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Bigfoot - imaginary or cunning?

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posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: Retro~Burn
a reply to: Hidinout

Can you describe your friend's encounter? Was he a skeptic beforehand?

Oh I sure can, he is an avid hunter, mid 50's now, he has been out in the wood hunting since he was a child, so he is extremely familiar with all the wildlife in the woods.

This was about 10 years ago, he was way up in the woods on an old logging road, he just stopped to get out and stretch his legs and take a look around, he was by a clear cut and he was looking at the tree line, not too far off, he saw a huge hairy creature standing by a big old stump, some of the stumps from the original old growth logging are tall. He saw it and it just turned and walked back into the forest. And my friend jumped into his truck and got out of there.

Like he said "I sure as hell know what a Bear looks like and it was no Bear, it was a hairy brown Man beast, a Bigfoot."

Oh yes and he was a total skeptic before this.

You know once you actually see something, be it a Sasquatch or a UFO, you never forget it and you know what you saw, no matter what people may try and come up with in regard to alternative explanations. You know what you saw.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 10:24 AM
I think first we have to understand what would happen if a body was found and released to the public. I think nothing short of chaos would ensue.
Now we have a rare, maybe close to extinct, animal that needs to be protected. Deforestation would have to halt until we could verify there habitat.
The outdoor camping hiking industry (billion dollar industry) would take a giant hit once people are forced to realize a large primate is out there with you. Would you sleep in a thin wall tent knowing one of these things could be standing over it during the night?
The discovery of a relic hominid bounding around the forests would upset both science and religion. Both have no place for it in there teachings. Especially if it's discovered not to be a missing link but more likely a evolved version of a Neanderthal or other pre human. Again we would be wondering where we fit in.

Think of the land that could be taken from private land owners if a sasquatch was proven to exist there.
The oil industry would have enormous red tape to frack in areas these things could be in and most likely it wouldn't be allowed due to outrage.

The government doesn't want something like this discovered so most likely if a real body has been found it's been swept under the political rug.
Once you understand the money lose that would occur from industries if a body was dragged out then you understand why it hasn't been allowed to happen.
I suspect bodies have been found and usually the first thing people do is call the authorities in. This is when the cover up begins. It's then your word against them if they take the body and said it never happened.

It is way more profitable for industries if this creature stays a mystery.

I've never seen one myself but thousand have and that's all I need to keep a look out when I'm in the woods.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

Actually most city zoos would just get a new attraction.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: Retro~Burn

I am of the belief that the vocalisations and wood knocking stuff is just made up BS from Matt Moneymaker, I believe he is a fraud and all about making money first and not about finding bigfoot. As far as real or not I think their may be something to bigfoot but its probably not what we think. David Paulides had some interesting information.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: Brotherman

I second you on that! Matt Moneymaker seems to be a fraud.
So you want to wood knock and yell warning the creature your hunting? It has never made sense to me.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Maybe a hundred years ago I could see them in a zoo but not this day and age. If this thing looks human enough, as crazy as it sounds, I could see groups of people trying to get it human rights.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive
Matt Moneymaker also claims Bigfoot breaks the legs of its prey so it can come back n get it later when its hungry, also says that bones are not found because squatch takes the bodies with them. I find his claims wild and unfounded especially if u want to believe bigfoot is an apex predator and like us similarly as far as bipedal with hands you would need society of sorts with a breeding population which would have to be fairly large to support his claims of bigfoot is everywhere. It all makes no sense. I actually watch finding bigfoot not because I think they are going to find one but rather I find their leaps and bounds of logic and incredible analysis of evidence highly amusing and disturbing at the same time. The only one I like is Renae lol

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: Retro~Burn

It's what they've done throughout their existence(those who believe) they are experts at hiding they eat and hide so they have become proficient at staying away from humans.They are shy and will not be seen unless they wish to be.The bigfoot topic is filled with faulty assumptions and there are some scientist who are taking the subject seriously they're just not announcing it to the world.
Many people are habituating with them some we hear about, other we'll never know about...I read this woman's book about her situation with bigfoot that takes place in her previously quiet neighborhood in North Carolina(?)if I remember correctly.She post video's of the sounds she hears,her name is Christine D. Parker(not her real name)
the bigfoots stay camouflage in the tree line although they do approach her house at night.Her neighbors can attest to the bigfoot's there as they have had experiences as well.
strange things are experienced at her home some quite unexplainable
weird voices



she has many many more on her channel

edit on 1-8-2015 by TWILITE22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 11:31 AM
sorry double post
edit on 1-8-2015 by TWILITE22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 12:00 PM

Bigfoot - imaginary or cunning?


It's a NA pop cultural myth. A mixture of hoaxing, charlatanry, tall tales and in some instances an interesting psycho-sociological phenomena. It isn't only that no one has found a bigfoot (though there is that too), it's that no one has ever found/documented any physical evidence of bigfoot, to indicate one these huge ape like species (yes, more than one) that are widespread across the entire continental US (and parts of Canada) the last 400 yrs or so of exploration/exploitation. The odds of that happening make bigfoot about as realistic as Santa.

The indirect/ secondary evidence that is offered is poor (often hoaxed) and often ridiculous enough to wonder if proponents are actually being genuine, or up for a bit of make believe.

There could be something to some of the other claims though, from other parts of the world. Still, none of them seem likely.

edit on 1-8-2015 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: for the heck of it.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 12:01 PM
Both, he's a cunning Tulpa

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 12:04 PM
The great untamed wilderness of the US.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: Hidinout

Wow, really fascinating. Thank you! What are your friends thoughts regarding to Bigfoot? Would he hunt/shoot it? Does he believe they should be recognised and protected?

TheLieWeLive and Brotherman, I appreciate that you guys find Matt Moneymaker (the irony) a bit suspect especially his theory on vocalisations and wood knocking. However, consider these two cases:

BFRO Report #18620

SC EP:128 It moved like a crackhead (around the 1:00 mark)

I've read of the speech they used and it's often described as being a sort of guttural Japanese.

edit on 1/8/15 by Retro~Burn because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: intrptr

wheres the forensics?
is there something wrong with this? is this not evidence?
Sasquatch Genome Project
Sightings are flooding in yearly this map doesn't include the sightings that are not reported it is said the numbers are much higher.Some of the reported eyewitness accounts come from people whom previously did not believe.

bigfoot sightings map
I know this post will not convince anyone who doesn't want to believe ...but not only do I believe they exist I know they do.
(on a side note) my first picture I've posted! yay I never bothered to figure out how to post them since ats's overhaul, lol
edit on 1-8-2015 by TWILITE22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Retro~Burn

Love me some Sasquatch Chronicles! I'm familiar with the podcast (listened to it last week).

It's not that I don't believe wood knocking works it's i don't think many understand what it could be communicating back to Bigfoot. Some believe it's part of thier hunting tactics and not a call to them but rather a way to let the others know that prey is coming their way. Also why would you howl or knock and give away your location to something your trying to catch a glimpse of?

The samurai chatter many have heard demonstrate some kind of language that these creatures may have. To avoid us like they do I imagine they have many forms of communication. I just don't think we understand it enough to go out and imitate it and know what message we are really sending. A wood knock could mean to hide. We just don't know enough.

edit on 1-8-2015 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: Skid Mark
a reply to: Retro~Burn

There are plenty of dense forests for something that size to hide in. Where I live, something could be in the woods ten feet from you and you wouldn't see it. There are also cave systems that are still undiscovered. That could explain the lack of bodies. They could live and die there and could also have a way of disposing of corpses.
I haven't seen one. I always wanted to though. My sister in law's co worker saw one. It crossed in front of her car and proceeded to step over a five foot high fence without breaking stride.

I had never considered that they might be cave dwellers. That could explain the lack of bodies and other secondary evidence.

If they dwell primarily in caves and only a few venture out to gather food and other supplies, it would explain why encounters are few and far between. Also, if they forage mainly in areas not frequented by humans, either by coincidence or choice, the chance of an encounter is even lower.

If dead bodies are kept in the cave, it might explain the horrendous stench often reported.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

I definitely get what you're saying about what wood knocks are and what each 'knock' communicates. I agree it seems counter-intuitive to make sound when hunting prey. However, without such technology as radio and no line of sight with your friends, sounds would be the only method of communication. It could also be a way of herding prey into a 'kill zone'? Bear in mind Sasquatch are built for speed and are always noted to move very quickly and can cover a lot of ground.

In regards to the 'samurai chatter' I mentioned, here's a great pod cast from the Sasquatch Chronicles (love the intro with the 911 call!): SC EP:118 Strange Sasquatch encounter around my property (forward to 30:54).

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 02:00 PM
Just throwing my theory out here..
I have not seen anyone give real consideration to bigfoot being almost 100% aquatic, and nocturnal.
It would explain many of the major bodies, elusive, why walk when you could float/swim...If I was 400-800 lbs..think I'd assume not walking unless I was forced too.
Predator...?? Really, there's no evidence of any primates chasing down game animals...besides with fish, mussels, crayfish, the rivers provide plenty of protein to sustain, bigfoot, without chasing "in season" berries or migratory elk..
a reply to: Retro~Burn

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: TWILITE22
is there something wrong with this? is this not evidence?

According to the scientific community at large and real evolutionary biologists who do genome sequencing of critters (as opposed to creationist veterinarians), yes there is a lot wrong with it. It's pseudo science. It exemplifies why publication in real scientific journals and peer review are important.

bigfoot sightings map
I know this post will not convince anyone who doesn't want to believe ...but not only do I believe they exist I know they do.

Would like to believe, started out hopeful.

The more sightings there are, the more widespread they are and the the longer they persist without something physically supporting the existence of bigfoot...the less likely it is that they are real. This was pointed out by Grover Krantz a long time ago. This makes bigfoot comparable to elves and grey aliens.

edit on 1-8-2015 by Cogito, Ergo Sum because: for the heck of it.

posted on Aug, 1 2015 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: Retro~Burn

I have lived in the PNW all my life, and have invested time and effort into the subject after speaking to an elder of the Tulalip Tribe. He regaled me with passed-down tales of their existence and interactions with many local tribes, and the belief among most that Sasquatch is a living being. After reading other local Tribes historical views of Bigfoot, and although anecdotal, they convey the same theme. Are all the tales made-up, or passed down tales of fantasy? It's hard to discount their oral history.

A most unique and interesting explanation of how Sasquatch avoids discovery and leaves no physical evidence was posted on Cryptomundo a few years ago. The author postulated that BF, as all living physical beings on our realm, has a distinct and camouflage-like vibrational quality. Similar to apparitions, he proposed that BF could be a trans-dimensional being or have the ability to avoid detection visually due to vibration. He stated that many sightings are in peripheral vision, and when the spotter turns their head to view directly, at times BF seems to have vanished. An interesting take on the subject, but just another theory sans proof.

In my homestate there are vast expanses of wilderness that are rarely if ever trekked by man, and could contain a species or support BF, and cannot dismiss the many reported sightings as hoaxes, hysteria and miss-identification. Look at BF-like sightings around the world, spanning generations--do they all fall under the end of my last sentence? If even one is valid, the possibility of Sasquatch's existence may be viable.

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