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Your Going To Hell?

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posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 04:19 AM
what Kevin Spacy said at the end of "American Beauty" springs into the mind, what do you think guys?

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by secretbuddha
What happened to "He without sin..." and "Judge not lest ye be judged"?

Haven't you read in the Law that we shall judge gods and angels? Doesn't Jesus himself say that his Word will judge? Doesn't you know that Jesus is atoning for the sinners, forgiving their sins making them sinless before God enabling them to judge and forgive? Whatever you forgive shall be forgiven, whatever you choose not to forgive shall not be forgiven. Jesus is the Father of the rightious Victor of the seven Congregations. He is the Word of Jesus who shall fulfill the Judgement. But first the deceiver must fulfill his measures and the Beast must repay his longtime lover. This isn't easy to understand when you have the choir of the deceiver singing in your ears, acting as if he has already won and sat down on his throne in Babylon of all places. It's not easy for the guillable and the simple to understand that Jesus was the Word of the Father and the Son of Yeshuah will be the Word of God. It's not easy to understand that a kind man can be Satan incarnate and that the Lamb is boiling over with wrath punnishing the world with plagues and wars, while the deceiver is a man bringing peace. God's Love isn't easily understood. And to receive it means to suffer like our Master Yeshuah. Our mortal understanding of love just isn't enough to understand the Love of God. But it's all explained right there in the Word....


posted on Oct, 30 2003 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by CyberGhost
what Kevin Spacy said at the end of "American Beauty" springs into the mind, what do you think guys?

sorry .. about what

posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 06:33 PM
I agree, Hell is only a concept taken out of context. Everything written in the bible is taken far too literally. I believe our souls are all a part of the 'Collective' God who exists for us and we for him. It's interesting to note that the Jews never believed in Hell, they called it Gehenna and it was a huge fire pit outside the city walls where the did blasphemous things, example: human sarcrifice etc. which is what Jesus was referring to.

I feared hell for many years until i decided to research myself the origins of it. All hell is really is an old English word for 'a hole in the ground' or 'the grave' nothing more than that. The church has used this to enslave many for the sake of becoming rich as many Evangelists Politicians etc do today. The only difference is we're becoming more 'awakened' to this truth and no longer believing in fairy stories told to us by those who were Great Story Tellers.

Life Exists on Positivity anything Negative destroys Life. Think about this for a moment .. Why would a Forever Merciful God in complete control of all things toss most of his civilization into a burning inferno simply because they failed to meet his 'Requirements' which are many if you've ever read the Bible. And how could my Mercy possibly be greater than that of Gods?

There is no lesson to be learned from being thrown into hell forever and ever. And consequently, the term 'forever and ever' in the Bible makes absolutely no sense in the Greek. It's actually called an 'AEON' which does End eventually. We're leaving the Constellation of Pices (actually we have) and will soon be entering into the Constellation of 'Aquarious'.

Here's the interesting part of this, Pices or The Fish Symbol is Very Christian. Aquarious is the age of Peace 'the 1000 reign'. It's a possiblity. People of ancient times were Star Gazers everything had something to do with the Stars and our Galaxy and why?

Possibly because we were genetic alterations from some other world who gave us a religion to control us (strange but could be true) or we evolved all on our own and created our own Religion beginning with the Zoroastrians Egyptians etc. People have this deep desire to control others and rule over them. Many of the Biblical stories are no different from other ancient beliefs such as Greek Mythology. Anyways, those are my thoughts on the Mythicial Hell thing.

posted on Nov, 1 2003 @ 07:57 AM
The more that you read on these subjects the more we realize how lost most of the world is. Satan really has alot of us fooled, doesnt he. There is a hell, oh yeh. and to say"Ill take my chances"is just not a route anyone should take. But by all means, according to most of us, we got a 50-50 chance there isnt a God, so why not, live the way you want to..................neh, Ill take the higher 50 and give God a chance.

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by hillrunner
The more that you read on these subjects the more we realize how lost most of the world is. Satan really has alot of us fooled, doesnt he. There is a hell, oh yeh. and to say"Ill take my chances"is just not a route anyone should take. But by all means, according to most of us, we got a 50-50 chance there isnt a God, so why not, live the way you want to..................neh, Ill take the higher 50 and give God a chance.

Life is all about taking chances, we're human we all have a mind and a conscience. However to assume 'Satan' aka the boogy man is gonna get us all the time is rather vague. If God truly loves us he won't condemn us and because we are a part of God we should be allowed to make mistakes just like a parent allows a child to make mistakes, its how we learn. To tell someone they 'have' to obtain faith and believe in something in a limited time period is insane. Why would God only judge us in the Flesh, as Flawed as it is? How can anyone be expected to Understand anything completely if they are always learning about something new? God told us to judge all things did he not? We aren't perfect and thats my point, we're Imperfect, even Christianity claims it's imperfections, and to love or obey or believe based on the fact that one may go to hell or be rejected of God has now become Obliged to by Religion to do so or Die in the flames of Hell??!
I Think Not. Love comes by being Loved Unconditionally and to say oh bob didn't get saved like he was supposed to so he doesnt get another chance is BS. If our flesh dies, what are we basing our Entire Existance on? whether or not our Flesh Obeyed within a particular time frame? I hope i'm making sense because our Spirits live on forever so why did God only give us the chance for Freedom from Hell during a very short time period as Human Beings??? And in a Body that decays and dies after 60-100 yrs??? Come on thats just Silly. Think about it!

[Edited on 7-11-2003 by Sapphire]

[Edited on 7-11-2003 by Sapphire]

posted on Nov, 7 2003 @ 07:23 AM

You speak and know of the truth.

posted on Nov, 8 2003 @ 09:17 PM
what does that have to do with anything? i dont care

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 12:12 AM
What they have on that site, has no relationship to the Jewish Rabbi, named Jesus Christ.

Talk about serious control issues!

Part of what makes me so sad, is the PLEASURE some Christians seem to take in telling others "Na, Na, Your Da*ned & I'm Not!".

That is just my opinion.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 12:36 AM
Well, that was probably the point of his adding that link, it's all crap and it goes to show how controlling some Religions have become. God is so far from the hate some of these sites expell it's laffable

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 07:44 AM
Why did Satan got 1/3th of the angels behind him if he was so bad and Gods heaven was perfect...

Why did God fought againt Satan at Egypt (Moses against the Gods of the Egypians) and when Satan lost...

why did the good God let the Egyptian army drown...

1/3th is a lot... anybody thought about that amount? Because it's a lot...

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Satan seems to be winning the ball game, and God isn't even on the playing field....

*sighs, and wonders when humanity will grow out of this worshipping of gods stage....*

Exactly, I feel sometimes like the only thing we arent doing is taking people to the tops of temples, killing them and throwing them off.

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by LeenBekkemaa
Why did Satan got 1/3th of the angels behind him if he was so bad and Gods heaven was perfect...

Why did God fought againt Satan at Egypt (Moses against the Gods of the Egypians) and when Satan lost...

why did the good God let the Egyptian army drown...

1/3th is a lot... anybody thought about that amount? Because it's a lot...

The legend goes that at one time Raziel, then gatekeeper by the gate to the highest Heaven and keeper of all eternal wisdom gave Adam a book while he was still in Eden. This book contained everything worth knowing about God, the creation of the worlds and all eternal wisdom, he showed Adam God's plan. The Word of God. When Adam received this book, however, there came about a great war in the Heavens, for God entrusted Adam with all their secrets, even the secrets not reveiled to them. 1/3rd of the angels swore alliegance and they made a plan, and eventually they managed to get hold of the book. They threw it in the ocean. God saw this, so he ordered Leviathan the great seamonster, to retrieve the book and give it back to Adam. That should answer all your questions I guess.

Edit: The book Raziel gave Adam is often refered to as the Divine Spark. Whoever held this would dress on angelity. Adam, as I said, lost this book or Divine Spark, but according to tradition, Rightious Enoch, seventh generation of Adam, found this. And this was why he was taken up to God after 365 years and transformed into the Great Angel Metatron who supposedly led Israel through the desert. He is said to be the person behind the title the Angel of God. Jesus is the Light. Enoch became the Angel of God because he found a tiny spark of this Light and let it shine so every living soul could see it and receive it. When God had assured himself that Man had yet again found God (in Enoch) he sent an angel to Noah, Enoch's third generation and showed him how to save humankind through making a giant, rodderless ship when God commanded the waters to fill the Earth in the great Flood.


[Edited on 9-11-2003 by mikromarius]

[Edited on 9-11-2003 by mikromarius]

posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 06:30 PM
About the Hell discussion:

Hell is not originally an English word. They have it from Norse mythology, where the pit of fire where the gods were destroyed for their iniquities was called Hel. The name it had from the goddess of the pit with the same name. It is interresting to note that only sinful gods were cast into Hel. Sinful humans were confided to other places. In English official translations there is no difference between Hades (Greek gate to She'ol) and Gehenna (gate to She'ol in the Hinnom valley outside Jerusalem) in Revelation. Instead they have edited the text and replaced it with the Norwegian gate to She'ol: Helvete. There are reasons why Revelation in this case some places refer to Greece and other places refer to the Land and never to Norway. There are six more gates to She'ol. One of these is in Iraq, as we see another place in Revelation when reading in the Light of the Day. She'ol is supposedly a system of underground caves, pits and magmalakes. The Lake of Fire is a great lava lake which will be central in the Judgement. My guess is that this lake will be the Yellowstone super caldera. USA is settled uppon the greatest timebomb in the world. According to it's "programming" it should go off any day now. When we look at the statistics for this caldera, it is way over due. The San Torino caldera was tiny compared to Yellowstone. The Americans run around fearing that the west coast should end up in the Pacific Ocean. They should rather fear that the whole continent may explode from below.

If you say there is no Hell or Gehenna or Hades or Lake of Fire you say that there are no volcanoes and there are no underground pits leading down to magma lakes. That's quite absurd.


posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Sapphire
Why would God only judge us in the Flesh, as Flawed as it is?

Well, God is a god and not a man. God doesn't judge in the flesh, he has very little respect for the human flesh. What he does show great respect for however, is when his children overcomes dispite all the efforts of Satan to destroy their flesh. How great a man are you if you have never suffered? Just about as great a singer as someone who have never sung.

You say the human body withers and dies within 60-100 years. Well, that's since our DNA has been programmed to last 120 years according to the nature constant epsilon who says something about how cells multiply and generates/regenerates, the exact same age limit Genesis says God gave us just prior to the flood. The human body can, if you are allowed to eat from the Tree of Life after the Judgement, live on eternally. If you want to look into this, do a search for thelomeres, it's very interresting.


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