posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 01:49 PM
What gets me about these politicized cases is how regardless of what the victim themselves may have wanted the activist groups take things and go the
way they want with it. Quote Rodney King: "Can't we all just get along?". No Rodney, we want to riot!
If by action BLM intends to protest peacefully regardless I'm down with that.
If they mean to let things get out hand intentionally in an already badly fractured city then no, just go home.
That's the problem with all activist groups, regardless of reality they have to bend, spin or fabricate reasons for their own relevance.
One need look no farther than the SPLC to see what I mean.
30 years ago they were called Klanwatch, now they're the official government and DHS go-to source for hundreds of "hate groups".
If a problem doesn't exist - they have to make one.
Eta: After watching the video of the stop and shooting it's very hard to tell what transpired exactly. The officer seemed to be very casual and
non-confrontational, his voice was calm and non-threatening. Not a reason to shoot anyone but it looks like DuBose was driving drunk on a suspended
license. Trying to take off while the officer is asking you to do otherwise is never a smart idea but drunk people make notoriously poor decisions.
Hard to say which way this will go, It's certainly not a slam dunk conviction imo due to the officer falling down which indicates his hand was
entangled in the seat belt or DuBose was grabbing his hand. I would hate to see an innocent cop go down just to satisfy loud demands for justice.
edit on 29-7-2015 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)