posted on Jul, 28 2015 @ 06:02 PM
This is just the beginning. These kind of discussions will likely become more frequent and intense as A.I. advances and people become more aware of
the issues it brings. The following is just my take on things, and reflects my personal pov. Yours may be different and equally legit.
The military applications of A.I. technology, and their plans to develop an autonomous killing machine, is just a reminder of where we’re headed.
It’s plans served to set off a few alarms and raise some flags for concerned citizens like Hawking, Musk, Gates, etc., resulting in this open
letter. That, in turn, has raised public awareness of the potential danger if this technology is misused. There’s a difference between smart bombs,
cruise missiles, weaponized drones, etc. and the autonomous killer robots this thread is about. The former are in the control of humans; a human must
approve the target and ultimately pull the trigger. In the latter case, the machine/robot is not under human control; it chooses the target and it
decides when to pull the trigger. Big difference.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, though, as far as A.I. goes. As machines begin to approach human level intelligence it’s going to raise a whole
host of other issues. At first it will start causing a lot of anxiety and discomfort as the human workforce is systematically replaced by smarter,
more efficient machines. It will not only be blue collar jobs that are lost, as the white collar workforce takes a hit, as well. For the lucky humans
who’ve managed to keep their job for awhile, many will start taking orders from their new android supervisors. This could cause a lot of unhappy
campers, as the unemployment lines grow.
Probably around mid-century sometime, as A.I. intelligence meets human level intelligence, and in many cases begins to exceed it, people are likely to
start getting quite nervous. Knowing now that there’s no stopping it, and that they are destined to become subservient, I would suspect things will
start to heat up. It will definately be a hit to the psyche for many folks, as everything we’ve come to know socially, politically, philosophically,
religiously, etc. will now come into question. We’ll be forced to reassess entire belief systems and notions about what it is to be Human.
Finally, at some point you will be faced with a decision to make: you can either 1) remain 100% human, and be left behind as a subservient class
being, or 2) accept the necessity for artificial augmentation to keep pace with the machines. The necessary transition to the new paradigm will be a
difficult one for many.
Like neoholographic said in the OP, these discussions we have about A.I. and it’s (mis)uses are needed, even though we’re helpless to stop
it. At this point, I'm afraid the cat’s outta the bag.