originally posted by: MarsIsRed
a reply to: Bicent76
"archaic laws of intellect fail abysmally at understanding reality " which is why we use science!
Btw - why am I'm being selfish? Although I have drifted off topic ;-)
Sigh, on the contrary, it was the intellect of the ancient minds for instance Aristotle etc. who began the process of science.. I AM NOT GOING TO
ARGUE OVER THAT either.. As I said, you might be right..
Now to get back on the right track, and if you don't understand what I just said, it's not my problem, don't argue with me over it, it is selfish, and
it takes away from a good, thread, I am trying to add, my opinions on the topic, it is best not to question my opinions only to try and discredit me,
or my opinion or try to make me look like an ass, it is rude. Our views on reality is skewed, and I believe it will remain that way, we come from the
same ancestry that believed the world was flat, and Earth was the center of the universe, now fast forward to now, and in essence we still have the
same kind mind set on things. It appears to be difficult for humanity, mankind to practically accept, that we exist in a technology not our own.. It
seems just because we can mathematically or utilize a law of physics or some branch of science to make logical sense of how something functions, it
does not institute within ourselves the understanding of WHY it there, doing what it doing or what its real purpose is.. Stars, the universe black
holes, gravity, HELL Electricity..
That is my point, we have to perceive or accept the idea, that we do not know anything about these things, then we need to focus, on trying understand
why we are limited to it..
Their is a very strong possibility we exist Life, exists because Life was created by E.T's etc. Because for instance our planet is placed close
enough to a star, and it has an atmosphere to produce life as we know it... We have a moon, in just the right spot to keep our planet balanced I will
say for life.. This is an irony...
Now the element of chance exists and perhaps I am here typing to people world wide by chance...
I think mankind has developed a psyche a way of thought, that hinders further understanding of things alien to us..
We are all part of our surrounding, aliens are all part of there surrounding par se.
An advanced alien species that has the capability of inter galactic and inter dimensional travel would blow our minds back, we would probably not be
able to focus on them properly and their movements to us in itself would terrify us because it would defy our reality, our understanding, our great
science.. Our great Physics...
So how in the hell, would we communicate with that?
I believe communication does not occur for this sole reason.. I do not think our governments talk with aliens on a regular basis.. Again their is
chance, I am not sure how that communication would occur, they would be so advanced and evolved..
Anyhow I am just trying to bring things down to earth, I like the op and I like the topic, I do not want to try and explain what I am saying on an
individual basis on this thread, it is my opinion and my belief based off of my experiences..
Not everyone will understand my posts, and that is not my problem.. I am not trying to reach everyone..
thank you.
edit on b282015-08-05T15:28:20-05:00America/Chicago83176 by Bicent76 because: (no reason given)