posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 06:04 PM
originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha
a reply to: Bluntone22
Oh it's not a kid I'm worried about. It's about being entangled with the kind of woman who would concoct this lie and strategy to get herself pregnant
by someone she hardly knows.
I am going to play devils advocate here. What kind of guy would risk STD's by having unprotected sex with a woman he hardly knows?
You may be misinterpreting signs as well. How far along is she supposedly? Did she have other pregnancy symptoms? Dark and prominent veins on her
breasts? (Most women get this) Nausea? (Many actually don't) Did she have to pee all the time? (most women)
By 4 months she would have had an ultra sound and would know her estimated date of delivery. It is easy to figure out the date of conception based on
the babies size.
For the record, I didn't gain a pound with my first until I was 7, almost 8 months pregnant. The only symptom I had was a positive pregnancy test.
She could have been manipulating you or you could be reading all the signs wrong. Anyways next time wrap it up until you know someone well enough to
know if they are lying to you about pregnancy or STD's. As far as I am concerned it could be that she is trying to cover up and pass on an STD.