posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to:
Biotechnology is a particular interest to me as well. Welcome to ATS. Take a look around. Believe in what you want because in that particular feild of
science with religion they can't particular dictate what is true or not in terms of belief. There are many creationists who are in the bio-tech feild.
The feild itself supports the notion of creationism. Since DNA is a type of language. Many atheists who become bio-technicians or scientists change
their points of view often. As creating an entirely different living organism than what can be found in nature puts questions into ones own head.
" If i can create life, What's stopping something else from doing it too? "
The shadows and odd animals incorperated into your life could very well be subtle memories of Alien contact you may not remember at this time. I
personally have seen these * Shadows* you describe and i also have seen more than a few Owls in my life which tend to be quite elusive animals to
begin with. I'v had owls follow me around before too. I remember last summer this owl followed me all the way home. Flying and resting on each light
post as i walked in the moonlight. It was a surreal experience. The shadows, is well to long of a story to write it here. Feel free to browse my
replies in threads as well as some i have made myself.