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2005 = Bloodshed

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posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 09:53 AM

Nobody with any brains will take down their own economy by taking down ours. It's all about the cash these days.

You know, I was glad to hear that statement. It actually helps my point. and what I said earlier... Without america they would be chaos. Now Russia and China, already in on this scheme, would know not to fear from the worlds economy going down the drain. Because in the chaos that occurs after the US is nothing more than a life drained battleground. Someone needs to come in and make things better. the NWO, who plotted this and Used everyone like pawns in chess... Now once the NWO has put its foot in and starts making things better, they give a bonus to China and Russias Economic fortune. thus them a payement from the War.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by wave
Without america they would be chaos.

this is a joke right?
America and Israel are the two biggest threats to world peace. America is on a huge decline, its not long before China becomes the world superpower. The world would be better off if America just stuck to issuses in its own country. The neo cons think its America's right to spread the "American way" and "Democracy" across the world, is it really? causing war, killing women and children, ruining people's that the American way?

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 01:52 PM
I have felt the same thing....I don't know why. Is this unprecented? Did people say the same things about 2004 a year ago??

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by p a v e l
I have felt the same thing....I don't know why. Is this unprecented? Did people say the same things about 2004 a year ago??

He is making apoint,
i do recall the same threads last year about 2004

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Die Trying
Hey ya all. Just been reading through this and a few thoughts came into my head as i was reading.
I'm an Aussie. and i like Americans. you guys are nice people. Notice that you guys are giving more money in aid to this wave disaster than China,Russia,Japan,Germany,Canada. combined yet these countrys are always bagging you out.

I want to say as an American, we love the Aussie's! We are very glad you guys are on our side. You know whats really going on and from a very proud American we thank you! (big hug!)

As for the releif effort. No one (media) has said shiit about the $160,000 the FRENCH
gave to the effort. The media
is so wraped up in Bush bashing, they dont report any "news" anymore! The French
, you suck! Not all but most, I know there is some good people in France
! (you should leave by the way before muslims extremists kill all the good ones!). We (allies) saved your a$$ in WW2, what if you guys were the ones in the powder bath you bunch of wussy's?

[edit on 30-12-2004 by et is dead]

[edit on 30-12-2004 by et is dead]

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 09:35 PM
ChrisRT - My dad is working on the F-23a right now and its bad azz!

We as Americans should be standing up for more rights and stop all the bs that blinds dumb americans!

Teachers are not getting paid the money they should! Sports players/CEO's/Etc should be getting paid less and teachers more!

I hope if you have kids your teaching them 'Truth'

Media need to get burned to the ground and "real" news needs to be put in place.

Back our President! even if you hate him. He's doing more to protect us (on a whole) then that homo clinton did! In the long run people will see this!

We do need to get away from the whole money thing, help other humans evolve should be our goal. Not to go to school to get a job to get rich and fat and die, thats bs and backwards!

Get up and turn your tv's off and do some sit ups and charity work!

We need to stop killing the earth, because as we could see the Earth is killing us now! (There's more Earth payback to come!)

We need other fuel other then crude. We should of had this licked years ago! I aploud the people working on this right now!

The west coast does need a better defense, anything could happen there! Anyone could storm any beach with ease!

People in California have more guns then you think
and if some chineese or whoever wants to invade you better bring some missles!

There are alot of people in America that will Defend this great country! Even if ALL of our troops are other places. I know that millions of people right now that would never go into the millitary, but if shiit hit the fan, we would stand for our flag to the death!

You muslim extremist you better hope the Christian extremist dont get ahold of you!

The U.N. needs to go! There so full of back stabbing USA haters it makes me sick. What makes me more sick is we give the most money to those jerks!

We need to be helping our own people (usa) more! There are 100's of millionaires that sit pretty when they could be doing ALOT more to aid humanity at large!

We need to get more harsh to people who commit violent crimes, maby if we start cutting off ther body parts for the crime maby they and other would think twice about doing stupd emoral things!

Taking the 10 commandments out of public places / schools is stupid and people who dont belive in god are apart of this.

Dont take god out of your pledge! If you do this country will die! This country was founded on faith and god. It will not survive without him/her!

Im done for now, im hungry!

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by infinite

Originally posted by wave
Without america they would be chaos.

....not long before China becomes the world superpower....

Ha Ha - been their lately?? First world in Hong Kong thanks to the Brits and second world in most other cities and most definitely third world in the hinter lands.... Yeah right, superpower my a$$ and just who by the way buys their crap?? The middle American sheeple at Wally World.... I've never been to a Wally World and I have never worn khakis - ooh maybe I'm a NWO spook (NOT) but I do make bank.... Like Paris said - "What's a Walmart - where you get wall stuff..??" Girl is smarter than we think....

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by infinite

Originally posted by USER
Aside from being the largest purchasers of arms annually and having the largest army, they also are a massive nuclear force with dozens of warheads already aimed at U.S. cities.

Source please,
especially the part about warheads already being aimed at
US cities.

For example, I refer you to:

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 06:48 AM
lets try and keep this thread on track,
this thread is to do with bloodshed surrounding the NWO movement in 2005...

lets stick to the subject

USER, thank you for the source

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 08:48 AM
Last night I dreamt we had another 9/11-style attack, executed the same way as 9/11. A plane hit a smaller building in NYC in this dream.

I'm still disturbed by it.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Amethyst
Last night I dreamt we had another 9/11-style attack, executed the same way as 9/11. A plane hit a smaller building in NYC in this dream.

I'm still disturbed by it.

but this is not the members Dreams and predictions section
move discussion there, not here

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 10:47 AM
Here is some supporting information in regards to the U.S.A being invaded to submit to the New World Order:


from OPERATION PAPERCLIP, that ultimately thousands of Nazi war criminals (SS, Einsatzgruppen, Gestapo, etc.) came "legally" into America.

"We even called this PLAN to seize America for the New World Order, 'THE FINAL SOLUTION' from INSIDE THE CIA!"

The above quotes were taken from here. It goes on to talk about how America will have her Constitution dismantled under a Martial Law-type scenario. There is mention of camps all over the Country of the U.S.A that will be used to harbour and possibly destroy the unwilling. There is mention that there is already foreign troops inside and around U.S.A--is this true? It mentions that Chinese and Russian, specifically German, troops will help dismantle the Americans under Martial Law. The most important thing is, I think, that there are people in the Governing places of America who will help make this happen.

Is it possible that Project Harmony is a front for Russian-U.S.A police co-operation in the event of the New World Order takeover?

-- the U.S. military must be completely dismantled
-- all U.S. citizens must be disarmed
-- all U.S. weapons must be surrendered to the U.N. military apparatus
-- an armed internal police apparatus, subservient to the U.N., must keep the "peace" in the USA.

Cuppett noted that a military police state in USA would be possible only with the help of foreigners willing to fire on the American people if so ordered by U.N. overlords.

Mass terrorist attacks, sniper attacks, and so forth are a tremendous psychological lever for ushering in a police state.
September 11, 2001 terror attack?

The above quotes taken from here.

This never gets discussed on the mainstream. Much of what is said in the above information is what is happening today, i.e., terror attacks to usher in the Police State, dismantling the Constitution etc.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 12:38 PM
"et is dead"
First of all, dont get me started on Bush, protecting us... He has spent 5 trillion dollars in the past 4 years.... Clinton got us out of debt with a 3 trillion surplus... Bush spends thats and makes our debt 2 trillion... We dont need protected by "military might" in Iraq, we need our army here, to protect the Mainland... And we need to be protected financially... th Way Clinton was doing.........

Back to the Topic... Even with no Russia or China Attacking, even though I have been saying they will for the past 5 years... but even without them. With no America, the financial status of the world would crash. Everybody knows how bad it got after 9/11 imagine if the entire country was "out of operation" the world would need someone to step in and pick things up, and a perfect chance for a one world government to take care of the world financial crisis, and have all the control of the money. Thus controlling the people... And for those who think even if america didnt exist there would be no change... Think of all the things America imports from different countries, many countries primary exports goto America, bringing a decent amount of money, without that money, those countires would suffer... Think of all the medical/food aids that america sends out each year to third world countries.... without america, who is going to pick up the slack? those countries would starve. Think of this.... the foreign, doctors and lawyers, and other high paying positions, that people come here for to better their lives and send money back to their families in other countries, thoses families will have it harder... Even if you hate America, you got to realize, Half of the world depends on it in some way or another, maybe it being, the trading of imports and exports, maybe the aid, food/medical, maybe it being the Family members over here helping out their families in other countries. America is an huge part of the worlds financial stability. Sure not all the world would crash, Richer/Well-to-do countries wont be affected as drastically as others. But it would be.... a staggering blow.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 02:56 PM
well things can get worse, after busy got elected. china will soon be in the same
power as america, but america will not accept this,. so they will ask china to armor down, then war will start, countries will start to take side, and asia will be battleground.

i believe america will invade another country in 2005 (korea or iran) for stupid reasons. shouldnt we be scared by america, america can invade most of the world if they wanted to. isnt this the same treat irak was invaded for?

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 04:48 PM
[edit on 31-12-2004 by freeb]

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by serlex
well things can get worse, after busy got elected. china will soon be in the same
power as america, but america will not accept this,. so they will ask china to armor down, then war will start, countries will start to take side, and asia will be battleground.

i believe america will invade another country in 2005 (korea or iran) for stupid reasons. shouldnt we be scared by america, america can invade most of the world if they wanted to. isnt this the same treat irak was invaded for?

Little hard for me to read this so i will translate it so other members can understand it easier.
Things can't get worse, now that bush is elected. China will soon have the same power as America, but America will not tolerate this. So, then America will ask China to become less powerful. Hearing this, China will go to war. During the war, countries will side with earier china or America. The war will be fought in Asia.

Ok now that i translated that, yes i generally agree with what you are saying. I think what you are proposing might be WWIII
(correct me if i'm wrong). I think this would be a primetime for the NWO to take over

Just my 2 cents


posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 09:26 PM
For those who say China and Russia are basically enemies check out this. It says they have agreed to start doing war games in 2005. This can basically amount to an alliance capable of challenging the US.

Also China and India are deepening ties. That along with China and Russia growing more fond of each other, I can see a deepening problem. China has tons of man power, quite a bit of access to cash for military issues, Russia has technology equivalent and in some cases beyond that of the US. (Check pulsed power technology). India has an ever growing pocketbook. Combined I beleive that means the US might not have the run of the world for much longer.

While I know not to trust CNN both of those stories have been listed elsewhere.

Here are some questions for anyone that knows our goverments structure well.

Who iniates martial law in the US?

What trigger factors are first needed to give that person authority to issue martial law?

How long can martial law stay in effect?

How is the state of martial law removed?

Who has power during a state of martial law?

Does the person(s) who begin in power at the start of martial law retain power until it is lifted? (i.e. No elections, no successors)

Those are some of the questions we should really be concerning ourselves with these days. If it does start coming to pass we need to know how to deal with it. While talking and discussing are all great and needed, we also need to be ready to act in case we must.

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 09:41 PM
Hmm if russia, china, and india all allianced together i believe tehy would possibly create a new nation with all three of them. If this were to happen they could easily take over the rest of Asia with little to no opposition. This new Asian Nation would contain approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the world's population
. The only way any country would be safe would be to alliance together. So i think it would become Asian Country Vs. all of the other countries in the world. I'm not sure what would happen though after all of the nations of the world formed into basically 2 countries/alliances. any oppions?
p.s.- i hope that made sense, U2U me if you have any suggestions on how to make the post make more sense. Thanks


posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 10:17 PM
Well even though I dont see all of the nations forming into 2 alliances..

The last two times we have even come close to that caused WWI and WWII..

posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Xerrog
Here are some questions for anyone that knows our goverments structure well.

Who iniates martial law in the US?

What trigger factors are first needed to give that person authority to issue martial law?

How long can martial law stay in effect?

How is the state of martial law removed?

Who has power during a state of martial law?

Does the person(s) who begin in power at the start of martial law retain power until it is lifted? (i.e. No elections, no successors)

Those are some of the questions we should really be concerning ourselves with these days. If it does start coming to pass we need to know how to deal with it. While talking and discussing are all great and needed, we also need to be ready to act in case we must.

Martial law will be triggered as soon as the next terrorist attack happens. Bush will probably tell us that we need to have policies that are tougher, and that the only way to do that is to limit some of our freedoms. The FEMA is probably standing by right now, just waiting for a reason to round us up into the hundreds of camps they have built for us. When martial law starts, it probably won't end, unless an outside force intervenes, or American civilians put up a damned good fight (which we will).

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