posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 03:35 PM
I just want to point out that the left continually has this socialist utopia pipe dream. The people that rule over this planet have plans that once
you get rid of the past American system will not be a utopia and will be much worse for all of them.
Anytime socialism is used it is a race to the bottom. They do not bring people on the bottom up to the middle. They bring everyone else down to the
bottom. I saw a chart somewhere that was government data supposedly that showed per capita GDP currently at $50,000 or so. By 2025 it will be $8,800.
Who do you think is going to be oppressed most in this system? All these inner cities and rioting have targets squarely on them. When martial law
comes and the real tyranny, the poor and downtrodden with be oppressed like they do not know now. However, when that happens, there will be no going
back. There is a reason the US has such a high standard of living compared to most of the former and current communist countries. As Putin said,
"Don't move toward socialism. We tried it and it doesn't work." You see Russia and China moving in the opposite direction. People just assume that
taking from the rich and giving to the needy is going to make things all better. Newsflash, it won't. What it will do under sustainable development is
reduce everyone to poverty levels and the elite rulers will still be in the same position.
America has fought against communism/socialism most of its days. The left has been infiltrated by the communist/socialists. The Democratic Party is
NOT the Democratic Party that existed for most of the time this country has been around. Talk to your grandparents about what exactly their beliefs
were and you will probably be surprised that they align with more of the conservative class today. I am not talking about extremist views either. Most
people I know, Left or Right have freedom, opportunity, and the constitution as their American ideals. American ideals are under attack like never
before in history. To do this, they will promise you everything and you will receive things like Obamacare where only a few compared to the population
benefited and most have suffered harm because of it. More is to come. We are not a European nation. We have a large population that most are only
getting by paycheck to paycheck.
I have been planning to change to Independent as far as political ideology goes because the corporate enabled politicians are working on your
destruction on both sides. However in reference to the OP, I am not rich at all. Barely getting by actually. But, I am trying to defend our freedom
that is under attack severely. Many do not see it and are like the proverbial frog in the pot of water being warmed slowly. There should be OUTRAGE
and people in the streets over what the government has done. I am talking about Constitutional Free Zones, Free Speech Zones, No Due Process if they
target you and most Americans are already under the definition of terrorist by this government. They can imprison you indefinitely without recourse
and even take your life if they want with no protection. You are being set up for the slaughter and if the things they have been up to are somehow
slipping past your danger early warning system radar, then you need a new radar!
I do not think Republicans or conservatives are wrong in wanting to protect their freedoms and keep what they earned. That does not mean I agree with
the 1% or extreme wealth hoarding. However, most Republicans don't have extreme wealth anyway. The majority are just everyday hard working
individuals. Ask why it is they support the conservative side and it may be clearer. Unfortunately, many have taken the bait and argue the talking
points given by the party line. Most are fearful of this race to the bottom and taking of what are our freedoms and ending up in a tyrannical system
where the federal government manages every aspect of your life and there is nothing you can do about it. Once they have you where they want you, there
will be no turning back. Not unless there is massive bloodshed which nobody wants to have happen.
I am always pissed when the government wastes billions of $ of OUR taxpayers money on things that have no benefit for the Americans that need it most.
If we have all this extra money to give to countries that hate us, then why should there be any suffering of the homeless in America. There are
thousands of homes in places like Detroit, but the government is bulldozing them. It is not going to help you if you think the elite or government is
going to implement some socialist utopia. No, it will be a socialist nightmare. Ideologies are nice, but if you look at history, you will see it is
otherwise and violent. You hear about all the problems with resource depletion, global warming, etc. and say we need to all cut back. Well, if you
look into things they want to take from successful countries and develop 3rd world countries. How do you think that is going to help resource
depletion when they move up to a consumerist society?
I have an understanding of what is going on from the inside, but most people don't have the time nor ability to dig into the sources and find out for
themselves. They listen to mainstream media and group-think and argue their positions like they are programmed to do. Most of the people on this site
are at least awake enough to know the difference between ideology and implementation from your government, i.e. rulers. However, that is not the case
with the population. What we see today are symptoms of a very sick system and the politicians have bought into this fix the globalists are pushing.
You are not part of the plan except to be used as a generator of money to go elsewhere. Democrat or Republican. And they are fully prepared to
implement their plans by force if necessary. There is a reason this administration has clamped down on information instead of being transparent. It is
not Obama's fault, but his handlers because so much going on behind closed doors would show their hand if it was transparent. Again, not necessarily
Obama's issue, but the globalists implementation issues. Operational security comes to mind. And there are people paid to argue or derail any thinking
that would begin to reveal it to the public. You can see them on sites like this because we are the people most likely to question the official
Anyway, as to the OP, I think there are more issues to Republican or conservative sides than what the left want you to believe. To the globalists it
is all about taking the money and freedom from the Americans. And that includes the Left as much as the right. I would say the majority of both
parties in America are very closely related on the economic and freedom side. But the argument framed and sold by the globalists has people blind to
that fact.