posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 10:13 PM
Computers I doubt will replace human intelligence anytime soon. Computers are good at COMPUTING; actual REASONING is a bit different.
And no machine will ever be entrusted no matter if it has emotions or not; Isaac Asimov made that point very clear in his books and the movie, "I
Robot," they made, based off of the same book, makes the same point. Who's to know that a computer may not reason that taking over humanity is
better for humanity's own good??
Computers will NEVER outdo the human brain's potential. Remember, we humans currently only use like 10% of our brain's potential at most. And modern
computers still have a loooong way to go. They are also finding that computers, in order to have anything close to human intelligence, are going to
have to be made most likely out of organic material, not metal and plastic.
Remember, we humans are machines too. We are incredibly, incredibly, INCREDIBLY complex machines, but technically, we are machines. We are machiens
made of carbon, iron, oxygen, hydrogen, etc.....we take in food, the food is utilized by our cells (mini-machines containing even lots more
mini-machines), that break down that food and utilize it to grow.
And that means that IF a computer ever does become the human brain's equal, or similar to it, it is not going to be an electronic, "machine-like
computer." It will be a machine made out of organic material, only this time organic material pieced together by humans, instead of by nature.
Our brains actually do have the computational power of computers in certain aspects, just those parts are left untapped. Whenever a person is like
literally a human calculator, they usually act like a total retard in terms of normal social skills, because since their brain's computational
section is very active, their other parts are not. Some believe most people are actually like this, just the computation parts of our brains are
inactive moreso which is why "normal" people can't live without a calculator or mathematics, yet a "retarded genius calculator-type" can have no
social skills or even care about people, yet computer numbers all the time. For example, one famous guy on this saw a tap-dancing show once and
literally counted EVERY tap the dancer made, from start to finish.
But computers have to be able to reason, to create art, to create beautiful music, computer is even close to that.
Also, there's the programming. The computer is one thing, but the program itself is usually what runs it. The A.I. in the game Halo is not your Xbox
being smart, it is the program running on your Xbox.
So computer science as a field has a long ways to go as well. Making a computer that can run a program as smart as the human brain is one thing;
making the program is another thing. Also, no one knows if our brains are jsut biological computers that run some sort of super, super intelligent
"software," or if it is our brains themselves that are smart.
Also, we humans do not fully understand good or evil. There is something innate in us that makes us feel certain things are good and certain things
are evil. But there is no true definition to the subject.
If some computer goes out and murders 50,000 people and you tell it that is wrong, it may say, "Why?" And you go into this and that, etc....on good
and evil, and at the end, the computer is still confused.
Because computers operate on logic, and logically, good and evil do not exist. There is NOTHING logically wrong with murdering a bunch of people
unless it somehow brings harm to you. The concepts of good and evil that we humans understand (and that thus tell us doing such an act is just wrong)
go beyond logic.
So computers and A.I. have a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way to go before ever matching a
You can make computers better at certain activities than a human, but that is it. No weapons of mass destruction (that term sounds funny now) are
going to be put at the "hands" of a machine that has ultimate control.