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Bigfoot - imaginary or cunning?

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posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: TWILITE22

(on a side note) my first picture I've posted! yay I never bothered to figure out how to post them since ats's overhaul, lol

Outstanding on that… it is the hardest thing to learn to do here.

Now show me a pic of one skull. I mean, somewhere out there, there has to be one tiny backwoods town with a little hole in the wall museum that all the locals know about that proves theres big foots because they found a skeleton and have had it on display for some time but nobody is interested enough to come an put it on the internet for everyone to see.

Just a skull, a jaw, a tooth… a pic of one, even?

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: intrptr
Maybe they have found them and they're open for the public to see.
Have you ever seen the skulls of the Paracas giants in Peru?

They were tall, had coned heads with red hair. Just like many Sasquatch descriptions.

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

I asked for it…

You can't fool me with human skulls.

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: Cogito, Ergo Sum

According to the scientific community at large and real evolutionary biologists who do genome sequencing of critters (as opposed to creationist veterinarians), yes there is a lot wrong with it. It's pseudo science. It exemplifies why publication in real scientific journals and peer review are important.

Dr. Melba Ketchum has been put through the ringer in the scientific world and the faulty bigfoot research community(who's controlling them?)
That's were you are wrong she didn't do the testing,the paper is not pseudo science,She had the sequencing done in a double blind study,(as in the labs had no clue as to what they were sequencing) in other words she had no control of the testing she only had the results of the study

dna cannot be faked "forensics scientist" are experts at dealing with genetic material exposed to the elements contamination was managed per established routes commonly used in criminal cases. samples that were not viable were not included in the study.Human contamination would have resulted in nuclear dna,which did not happen.
Double blind studies means other laboratories and scientist were not told what they were testing when they were contracted to test the sasquatch samples. This insured the integrity of the replication of the findings from test to test.
Sasquatch Genome Study
...Corruption knows no ends in the scientific world.The system of peer reviewed papers is flawed in so many ways those with the money and all government science-funding agencies make the decisions.Universities and non profit organizations are given grant money with no over site with no legal responsibility or liability for the scientist conduct.They misrepresent with impunity the state of scientific knowledge,that gives them little motivation to insist on truthful representations.
The American science education has been limited by this mentality.The institutionalized science corruption is widespread in America.The practice of science is becoming shaped less by peer reviewed groups and more by the preference of individuals with large amounts of money.

Corporate takeover of science

Instances of the takeover and manipulation of science abound. The chemical/biotechnology corporations serve as a prime example. They figured out that science is the religion of the day, and taking control of science is to take control of people. They have used every means at their disposal to suppress scientific enquiry. They hire scientists and give money to academic institutions to fund research. They install people in key government positions at every level [4]; actively lobby congress and use their influence to coerce other nations to accept their products. They place editors on scientific journals, controlling what does and, more importantly, what doesn’t get published [5]; even to the extent of having published articles retracted that they see as damaging to their agenda, expunging the results from the public record and paving the way for expansion

corrupting science
This gentleman has some interesting things to say about science.

I know you'll never be convinced but I do hope at some point your mind will crack open one day and see all is not what it seems in our world of infinite possibilities.Nothing is the only thing that doesn't exist...all is possible and probable.
this is a prime example of the difficulties in the bigfoot research community

edit on 2-8-2015 by TWILITE22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: TWILITE22

Can you produce clear and concise instances where bigfoot research was inhibited by big money, government, religious, or any entity? I think perhaps their may be something to bigfoot sightings but the idea of living, breathing, dying, ultima sneaky primates in the American woods is so far from reality it is beyond absurd. Claiming as though it is conventional knowledge big bad gov or big bad science is to blame for covering up their existence should come with something.

edit on 2-8-2015 by Brotherman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: TWILITE22

(on a side note) my first picture I've posted! yay I never bothered to figure out how to post them since ats's overhaul, lol

Outstanding on that… it is the hardest thing to learn to do here.

Now show me a pic of one skull. I mean, somewhere out there, there has to be one tiny backwoods town with a little hole in the wall museum that all the locals know about that proves theres big foots because they found a skeleton and have had it on display for some time but nobody is interested enough to come an put it on the internet for everyone to see.

Just a skull, a jaw, a tooth… a pic of one, even?

bones and teeth are far and few in between but those that have been found are in the hands of private collectors
I did find one picture of a possible bf tooth,

long time witness holds what he believes is an actual tooth from one of the creatures that he found at the foot of an ancient Cherokee burial mound in Hebbardsville Ky.This tooth resembles a human canine only larger.Throughout the 19 and early 20 century many many sources site the discovery of giant human like skeletal remains in the bluegrass state the vast majority having been found in Native American burial grounds or mounds.The witnesses mother related to him before her death that she had personally witnessed the excavation of one such grave in Beals Ky.between Spottsville and Reed back in the 1920's.It was discovered during the process of building a bridge over a large creek.The bones were measured and found to be nearly 12 feet tall.The giants remains passed into private ownership and their whereabouts went unrecorded.

I do recognize the lack of evidence to be seen on the internet most of it in the form eyewitness accounts and that nothing short of a body will be sufficient for most die hard skeptics which is unfortunate for them.The best evidence are the foot castings even though some are faked others have been found to be authentic with dermal ridges that can not be replicated on a fake footprint.

Dermal Ridge Examination Report: Georgia Casting

To: Dr. Jeff Meldrum
Dept. Biological Science
Idaho State University
Pocatello, Idaho
From: J. H. Chilcutt
Latent Fingerprint Examiner
Conroe Police Department
Conroe, Texas

On November 15, 1999 I received from Dr. Jeff Meldrum a plaster cast footprint. The cast was made by Deputy James P. Akin of the Pike County Sheriff's Office in Pike County, Georgia in 1997 from an impression found in the Elkins Creek flood plain. The cast was 17.5" long and 8.5" wide.

edit on 2-8-2015 by TWILITE22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: Doc Holiday
Just throwing my theory out here..
I have not seen anyone give real consideration to bigfoot being almost 100% aquatic, and nocturnal.
It would explain many of the major bodies, elusive, why walk when you could float/swim...If I was 400-800 lbs..think I'd assume not walking unless I was forced too.
Predator...?? Really, there's no evidence of any primates chasing down game animals...besides with fish, mussels, crayfish, the rivers provide plenty of protein to sustain, bigfoot, without chasing "in season" berries or migratory elk..
a reply to: Retro~Burn

With all that body hair, it wouldn't make sense for them to be aquatic. Water soaked fibres weigh you down, they would lose body heat and it's not conducive for swimming. Beavers are animals that have fur for instance but they are much smaller. Bigfoot have been described as 'man like' and I'm not surprised they'd be chasing fauna. Since they're very large and muscular they would need a decent amount of protein to maintain such a physique. It would also depend how hungry they are and there's plenty of eyewitness testimony describing Bigfoot chasing animals.

posted on Aug, 2 2015 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: TWILITE22

That tooth hasn't a link to its examination by any chance? Just a man who believes he found it in a burial mound? It could be a Pony, Bear, Bison, Mammoth… can't rule out some other explanation.

As far as big feet…

22 inches

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 04:37 PM
Please delete

edit on 4/8/15 by Retro~Burn because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 04:38 PM
Something I've come across in a number of Bigfoot encounters is this swaying motion. They're described as swaying side to side with a fixated gaze on the witness. it seems aggressive to me and almost as though they're trying to 'hypnotise' a prey. Is this trait found in other apes/primates? Any thoughts on it?

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:25 PM
There are plenty of primates that's movements involve swaying motions. Thing is, though, it's just their movement, it really doesn't have much to do with prey. Also keep in mind that, if these creatures are really out there, they're not just any primate, they're great apes. Predatory actions should not really be a part of this conversation because of that. Sasquatches are more likely to be primarily herbivorous. The extent of sasquatch carnivorism, if there is any, would be very small animals and eggs. These encounters you're reading are better off ignored if they contain anything reliant on the creatures being carnivorous predators.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: ChesterGorilla
There are plenty of primates that's movements involve swaying motions. Thing is, though, it's just their movement, it really doesn't have much to do with prey. Also keep in mind that, if these creatures are really out there, they're not just any primate, they're great apes. Predatory actions should not really be a part of this conversation because of that. Sasquatches are more likely to be primarily herbivorous. The extent of sasquatch carnivorism, if there is any, would be very small animals and eggs. These encounters you're reading are better off ignored if they contain anything reliant on the creatures being carnivorous predators.

Could that motion signify annoyance on their part?

The part in bold, how come? I've been listening to some of the pod casts on Sasquatch Chronicles and apparently the ones in Texas are quite rabid and aggressive? There's also anecdotes from other parts of the country which describe quite brazen and aggressive behavior from them.

Thanks for your reply!

edit on 4/8/15 by Retro~Burn because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Retro~Burn

Could that motion signify annoyance on their part?

Will Jevning, on the earlier Sasquatch Chronicles podcasts, believes the swaying could be them working up their courage to confront or attack.
The brazen, aggressive behavior could be explained by different attitudes. Like us, they may have certain ones who are just mean or even mentally unstable, or maybe the encounter took place to close to their young or living space, and like a bear they are more likely to attack in those circumstances. These are wild animals and should always be treated as such.

Mr. Jevning also believe there are at least four species that fall in two classifications which I find possible if these things are discovered to be a living relic hominid or non extinct pre-human class. If there is more than one class of Sasquatch then it could be like a Gorilla to a Chimpanzee in comparison and could explain the size difference and attitudes that are reported from different regions.

My two cents worth...
edit on 5-8-2015 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 05:49 AM
a reply to: TWILITE22

No one is really doubting the results of the Ketchum study, that she did obtain such results (though as she chose not to publish, none of it has really been scrutinised). It is why she might have obtained them that is more contentious. Also her interpretation of them and her (unsupportable) conclusions based on them that scientists in general disagree with. For very good reasons. See the relevant note in the Sykes study (he mentions the precautions he took so as not to make the same mistakes). Not to mention the procedures that she overlooked, that could have leant some more weight to her opinion (could have done the opposite also).

The opposition to peer review is usually pushed quite strongly by groups like creationists, free energy "scientists", quantum health practitioners (charlatans) and of course...bigfoot "scientists". The fringe groups who start with a belief/conclusion and manufacture their "science" accordingly.

Your insistence that a closed mind is required to discount bigfoot (based on what has been put forward) is wrong. There are no reasons why a bigfoot type creature couldn't exist, yet at this stage everything points to cultural myth and a psycho-sociological phenomena. Accepting bigfoot as an undiscovered Apelike species, based on the (pseudo) "science" as put forward, really requires giving in to make believe.

edit on 9-8-2015 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: for the heck of it

posted on Aug, 9 2015 @ 05:50 AM

edit on 9-8-2015 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: double post.

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