. Actually i am not a pentacostal or any of these religious things, i am a follower of christ. no affiliation, no religion, just a walk......

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by ninki
Check out these sources- abc news-associated press, do a yahoo search on dead animals in the tsunami, it is reported that no large scale animal death occured, and many articles question the animals having a hightened sence of awareness.I am not more concerned about the animals, than i am the humans as you imply, i am simply showing coralation to animal movement,migration before a major catastrophy.

did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, in the coastal region where the wave/waves hit there wasnt LARGE SCALE deaths of animals was simply because there wasnt a large scale of animals in that region?
How many animals would of been 100m within the coast and how many humans would have been 100m within the coast when the wave struck? Can you answer this. Maybe this is why the human death to animal death is such a different figure. DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS?

The human bodies are mixed in with dead animals like dogs, fish, cats and goats
why didnt the dogs, cats and goats that died run to higher ground? they just thought it seemed a good day to die?
I am not denying that some animals have a hightened sence of awareness, well in comparisment to us humans. but what are you trying to prove by stating this? we all know it, its just evolution??? the animals that had good sences survive better. Humans took a different approach and pumped 10% of all its nutrient intake into something that only 1.2kilos.
I dont see any relation to this and your flood story.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 06:11 PM

I said Pat Robertson said it was God. And, it was relevant to you due to your totally unrelated statements regarding Noah.

Now, to get particular. Acdcording to the Bible, man is a supperior being. Man is smarter and dominant over the animals. Why in the heck would animals have the ability to protect themselves when humans could not???? That makes no sense if you believe the bible.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:01 PM
Seapeople- remember this statement? "For you to bring God into this disaster." " it is as if you think god did this for some reason" your words directed towards me, not a reference to pat robertson!

I do believe the bible. Why god chose not to warn these people i do not know, he loves them more than any of us ever could, maybee he wanted to call them home?after all they are his to do with what he pleases, one day our number will come up.

Cheeser- yes this did ocure to me, but major wildlife refugees were hit and very minimal animal fatalitys were reported, the animals had for the most part moved out of harms way. the places mostly affected by the tsunami were islands so, i would say everyone, encluding animals were pretty close to the ocean wouldent you?

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